Ron Kengerg / Ikoy
Project Description
Ron Keenberg is one of Canada’s most celebrated architects of international acclaim. With iconic building around the world Ron had a extensive portfolio that he wanted to put online combined with the ability to purchase his Book detailing some of his most impressive projects. The site was designed in Flash to take advantage of it’s interactive full screen capabilities.
Project Details
Client Ron Kenberg
Date 2009
Skills Flash HTML
Online Portfolio
Ron wanted this project to use the full screen capability of flash as a platform for his online portfolio. Over a series of weeks I worked with Ron to insure the final project was to his specific needs and artistic tastes. Taking a serious of his accomplishment and documenting then with photographs, sketches and technical data. It was a pleasure working with Ron and one of the highlights was meeting with him at his Glass House, one of the few in existence.
- Autodesk 3D Studio Max 40%
- Adobe Flash 40%
- Adobe Photo Shop 10%
- Adobe Illustrator 10%
Content, Content, Content
One of the hardest tasks was reducing the amount of content down to manageable amount. Ron has so many beautiful award winning structures that it was hard deciding what projects to include. If you like Ron’s work please visit the site and purchase his book it’s filled most of his portfolio.