On the Recent shells which characterise Quebec and its environs
By Harriet Sheppard (née Campbell)
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series 1, Volume 1 (1829)]
At the earnest solicitation of a member of the Society of Arts and Sciences,[1] I have endeavoured to compile a list of such few shells, inhabiting the grounds and waters in the neighbourhood of Quebec, as have come within my observations.
In making this list the system of De Lamarck has been followed; it contains perhaps but a small proportion of the Shells which may yet be found by more vigilant searchers; but imperfect as is is, it possibly may have some interest with the Society, if it be but to induce others to prosecute this interesting branch of natural history.
De Lamarck considers Conchology as part of the main body of Zoology; he begins with Infusoria, and goes regularly step, by step, up the ladder of life, which he divides into animals invertebrate and vertebrate; he has placed those animals with a testacious covering, in the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth Classes of his "Animaux sans vertèbres."
Class the ninth, ANNULATA:
The two first orders have animals without shells (we have a few of those.) Testaceous animals commence in De Lamarcks third order.
AMPHITRITEA, third family.
"Tubes many, composed of sand and fragments of shells aggregated into a common mass."
"Animal Subcylindrical, with three rows on each side of shining paleæ, mouth fissure shaped placed below the exterior palea."
Sabellaria―? "Tubes brittle, summits jagged, orifices large rather angular.
This shell is met with about 100 miles below Quebec, covering other shells &c. Of the species I am uncertain, De Lamarck says there are several, he describes but two; this does not appear to be either of them. The tubes are very loosely cemented together, white, thin and, semitranslucent.
In the tenth class CIRRIPEDA, none have as yet been discovered here, nor do I know whether any of them inhabit this country, there probably may be some in, on near the gulf.
The eleventh class affords us several genera.
SOLENECEA, third family.
The following genus inhabits Rimouski, but having only met with an imperfect specimen, the species could not be fixed.
Solen: Shell bivalve, equivale, elongated, gaping at both ends, beaks small, cardinal teeth small, sometimes none, ligament external near the hinge.
MYACEA, fourth family.
Mya. "Shell gaping at both ends, ligament short, internal; one large perpendicular tooth on one valve, a pit on the other. Animal with a compressed thick foot at one extremity, at the other sending forth a large tube."
These shells are readily distinguished from Unio, which Linnaeus had placed in the same genus, by their broad perpendicular tooth.
Mya arenaria. "Shell ovate, anterior side rounded, cardinal tooth denticulated:" inhabits near the mouth of this river —the large tooth is very sharp at the summit, the shell is of a whitish colour tinged with yellow or red.
CONCHE, ninth family.
Venus. "Shell equivalve, inequilateral, transverse or orbicular, three cardinal teeth on each valve, approximate at their base, lateral ones spreading obliquely open towards the summit, ligament external."
"The animal is possessed of two tubes which it often sends out beyond the shell."
Venus mercenaria. "Shell solid obliquely cordate, transversely striate, and sulcate; within white, with a large violet spot on the anterior side." This species is sometimes brought up with oysters from the gulf; it is a coarse heavy shell of a grayish colour, not in the least pretty, although belonging to the most beautiful family of the Conchifera.
NAIADA thirteenth family.
As the Naiada are all river shells, it is probable there may be several of them indigenous.
Unio. "Shell transverse, equivalve, inequilateral; beaks decorticated, hinge with two teeth on each valve, one cardinal short, mostly lobed, or bifid, substriated; the other elongated compressed; lateral extending under the corselet, along the lower margin:" this genus formed by Bruguier out of some of the Linnsean Myas, is by De Lamarck removed several families from them.
These shells as De Lamarck observes, run one into the other to such a degree, that the species are rendered very uncertain. We have three different ones here, perhaps unio sinuata, radiata and nanca; but it is almost impossible to decide without figures, or very elaborate descriptions, neither of which are to be had; could either be met with, the species of this intricate genus might perhaps be decided upon with some degree of certainty. Swainson asserts, in his "Zoological Illustrations" that the species cannot be fixed without both.
Unio sinuata, "shell ovate, oblong, compressed, sinuous; on the upper part thick, cardinal tooth lobed, and striated." Inhabits the Island or Orleans, not very common. I have sometimes found very small pearls in this species; it is a coarse large mother of pearl shell with a brown epidermis.
Unio radiata, "shell obovate, convex, rather depressed, thin, transversely striated, broader on the anterior side than on the other; epidermis yellow, longitudinally rayed."
Found on the beach at the Island of Orleans; the shell is much thicker than those from Saratoga, and is pink or flesh colour within.
Unio nanca, "shell transversely oblong, beaks depressed, lateral; tooth deeply canaliculated."
This species, much more common than either of the foregoing is likewise an inhabitant of the Island of Orleans; the shell is violet or clay colour within, and is rarely rayed, it is much lengthened the transverse way, and covered with a black or dark brown epidermis, under which is mother of pearl.
Two of these are common in the salt water of this river. Modiola.
Shell subtransverse, equivalve, regular, posterior side very short, beaks almost lateral, depressed on the short side. — Hinge without teeth, lateral, linear; ligament cardinal, almost wholly internal; one sublateral, muscular, elongated impression, axe shaped."
Modiola plicatula, "shell oblong, towards the outside obliquely dilated; longitudinally sulcated; inside edge waved."
Common near the Gulf, likewise met with higher up the river; the shell is white, covered with a brown, or yellow epidermis.
"Shell longitudinal, equivalve, regular, pointed at the base, fixed by a byssus; beaks almost strait, terminal pointed. — Hinge lateral, usually without teeth, ligament marginal, subinternal. One large clavate muscular impression."
The Modiolæ formerly belonged to this genus, but were removed from it by Bruguiere.
Mytelus borealis, "Shell oblong, whitish blue, epidermis black, beaks incumbent divaricate." Inhabits several parts of the St. Lawrence: the shell is of a solid and flinty texture; the beaks rather one sided. There is likewise a variety of this species found below Quebec, more pearly and sometimes obsoletely rayed, with the inside white and shining: both these shells are often brought up with Oysters.
Few of this family are to be met with here, the only one which has come within my observation is the well known
"Shell adhering, inequivalve, irregular; beaks distant, becoming very unequal by age. Hinge without teeth; ligament internal, or partly so. Pit and beaks of the lower valve increasing by age, sometimes to a great length." The animals remain fixed to maritime bodies, and have no other motion than that of opening and shutting their valves to receive whatever nourishment the waters may bring them.
Ostrea canadensis, "shell elongated rather bent, broadish above, lamelated, thick, inferior valve convex." Inhabits the mouth of this river, sometimes grows to the length of
eight inches.
"Shell oblong, concave within, spire very much inclined towards the margin; aperture partly closed by an horizontal lamina."
"Animal, head forked anteriorly, two conical tentacula, with eyes at their base, mouth simple without jaws, foot very small."
Crepidula fornicata. "Shell oval, posteriorly obliquely curved; posterior lip concave."
This species inhabits the Gulf; is frequently brought up with oysters—the shell is shaped like a little sabot, it is of a gray colour, often streaked with brown; within shining, and marbled with chesnut, the lamina is white, thin and semitransparent.
COLEMACEA, Fifth Family.
Three of these are common here; they are land animals.
"Shell orbicular, convex, or conoidal; spire very little elevated; aperture entire, wider than long, oblique and near the axis of the shell; margins disunited by the projection of the penultimate whorl."
The animals live on vegetables, and remain dormant durint the winter.
There are two species about Quebec; they do not appear to be among those described in "Les Animaux sans vertébres;" but the species being so numerous, and De Lamarck having only described those in his cabinet, render it uncertain whether they may be new or not. The first, perhaps a variety of
Helix hortensis. "Shell imperforate; spire flat; epidermis yellow whitish; whorl transversely striated; lip within white, margins reflected." Found on the bank near the plains of Abraham. Common in spring.
Helix ―? Shell thin, canoidal, perforated; spire very flat; margin of the lip reflected.
Common in the same place with the above; it is a much less shell, with a brown epidermis; the penultimate whorl has an elevated white ridge near the aperture, which appears to be some remains of the last year's lip.
"Shell orbicular, rather convex, or conoidal; on the upper part, with a sharp angular periphery. Aperture transverse, contiguous to the axis of the shell, right lip subangular, often toothed on the lower part."
De Lamarck formed this genus merely to reduce the number of species in that of Helix: they are, however, rather too closely allied. The species we have here, seems to be a connecting link; but De Lamarck, would, I think, range it under corocolla, and until it be ascertained to have been previously described might be called.
Corocolla dubia. Shell orbicular, largely umbilicate; spire flat, whorls transversely striated, horn colour, spotted with brown. Common in the spring on the bank with the two foregoing shells; it is rather a pretty shell, often variegated with white and brown.
"Shell ovate, conical; aperture capacious; right margin sharp, not reflected, united at the lower part to a smooth acute columella. The animals have four tentacula, two of which have eyes on their summit." They inhabit land but are generally found near water.
Succinea amphibia, "shell ovate, thin, pellucid, yellowish; spire short, dilated at the lower part, subvertical." Inhabits gardens on the St. Louis road; it is horn coloured, and very transparent.
There are some species here of all the genera belonging to this family.
"Shell discoidal, all the whorls visible on both sides; aperture distant from the axis of the shell; margins not reflected. They are fresh water animals, have two tentacula with eyes at their base."
Planorbis spirorbis, "one side flat, the other subumbelicated, reverse; horn coloured."
Found in abundance in the water near Etchemin.
Planorbis alba? "Shell umbelicated on both sides; upper part of whorls flat, lower convex; aperture wide and angular."
Found with the foregoing, but not so common, it is the Helix alba of Linnaeus, but is not among De Lamarck's species.
"Shell convolute, oval or oblong; spire projecting; aperture longitudinal, contracted above; columella twisted, right margin acute projecting beyond the plane of the aperture."
They are fresh water animals; have two flattened tentacula with two eyes at their base.
"Physa fontinalis, reverse, oval, transparent smooth, horn coloured: spire short, subacute."
Not very common, but is sometimes met with on the beach at the Island of Orleans.
Physa subopaca. "Shell reverse, oval, semipellucid, grayish yellow; spire short, acute."
This species is rather more common than the foregoing, they are often found together at the Island; it resembles fontinalis, but is not so transparent. It is yellow without, and white within.
The third and last genus of this family is
"Shell oblong, often turrited, generally thin; spire projecting, aperture entire, longitudinal; margin sharp; columella twisted obliquely, with the lip passing over it, forming a very oblique fold."
These animals inhabit swampy ground or fresh water.
Lymnaea stagnalis. "Shell acute, ovate, ventricose, thin, transparent, longitudinally substriated, reddish gray; last whorl subangular above; spire subulate; aperture large; lip broad." Found abundantly at Sorel. The spire is often black and very long; lower part of the shell generally horn coloured.
Lymnæa palustris. "Shell ovate, oblong, longitudinally, and finely striated; spire conical, rather acute, aperture ovate."
Found in ponds formed by the melted snow in the spring near Tower No. 1. This shell is not so large or thin as stagnalis; it is generally ash coloured.
PERISTOMIANA, Fourth Family.
"Shell conoidal, whorls rounded or convex, modifying the spiral cavity; aperture longitudinal, angular at the summit; the two margins united, acute, never turned out." Some of these animals inhabit the sea or mouths of rivers, but the greater part live in fresh water. There are two species here, neither of them, I think, described by De Lamarck: they are both small shells.
Paludina ― ? Shell white; epidermis olive; spire the length of the aperture; last whorl inflated.
Inhabits the Island of Orleans.
Paludina ― ? Shell pale buff; spire longer than the aperture; top obtuse.
Found with the foregoing on the beach at the Island : the whorls are not so much inflated as those of this genus generally are, but I think it would not range under any other: it has bluish bands of gray round the top of the whorls.
NERITACEA, Fifth Family.
"Shell subglobular umbilicated; aperture entire semicircular; left lip oblique, not crenate, callus; umbilicus often covered by the callus."
Natica. magdalena. Shell nearly orbicular, smooth finely striated, grayish white; spire black; callus obsolete. Inhabits the Magdalen Islands: this species is not among De Lamarck's: neither is it described in any book of reference, that I have had an opportunity of seeing: it may be a new species, and is here designated as above, merely from its having been found in those islands.
PURPURIFERA, 13th Family.
The animals of this family, De Lamarck informs us, secrete that colouring matter which formed the beautiful purple of the Romans; it prevails most in the genus Purpura.
"Shell oval, conical, aperture longitudinal, with a notch at the base, but no canal; columella not flattened, turgid at the upper part."
These animals inhabit the sea shore; they are not in general large: the following species is one of the largest; about two inches long, it is not described by De Lamarck.
Buccinum ―? Shell, oval, inflated, longitudinally ribbed; ribs sometimes obsolete; aperture grayish purple.
Inhabits Bic, generally surrounded with scarcely perceptible striæ, and has a chalky appearance, but not unfrequently the latter is wanting, or as if it were rubbed off, allowing large brown and blue nebulous spots to appear: sometimes the shell is of a yellowish colour, with the transverse striæ distinctly visible; the apperture varies from purple to yellow and white.
I have no where met with a description which would identify this, or the next species, but as they are not rare, they probably may have been named.
Buccinum ―? Shell oval conical, white, transversely sulcated; spire tipped with brown; apperture pink or reddish purple.
Inhabits the Magdalen.Islands, not so large as the foregoing, but much heavier : the shell is of a more solid and flinty texture.
It is to be regretted that no book of reference has yet made its appearance here, comprising every species. Without a complete nomenclature it is impossible to determine whether a shell be new or not: several are met with which do not accord with any mentioned in the books we have; altho' perhaps they may be described elsewhere.
De Lamarck's work is quite satisfactory with regard to the genera, but as he only gives a part of each genus, I have, (as is apparent) been frequently at a loss respecting the species.
[1]To the writer of which a silver medal was adjudged. This article was kindly communicated by the society to which it was presented, to the Literary and Historical Society.
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