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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1868



The Council has the honor to submit the following Report :— The past year has not been uneventful in the history of the Society, marked as it has been by the removal of the Library and Museum from the Masonic Hall to the very handsome and commodious apartments in the new Morrin College.


As the Council baa secured a lease on favourable terms from the Governors of the College, and as the best understanding has always existed between them and the Council, there is reason to hope that the reciprocal advantages secured under former arrangements will be maintained under the present, and that while each institution shall continue to retain its thorough Individuality and independence, the connexion may extend beyond the lease.


The Council regret that from circumstances which they could not control, access could not be had to the Library for a longer period than was desirable, but fortunately this occurred at a period of the season when most of the members were out of town. The inconvenience would have been much greater had it not been for the great liberality of Mr. Crawford, the lessee of the late rooms, and his sub-lessees, the Temperance Society, who generously permitted the Society to remain in occupation for nearly two months after the expiry of its lease.


The stated meetings were well-attended, and papers as subjoined read, but the Society had to regret that several gentlemen who had made conditional promises to read papers, were unable to fulfil them.


In May last, the official connexion which had of late existed so satisfactorily between Professor Weir and the Society terminated, the engagements of Mr. Weir precluding him from undertaking the duties which the Society would hare required of him for the future. - The Council has made arrangements with Mr. Matheson to discharge all the duties of custodian of the Library and Museum, and have secured what has long been deemed a desideratum, the presence of the Sub-Librarian during the hours that the rooms are open.


The Treasurer's account showed balance on hand on 31st Dec. 1867, $412.64, and the list of associate members numbered one hundred and fifty-six. Some resignations have been received, which have been more than counterbalanced by new members elected. During the past year 130 have paid all dues, and the Society at the present date has 170 members entitled to full privileges.


In addition to the sum received from members, the funds of the Society have been increased by the liberal grant of $750 from the Local Legislature, and the Council takes the opportunity of expressing their sense of obligation to the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir N. F. Belleau, and the gentlemen in the different branches of the Legislature who presented the Petition, for their courtesy and the interest which they showed in the Society.


The expenditure of the year has been extraordinary and necessarily large, the fitting up of the Library and Museum alone having cost $382.


The Historical document fund has also been reduced by recent publications[1] by Mr. J. M. LeMoine, under the sanction of the Society. Dr. Anderson was also authorised by the Council to procure copies of certain important original papers, relating to the Siege of Quebec, from the Government Archives at Halifax. With this object he secured the aid of Chief Justice Young and the Hon. Mr. Archibald, and a few mails ago, a letter was received from which the following is extracted :—"Dr. Anderson, of Quebec, will be enabled, I hope, to have a copy of all our papers in print before Christmas. As it is the intention of the Nova Scotian Government to furnish the publication gratuitously, the Historical Document fund will be spared reduction on that bead.


As fully shewn in the Treasurer's account, there now stands to the credit of the Society, the sum of $846.29, composed as follows :—

Historical Document Fund: $130 42

Life Members' Fund: $54.65

General Fund: $661.22


In conclusion, the Council has pleasure in expressing the opinion that the Society was never in a more healthy condition, being entirely free from debt, and having a balance at credit, but this prosperous state can only be maintained by a regard to the most rigid economy in all the details of expenditure.









Nov. 20, 1867.—By Com. Ashe—"On recent improvements in communicating time and controlling clocks."


Dec. 4, 1867.—By James Douglas, Jr.—"On the Harvey Hill Mine and the Whelply and Storer Process for reducing copper ores."


Jan. 15,1868.—By W. J. Anderson, M. D.—" On the life of the Duke of Kent in Canada."


Feb. 5, 1868.—By E. T. Fletcher—"Notes of a journey through the country of the Saguenay."


Feb. 8, 1868.—By P. Fortin, M.P.—"On the superiority of Major Robinson's route for the Intercolonial Railway."


March 1, 1868.—By P. Le Sueur—"On the Intellectual Faculties in their Relation of Life."


April 1, 1868.—By W. J. Anderson, M. D.—"On the Mastodon, or American Fossil Elephant."


April 22, 1868.—By Alfred Wheeler—"On Poetry."



LHSQ treasurer's report, 1868




The Circulation of books during the past year has been somewhat below what it was for some years previous, owing to the unavoidable closure of the Library during the summer months, and the confusion in which the books were for some time after the occupation of our present quarters.


The Library is now in nearly perfect order, the books being arranged on the shelves, as far as practicable, according to subjects. In the Library proper there are 1,078 feet of shelving, holding 8,500 books, and in the museum additional shelving has been provided for folios for which there was no room elsewhere.


A complete printed catalogue is now so indispensable that its compilation and publication should claim the early attention of the in-coming Council.         


The whole respectfully submitted.








Domestic History of the American Revolution, by Mrs. Ellet


Mexico—Dinner to Senor Matias Romero, Envoy Extraordinary, &c., from Mexico


Lyrics of Loyalty arranged and edited by Frank Moore


The decisive conflicts of the late Civil War, or Slaveholder's rebellion.


Battles Morally, Territorially and Militarily decisive, by J. W. DePeyster.


The Moral and Intellectual Influence of Libraries upon Social Progress, by Frederick DePeyster.


Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland on its two Hundred Anniversary, by the New York Historical Society.


An address delivered before the New York Historical Society on its Sixteenth Anniversary, by Frederick DePeyster.


The Queens of American Society, by Mrs. Ellet.


All the above presented by Gen. J. Watts DePeyster.


The Eclaireur


Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.


Thirteenth Annual Report of the Chicago Board of Education, from Chicago Historical Society.


Smithsonian contribution, vol. 15,—Smithsonian Institute.


Patent Offlce Report,—Patent Office, Washington.


Journal of the Royal Dublin Society,—Royal Dublin Society.


Journal of the Franklin Institute,—Franklin Institute.


Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History,—Boston Society of Natural History.


Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,—Royal Society of Edinburgh.


Proceedings of the Bremen Natural Historical Society,—Bremen Society of Natural History.


Sixth Semi-Annual Report on Schools for Freedmen,—Freedmen's Bureau.


City Treasurer's Account, Corporation of Quebec,—City Treasurer.


State of the Expedition from Canada, &c, by Genl.Burgoyne,—W. A. Hollwell.


Catalogue of Books of the Quebec Library Association, I865,—W. Marsden, M.A., M.D.


Origin and Origination of the Quebec Medical Association, with proceedings of the meeting, 1868,—W. Marsden, M.A., M.D.


The Society will be thankful to its Honorary, Corresponding and Associate Members for any document calculated to throw light on the early history of America.


The Museum contains at present about two-thirds of the Birds of Canada.





One Brain Stone,—one starfish fish,—one finger sponge,—one pair Seafans, —W. A. Hollwell.


Memo.—The Society will be happy to exchange Reports with any of the Literary and Scientific Institutions of Europe and America.







His Excellency the Hon. Sir NARCISSE F. BELLEAU, Lieut.-Governcr.


Honorary mambers






















Corresponding Members

Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.

Baird, Spencer F., Smithsonian Institute, Washington.

Benwick, James, New York.

Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.

Brackenbury, H., R.E.

Bois, Abbe, L. E., Maskinonge.

Campbell, Major, St. Hilaire.

Cbauveau, Hon P. J. O., Quebec.

Cberriman, Professor, Toronto University.

De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.

Dariei, W. H. A., Montreal.

Dorat, Sir John, M. D , London.

D’Urban, W. &. M.

Fortin, P., M. P.

Graham, Lt.-Col., U.S.A, Chicago.

Henderson, W., Frampton.

Hamilton, P. S., Halifax.

Latour, Hugues, Montreal.

Kingston, G. T., Professor, Upper Canada College, Toronto.

Noble, Captain, R. A., F.R.S., Woolwich.

Russell, J P., M.D.E., Toronto.

Roche, A. R, Toronto.

Roget, Peter Mark, London.

Sechelles, C, Desmazieres de St. Malo, France.

Sewell, Rev. Henry.

Sinding, Paul C, Professor, Copenhagen.

J. Adolphe Chapeleau, M.P.P., Montreal.

Honorable Boucher de Boucberville, Speaker L. C, Q.

General J. Watts de Peyster, New York.

E. Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, Montreal.

N. Provancher, M. P. P., Montreal.



Life Member—THOMAS GLOVER, Esquire.



Ashe, E. D., Comdr., F R.S.

Anderson, W. J., M.R.C.S.

Alleyn, Hon. C.

Archer, J. Jr.

Ahern, E. H.

Austin, H. C.

Bowen, N. H.

Bouchette, Jos.

Baillairgé, Chas.

Burroughs, J. H. R.

Bertolotto, L.

Baillairgé, L. J.

Baby, M.W.

Boswell, J. K,

Bosse, J. G.

Budden, J. S.

Blanchet, J. B., M.D.

Belleau, J. F.

Bennett, Benson.

Breaky, W.

Blanchet, H.

Burstall, E.

Bowen, J. S.

Bourchier, E. T., Col. R. E.

Boswell, W., M.D.

Bédard, W.


Cary, G.T.

Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., MP.

Campbell, W. D.

Cook, J. W.

Colston, J. G., BA, L.L.M.

Casault, N., M P.

Caron, L. B.

Chinic, Eogene.

Clarke, Rev. W. B.

Caron, A. P.

Couper, .W

Campbell, G.

Campbell, Arch.

Cassels, Robt.

Casgrain, P. B.

DeCelles, A. D.

Dunbar, J.

Douglas, Dr. James.

Delagrave, C.

Dunn, W.

Doucet, P. A.

Drapeau, S.

Dawson. S. J.

Doyle, Jno.

Dorion, L. E.

Dinning, H.

Duffett, W.


Dickenson, T. E.

Douglas, Jas, Jr.


Fitzgerald, C. L. J.

Fraser, A.

Fry, H.

Fabre, Hector.

Fothergill, Rev. M. M.

Fraser, A.

Fry, J. S.

Foulds, A. Jr.

Fisher, J.

Foote, J. J.

Founder, J.

Faucher de St. Maurice.


Grant, T. H.

Gleason, Jno.

Garnean, P.

Glass, Jno.

Goldstone, Geo, M.D.

Gibb, Jas. Jr.

Gilmour, Jno.

Gregory, J. U.

Gibb, Jas.

Gauvreau, L. P.

Glass, H.

Gourdeau, F.

Hall. G. B.

Holt, C. G.

Hossack, W.

Hossack, J.

Horan, J.

Hart, Geo.

Harrower, J. T.

Hunt, W.

Hearn, M. A.

Hamilton, Robt.

Hamilton, Rev. Chas.

Harrison, R. M.

Harris, P. P.

Hollwell, W. A.

Hautayne, W. H., Capt.

Hunt, Dr. Rifle Brigade,

Home, W.


Irvine, Hon. Geo.. M. P.

Joly, H. G, M.P.

Juneau, L. E.

Johnston, P.

Jackson, A H.

Joseph, A.


Kingsford, W.


LeMoine, J. M.

LeMoine, Gasp.

Langlois, Jean, M. P.

LaRue.G H.

Lemieux, O..E, M.D.L.

Ledrolt, T.

Langlois, C. B.

Legare, M. D.

Lesueur, P.

Lemesnrier, Jno.

Larue, Jules E.

Loyd, Thos.

Leach, D.

Lemesurier, T. N.


McGreavy, Hon. T., M.P. .

Montizambert, C. N. '

Marsden,W., MA., U.D,

Montizambert, F. M. DE.

Moodie, W.

McNaoghton, P.

Mountain, M. G.

MacCauley, S. S.

MacAdams, W. J.

Michon, E.

Mill, F. W., F. C. O.

Miller, M.

Maxham, A. J.

McNaughton, Jno.

Murphy, O.

Murray, D.

McBlain, H.

McQuarrie, Rev. A. N.


Neilson, Jno. Norris, Thos. Jr.


O’Meara, D. D.


Plamondon, A.

Peebles, P.

Peters, H. J.

Poston, W.

Paradis, O. E.

Patton, D.

Peltier, C. A. P.

Price, E. J.

Peters, S.


Quebec, J. W., Lord Bishop.


Ross, H. D.

Renault, E.

Richardson, O. L., Jr.

Renaud, J. B.

Roy, F. E , M.D.

Richardson, J. B., M.D..C.M.

Reynar, Jos.

Renny, J. B.

Rogera, J. F.

Renfrew, G. B.

Rhodes, Ool. W.

Ray, W. G.

Rowand, A., M.D.


Scott, H. S.


Sterenson, M.

Sheppard, W. G.

Sewell, J.A. Jr., M.D.

Sewell. J. A., M.D.

Stevenson, J.

Simons, W.

Shaw, P. A.

Smith, H. S.

Shaw, Henry.


Taschereau, H. S.

Tessier, P. O.

Taschereau, H. E.

Tetu, L.

Thibaudeau, Hon. I.

Thomson, D. C.

Turnbull, J. F.

Thomson, And.

Tetu, C.


Wilkle, D.

Wurtele, B. H.

Walker, W. A.

White, W.

Wilkie, C.

Wilkinson, J. B.

Wheeler, Alfred.

Wood, G. A. L.

Wotherspoon, I. T.

Webster, A. D.

Walters, A.

WaJker, J.

Wicks, H. W.

Walsh, T. J.

Walsh, M. F.


Young, J. B.




JAMES DOUGLAS, Jr., President

JAMES M. LEMOINE, Vice-President      

WM. J. ANDERSON, M.B C. S., Vice-President

ED. D. ASHE, COM. E.N., F.R.S, Vice-President

WM. MARSDEN, M. A., M.D, Vice-President


NOEL H. BOWEN, Recording Secretary

WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL., Corresponding Secretary

JAMES G. COLSTON, B A., L.L.M, Council Secretary


PETER McNAUGHTON, Curator of Museum

CYRILLE DELAGRAVE, Curator of Apparatus

HENRY S. SCOTT, Additional Members of Council

HENRY FRY, Additional Members of Council          

WILLIAM HOSSACK, Additional Members of Council

ROBERT CASSELLS, Additional Members of Council


N. B.—The Manuscripts and Transactions of the Society may be obtained on application to the President, JAS. DOUGLAS, Esq., Morrin College, Quebec.


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[1] Col. Malcolm Fraser's (of Fraser’s Highlanders) Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1751.

Journal du Siege de Québec en 1759, par M. Jean Claude Panet, Notaire.

Campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-1758,—Narrative attributed to the Chevalier Johnstone.

Dialogues of the Dead—Montcalm and Wolfe—a Narrative of the siege operations before Quebec in 1759—attributed to the Chevalier Johnstone, A. D. C. to General Levi.

Campaign of 1760 in Canada—a Narrative attributed to the Chevalier Johnstone.

The Invasion or Canada in 1776—Letter supposed to have been written by Lieut.-Col. H. Caldwell to General Murray.

A Journal of the Expedition up the River St. Lawrence, containing a true and particular account of the transactions of the Fleet and Army, from the time of their embarkation at Louisbourg till after the surrender of Quebec,—re-published from the New York Mercury of 31st December, 1759.


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