Canadian Illustrated News, vol.XXII, no. 23, page 353. Reproduction à partir du site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Nouvelles en images : Canadian Illustrated News.
Between 1 to 4 hours
History and Citizenship, Secondary School Education, first cycle
Present the youth novel ‘‘The Jungle Book’’, volumes 1 and 2, written in 1894 by the British author Rudyard Kipling. Ask the students if they have read the book and then have them resume it. It is also possible to ask the Literature professor to have the language class read and analyse the book several weeks before it is discussed in the history class.
Ask questions on the author and his books. If need be, ask students to research the subject and bring that information along for the next class. It can be both interesting and useful to share the information so all students can have the same knowledge of the author.
What are Kipling’s other works? Take out a list of his works and emphasize a poem published in 1899: «White Man’s Burden».
Did these colonialist ideas apply here in America? How do you believe colonialism/imperialism manifested itself here in Canada?
Text: ‘‘White Man’s Burden’’: On Rudyard Kipling: Cultural imperialism: Texts on imperialism and colonialism «Kipling, the ‘White Man’s Burden,’ and U.S. Imperialism» in Monthly Review, volume 55, Number 6, November 2003: Copyright – Morrin Centre - 2008 |