Morrin Cultural Center

Project Description

The Morrin Center is a literal historical society for english speakers in Quebec City. For this project the goal was to give visitors the ability to explore the museum virtually online through an interactive website. For this project I recreated the existing library completely in 3D, including ornate railings and a number of artifacts. The elements were constructed in 3D Studio Max, then treated in photoshop and finally integrated in Flash to create an interactive application.

Project Details

Client Morrin Center
Date 2010
Skills Interactive 3D
View Virtual Museum

Curiouser & Curiouser!

Welcome to the Morrin Virtual Museum! When the center first approached us to create an interactive shelf displaying some of their more interesting artifacts we loved the idea. But we just had to take this project to the next level, by the time the project was completed we had completely remade the interior of the msum in 3D, we create multiple apps for displaying historical information in new and engaging ways. This project is a work of art, it went far beyond the client’s desires and was the beginning of a wonderful decade long relationship of project partnerships.

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Programming Bill Sullivan
3D Artists Levi Yates, Bill Sullivan, Vincent Brisebois, Kris Eggleston

  • Autodesk 3D Studio Max 40% 40%
  • Adobe Flash 40% 40%
  • Adobe Photo Shop 10% 10%
  • Adobe Illustrator 10% 10%

Original Project Storyboard…

Interactive Virtual Museum

Explore the museum’s two floors, click on artifacts and our historian avatar will tell you all about the artifact in a mini history lesson. The information panels include links to other artifacts and linked information in the periodicals and microfiche.

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3D Recreation

The entire inside of the virtual museum was constructed in Autodesk’s 3D Studio Max, combining hundreds if not thousands of assets into just a few rendered scenes. As you can by the wireframe renders these models quickly become complicated but thanksfull we had the right artists to contribute and make it all happen.
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Narration Ken Ramsden
Background Music George Turcotte
Cameras Cannon SLR, GoPro

  • Autodesk 3D Studio Max 20% 20%
  • Adobe Flash 70% 70%
  • Adobe Photo Shop 10% 10%

dungeon Game

The project includes a mini video game that mimics the classic carnival game “whack a mole” where you take on the role of prison guard tasked with the job of keeping the inmates in their cells, but be careful one of the inmates is a real mole who informs you of any possible rebellions, keep in mind not to hit the mole.

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Narration Ken Ramsden
Background Music George Turcotte
Cameras Cannon SLR, GoPro

  • Autodesk 3D Studio Max 20% 20%
  • Adobe Flash 70% 70%
  • Adobe Photo Shop 10% 10%

Periodicals and Microfiche

We created two separate applets for viewing different textual content. The periodicals resemble a physical book with animated pages turning to complete the look and feel.
We also created a pseudo microfosh applet to explore historical data, it includes a cool blur fx to make it as authentic as possible. The pages also include links t other related information making it as functional as visibly fashionable.

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  • Autodesk 3D Studio Max 20% 20%
  • Adobe Flash 70% 70%
  • Adobe Photo Shop 10% 10%

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