Donations to the Library and Museum since June 4, 1829
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series, Volume 2 (1831)]
J. Fraser, Esquire. — Roman Vase from Herculaneum.
Mr. W. Millar. — A Craniological Skull with an explanatory pamphlet.
Revd. G. Bourne. — A German Atlas by Homana, 1789. A variety of Geological specimens.
Dr. Carter. — An antique Roman Coin found near Knaresborough about a century ago. An Anatomical variety from a Cows throat.
Sir John Caldwell. — A basket of Insects. Specimens of Fossil remains discovered at the Hog's Back, on the Ottawa.
Peter Sheppard, Esq. — Specimen of Lead in natural state from Indian Cove near Grand Grève, Bay of Gaspé.
Captain Stanworth, of the General Wolfe. — A Tropical Sea Bird caught on the Equator with a flying fish in its mouth, on the passage from Buenos Ayres to Bristol.
S. Robertson, Esq. — A cask of Geological specimens from Great Mecatma, Labrador.
Lt. Col. Cockburn, R. A. — A piece of the linen covering of an Egyptian Mummy.
Mrs. Bouchette. — A large specimen of Coral.
W. Q. Skewes. — A piece of Red Egyptian Granite from the Pillar called "Pompey's" brought to this country by Captain Hopper of the ship Crown, broke off the pedestal by his carpenter.
Chief Justice Sewell. — A specimen of Iron Ore from St. Mary, Nouvelle Beauce. A specimen of Manganesian Garnet found at Charlesbourg. A Quebec Almanac, 1779, The original Diploma of Bachelor of Arts conferred upon an Indian, D. Ludovicus Vincent, by the College Dartmouth, in 1781. The Manifesto published by General Wolfe on his arrival in the St. Lawrence, and his General Orders issued on board the Sutherland Ship of War off St. Nicholas the night before the battle of the 13th September, 1759, on the Plains of Abraham. The Manifesto published by Count D'Estaing on board the French Ship of War, the Languedoc, at Boston, Massachusetts, 28th October, 1778, addressed to all the ancient French in North America. Tables by J. Watt of the Temperature of the Atmosphere at Quebec, for the seven vegetating months of 1825. Specimen of Anthracite found between two rocks on Cape Diamond.
Mr. C. J. R. Ardouin. — A specimen of Intestinal Worm.
Dr. Lyons. — A specimen of Intestinal Worm. A specimen of Carbonate of Copper.
Lieut. Ingall, 15th Regt. — Five cases of Insects and 74 specimens of Minerals collected in exploring the country traversed by the St. Maurice expedition, in the summer of 1829.
F. X. Perrault, Esq. — A Model of a Wind Saw Mill made by a Canadian country carpenter. His Excellency Sir James Kempt, G. C. B. & G. C. H.—An Achromatic Telescope by Dolland.
Mr. Robert Symes. — A specimen of Hyppocampus.
Mrs. Sheppard, Woodfield. — A Dipus Canadensis, "The Canadian Jerboa" caught at St. Foi. Captain Bayfield, R N. — 53 specimens of Minerals from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Specimen of Coraline from do. A specimen of Coral from Anticosti. A piece of oak being part of the plank of Ship Meteor, Captain Watson, remarkably perforated by Insects, while lying in a port
six weeks.
Lieut. Baddely, R. E. — Specimens of Minerals from Kingston.
Revd. Dr. Harkness. — Five old Coins.
Rev. Joseph M. Bellenger. — An Indian Arrow Head found in a field at La Valtrie in 1829.
W. Henderson, Jr. Esq. — An Indian Arrow Head found at St. Joachim.
David Stuart, Esq. — An Indian Stone Hatchet.
Dr. X. Tessier, New York. — Begin's Therapeutics, 1 vol. translated into English by Dr. Tessier, with additional notes. The dedication Copy.
Francis Durette, Esq. — A Box Italian Marbles, containing 120 specimens or varieties.
Mrs. Augustin Germain. — A vol. Engravings, "Recueil de cent Estampes representant differentes Nations du Levant gravées sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, par les soins de M. Le Hay, à Paris, 1714."
Hon. Mr. Justice Taschereau. A specimen of Maple Sugar 46 years old.
Wm. Green, Esq. — An Indian Arrow Head, discovered by Mr. Murray, Farmer, in ploughing at Beauport. A piece of Turf' or Peat from Ireland.
Joseph Lagueux, Esq. — A Fillet worn by the Jewish High Priests, containing the Decalogue written in Hebrew on a slip of parchment.
Mr. R. F. Maitland. — A Silver Coin, being a Queen Elizabeth Shilling.
Mr. Brent. — A piece of Continental money being a ten Shilling Note of the Virginia Convention, July 17, 1775.
Lyceum of Natural History of New York. — Two vols. 1st and 2nd and two Nos. 1st and 2d of 3d. vol. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Do. do. 2d and 4th Nos. of vol. 3.
Mr. Evans. — Specimens of Limestone and other Minerals from Shipton and Compton.
Sir Noel Hill. — A number of Cannister Shot of stone and iron, also a Musket Lock, found in 1818, on ploughing the Plains of Abraham.
Mr. Buchanan, Consul, New York. — A Model of a Rail Road.
Dr. Wm. Fraser, Murray Bay. — A white Mouse.
Mr. Bowen, R. B. — A Snake from Hare Island.
Mr. Légaré. — A large Crystal of Carbonate of Lime from Cap Rouge.
Mr. David Anderson, Cornwall. — A portion of a cubical Crystal of Iron Pyrites, extracted entire from the centre of a rolled stone; it measured when whole two inches each side.
Mr. Wm. Hall. — A piece of Soapstone from the township of Brougham.
Mr. W. S. Chapman .— A Galvanic Battery.
Dr. William Reece.—Munro's Anatomical Tables.
Albany Institute. — Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of their Transactions.
Dr. Tessier. — Dr. Beck's Address to New York State Medical Society.
G. M. Ross, Esq. — A list of the Recorders of London, from the year 1298 to 1789.
Revd. Mr. Bellenger. — A box of minerals, ochres, &c.
Revd. G. Bourne. — Combe's Elements of Phrenology. Ryan's thoughts on Education.
Dr. Jacob Porter. — His Pamplet on the use of the chlorides.
W. S. Sewell, Esq. — Head of an Indian Battle Axe, found at Beauport.
― Hayden, Esq. — Specimens of Soapstone and other Minerals.
Hon. Mr. Justice Taschereau. — A Manuscript vol. containing an authentic statement of the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Militia of Quebec, during the siege of that city in 1775-76, with a list of the volunteers engaged therein, and a statement of the number of deaths during the siege.
Justin Pierce, Esq. — His improved reference map of the valley of the Connecticut and Western section of New England.
W. Green, Esq. — Specimen of Anthracite. Specimen of a stone suitable to the purposes of Lithography, from the Island of Anticosti.
J. Bouchette, Esq. — Dr. Marshall's Treatise on the practical management of Vaccination.
R. D'Estimauville, Esq. — A number of Insects.
Historical Society of New York. — A complete series of their Transactions in five vols.
The Hon. Chief Justice Sewell. — Two 4to works, entitled, Mémoires et Instructions pour servir les negociations et affaires concernant les droits du Roi de France, 1675. Et Traites des droits du Roi très Chrestien sur plusieurs états et Seigneuries possédées par divers princes voisins, &c. 1680.
Sir W. Scott's History of Scotland.
Specimen of Freestone from Malbay.
Specimens, polished and unpolished of an excrescence said to be of the beech tree.
Revd. D. Wilkie. — A collection of Botanical Specimens made by the late Dr. Sparks, M. A.
Felix de Brunner, Ecr. Lt. Col. — Mémoire sur l'emploi des vases clos portatifs pour la fabrication du charbon végétal, minéral et animal — par Brevet d'Invention, par Felix de Brunner, membre correspondant de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale de France. — Echantillons de toiles imperméables en fil, en coton, et fil et coton, par le moyen de la gomme élastique, par un procédé économique. A bottle containing a sample of Sirop de Patates.
Albany Institute. — Nos. 5 and 6 of 1st vol. of Transactions of the Albany Institute.
Town Major Frost. — A singular specimen of the potato.
James Ross, Esq. — The jaws of a Shark.
― Jones, Esq. — A specimen of Portland stone, containing fossil shells.
W. Sax, Esq. — Two specimens of Serpentine, from the township of Leeds.
Charles Campbell, Esq. — Histoire politique de l'Allemagne, par le Vicomte de la Maillardiere.
Madame Gourgaud. — A singular specimen of the Star-fish.
E. C. Dupuis, Esq. — Two specimens of Otaheitean Cloth.
Dr. Lyons.—Twenty-five Engravings of newly discovered Plants.
John Adams, Esq. — A specimen of the Wax Plant, (myrica cerifera.)
Dr. Perrault. — Several articles of Chinese manufacture, viz. — a mantle, a silk apron, two specimens of paper made from the papyrus, a fan, and a pair of slippers.
Hon. John Hale. — A specimen of Virgin Copper, said to have been found in Upper Canada.
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