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Autograph Letter on Witchcraft


By Cotton Mather


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series, Volume 2 (1831)]



17th 6m,1692.




You would know whether I still retain my opinion about ye horrible Witchcrafts among us, and I acknowledge that I do.


I do still Think That when there is no further Evidence against a person but only This, That Spectre in their Shape does afflict a neighbour, that Evidence is not enough to convict ye―of Witchcraft.ή


That the Divels have a natural power wch makes them capable of exhibiting what shape they please I suppose no body doubts, and I have no absolute promise of God that they shall not exhibit mine.


It is the opinion generally of all protestant writers that ye Divel may thus abuse ye innocent, yea, tis ye confession of some popish ones. And or Honorable Judges are so eminent for their Justice, Wisdom, & Goodness that what­ever their own particular sense may bee, yett they will not proceed capitally against any, upon a principle contested with great odds on ye other side in ye Learned and Godly world.


Nevertheless, a very great use is to bee made of ye spectral impressions upon ye sufferers. They Justly Intro­duce, and Determine, an Enquiry into ye circumstances of ye person accused; and they strengthen other presumptions.


When so much use is made of those Things, I believe ye use for wch ye Great God intends ym is made. And accordingly you see that ye Eccellent Judges have had such an Encouraging presence of God with them, as that scarce any, if at all any, have been Tried before them, against whom God has not strangely sent in other, & more Humane & most convincing Testimonies.


If any persons have been condemned, about whom any of ye Judges, are not easy in their minds, that ye Evidence against them, has been satisfactory, it would certainly bee for ye glory of the whole Transaction to give that person a Reprieve.


It would make all matters easier if at least Bail were taken for people Accused only by ye invisible tormentors of ye poor sufferers and not Blemished by any further Grounds of suspicion against them.


The odd Effects produced upon the sufferers by ye look or touch of the accused are things wherein ye Divels may as much Impose upon some Harmless people as by the Representacôn of their shapes.


My notion of these matters is this. A Suspected and unlawfull comˆunion with a Familiar Spirit, is the Thing enquired after. The communion on the Divels part may bee proved, while, for ought I can say, The man may bee Innocent; the Divel may impudently Impose his comunion upon some that care not for his company. But if the comˆunion on ye man's part bee proved, then the Business is done.


I am suspicious Lest ye Divel may at some time or other, serve us a trick by his constancy for a long while in one way of Dealing. Wee may find the Divel using one constant course in Nineteen several Actions, and yett hee bee too hard for us at last, if wee thence make a Rule to form an Infallible Judgement of a Twentieth. It is or sin­gular Happiness That wee are blessed with Judges who are Aware of this Danger.


For my own part if the Holy God should permitt such a Terrible calamity to befal myself as that a Spectre in my Shape should so molest my neighbourhood, as that they can have no quiet, altho' there should be no other Evidence against me, I should very patiently submit unto a Judgment of Transportation, and all reasonable men would count or Judges to Act, as they are like ye Fathers of ye public, in such a Judgment. What if such a Thing should be ordered for those whose Guilt is more Dubious, and uncer­tain, whose presence ys perpetuates ye miseries of or suffer­ers? They would cleanse ye Land of Witchcrafts, and yett also prevent ye shedding of Innocent Blood, whereof some are so apprehensive of Hazard. If or Judges want any Good Bottom, to act thus upon, You know, that besides ye usuale power of Governes, to Relax many Judgments of Death, or General Court can soon provide a law.




You see ye Incoherency of my Thoughts but I hope, you will also some Reasonableness in those Thoughts.


In the year 1645, a Vast Number of persons in ye county of Suffolk were apprehended, as Guilty of Witchcraft; whereof, some confessed. The parlament granted a special commission of Oyer & Terminer for ye Trial of those Witches; in wch commission, there were a famous Divine or two, Mr Fariclough particularly inserted. That Eccelent man did preach two sermon to ye Court, before his first sitting on ye bench: Wherein having first proved the Existence of Witches, hee afterwards showed ye Evil of Endeavouring ye Conviction of any upon Defective Evidence. The Sermon had the Effect that none were Condemned, who could be saved without an Express Breach of ye Law; & then tho’ t’was possible some gGuilty did Escape, yet the troubles of those places, were, I think Extinguished.


Or case is Extraordinary. And so, you and others will pardon ye Extraordinary Liberty I take to address You on this occasion. But after all, I Entreat you, that whatever you do, you Strengthen ye hands of or Honourables Judges in ye great work before ym. They are persons, for whom no man living has a greater veneration, than




Your Servant,




For the Honourable John Foster, Esq.

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