Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1863
Report of the Council for 1863
The Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, have the honor to submit the reports of the several Officers of the society upon the Finances, the Library and the Museum ; which so fully explain our present position that it is unnecessary to do more than to congratulate you upon the increasing prosperity of the Society.
Since the date of the last report fifty-three members have been added to our numbers, which is an increase of more than fifty per cent during the year, and the attendance at the stated meeting has increased in a still greater proportion. So large indeed have been the numbers present upon some evenings that our limited space has been found insufficient to accommodate them all ; and although we have viewed with satisfaction this increasing interest in our proceedings, we have been obliged to adopt a new regulation to prevent the overcrowding of our rooms. We have not thought it advisable to curtail the privileges of members in introducing friends who may accompany them, but if they are not present themselves yet still wish to procure admission for their friends, they will each be supplied with two stranger's tickets, which will be taken at the door, and which they can procure again from the Assistant Secretary before the following meeting.
The Library, we are happy to state continues to be largely resorted to by our members, and a comparison in this respect with what was the case in former years gives a very good test of the usefulness of the Society.
During the 8½ years preceding the fire the average number of volumes taken out annually was only 65, and that even this small number had been reached was merely due to the year immediately preceding that calamity. Since we have been in our present apartments, upwards of 900 volumes have been taken out, and 84 of our members appear to be habitually making use of the Library in this way, besides many who resort to it to read.
The importance of forming a respectable collection of books at once has caused the Council during this the first year of our renewed existence to devote almost all our expenditure to that purpose, and we have indeed drawn upon our funds to the extremest verge which prudence would sanction. We have however also made some commencement with a Museum, and during the ensuing year it may probably be advisable to pay more attention to that department and also to recommence the publication of historical documents.
Both in the Library and Museum we have been largely aided by the donations of individuals and of public institutions, lists of which are appended to the Report of the Librarian and Curators.
The following is a list of the Papers read during the past year:—
1. A few thoughts on the Botanical Geography of Canada. By S. Sturton, Esq.
2. Extract from a paper on “the Graphical Delineation of Statistical Facts.” The Grain Trade, (with a map). By Arthur Harvey, Esq., F. S. S.
3. Life and Health. By Dr. Selly
4. The Marine Engine with recent improvements. By Lieut. Ashe. R. N.
5. Three weeks in the United States, By Rev. J. Douglas.
6. "Weights and Measures” By R. S. M. Bouchette, Esq.
7. Up the River Moisie. By Edward Cayley, Esq. B. A.
8. Notes on some emendations (not hitherto suggested) in the text of Shakespear, with a new Explanation of an old passage. By E. A. Meredith, LL. D.
9. The Capabilities of the Harbour of Quebec. By Chas. M. Tate, Esq.
10. The Lost Island of Atlantis. By E. T. Fletcher, Esq.
11. Danger arising from the substitution of Benzole for Turpentine. By S. Sturton, Esq.
12. On Cranial Distortion. By Dr. Wilson, of Toronto.
13. On the processes of Photography. By Revd. Mr. Douglas.
14. The English as a Musical Nation. By Henry Carter, Esq.
15. The Gold Regions of Nova-Scotia. By Dr. Anderson,
16. The Gold Fields of Canada. By the Rev. J. Douglas,
17. On the use of Words to convey ideas. By C. M. Tate, Esq.
18. The Effect of the Cold of space in limiting the atmosphere. By S. Sturton, Esq.
19. The reason why a Boy's Top goes to sleep,—illustrated by experiment with the gyroscope. By Lieut. Ashe, R. N.
20. List of Canadian Coleoptera and Diptera. By William Couper, Esq.
21. A new Theory of Specific and Latent Heat. By S. Sturton, Esq.
The whole respectfully submitted,
At the commencement of the past year there were in the Library only some of the books saved from the fire of November 1862. Since then, and even up to the present time, books are being returned, which had either been taken out of the Library previously or were rescued from the fire. Many volumes, and some of special value, such as the 1st. and 2nd vol. of the « Liber Veritatis» —are known to be in the City. Those therefore in whose possession they are, would oblige by sending them back without delay.
Eleven hundred and fifteen (1115) volumes of the old Library have been recovered ; many were in so damaged a condition as to necessitate rebinding.
The result of the President's mission to the States immediately after the fire, was the donation by the United States Government of ninety one volumes of historical and other documents, and over one hundred volumes of duplicates most of which have been presented by the Society to the `` Toronto University `` and the Natural History Society of Montreal:- A similar donation by the Regents of the University of New York of twenty-nine volumes ; the reopening of intercourse with a number of sister societies in the Northern and Eastern States- and the purchase of six hundred and twenty one volumes of English, American and Foreign books at prices considerably lower than they could have been purchased by order.
Since then orders have been executed by Mr. Edward Allen, our agent in London, for eleven hundred and eighty-seven volumes for the Society, and 130 for Morrin College.
The Society has to thank members and others for many donations of books and pamphlets ; some of which were acknowledged in the appendix to the last number of the Transactions, the remainder are gratefully acknowledged here.
A Classifical Catalogue of the contents of the Library has been prepared and is now in the hands of the Printer.
From J. M. Rose, Esq.,
Saul. , A Drama.
Thompson's Mirror of Parliament,
From R. S. M. Boucbette Esq.,
Bouchette's Topographical Dictionary of Canada.
Bouchette's British Dominions in North America.
2 vols.
From H. Morgan,
Biographies of Celebrated Canadians.
From Rev. Jean Langevin, Ptre.
Notes sur les Archives de Beauport—Second Part
From E. A. Meredith, Esq., LL.D..
Studies in Physiology and Medicine, Dr. Graves. 1 vol. 8vo.
From the Bureau of Agriculture and Statistics.
Patents of Canada from 1824 to 1849.
From the University of Toronto.
Magnetical Abstracts, Toronto, 1862.
From the Royal Dublin Society.
Journal of the Society, for 1863.
From the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Proceedings of the Society for 1861-62 & '63.
From the McGill University.
Calendar 1862-3.
From the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon.
Portugalino Monumenta Historica Leges. Fasciculus III. Lendas da India. Vol. 3 Part 1 & 2. Memorias da Academia. 1st Series Vol. 1-12.
Memorias da Academia. 2nd Series vol. 1. part 2. Vol. 2, part 1.Vol. 3. Parts 1 & 2.
Memorias da Academia. Nouve. Série 1 Classe Vol. 1. Part 1.
Memorias da Academia. do. do. 2. do. Vol. 1. Part 1.
Annaes das Sci. et Lit. 1. Classe, Marco a Setembro 1857. 2nd. Classe Marco a Agosto
From the l'Université Laval.
Annuaire pour l'année académique for 1863-4.
From the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane.
Reports of the Board of Visitors, Trustees &c, for 1863.
From Arthur Dansereau.
Annales historique du College de L'Assomption depuis sa fondation.
From the Author, S. C. Bagg, Esq., Montreal.
Coins and Medals as aids to the Study of Holy Writ.
From the Author, Geo. D. Gibb, M.D., M A., F. G. S.,
A paper on Canadian Caverns, London, 1861.
From the Commissioner of Patents, Washington.
Report on Agriculture, for 1861.
From the Nova Scotian Institute, Halifax.
Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science ;1st vol. 1st. part.
From the University.
Constitutions et Réglements de l'Université Laval.
Catalogue des spécimens d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Ecole Normal Laval, Zoologie: 1863.
Your Curator in accordance with the report of last year “that a liberal sum should be devoted to furnish the Museum with glass cases," has had the Museum well and comfortably fitted up at a cost of $178.80 ; a stove with pipes, &c, at a cost of $8.15.
There have been added to the Museum 14 mammals, 82 birds, 20 fishes, minerals, &c, and the commencement of a Canadian herbarium.
The cost of the specimens, stuffing, stands, &c, has been $186.95, so that the total cost of the Museum has been $377.64 ½ .
This next year will require no further expenditure for cases or fitting, but your Curator respectfully recommends that a liberal sum be devoted for procuring and preparing specimens to illustrate the Natural History of Canada, in all its branches.
Your Curator begs also to express his thanks to Mr. Couper, for the admirable manner in which the specimens have been prepared.
A list of Donations is subjoined, for which thanks have been rendered. And the members and public in general are requested to afford as much assistance in this manner as they possibly can.
Curator of Museum.
Specimens of Fossil Woods from Egypt,
Specimens of Canadian minerals.
Specimens of Minerals from Vesuvius.
Amethysts from Lake Superior.
Commencement of a Canadian Herbarium.
Nest of Red-breasted thrush, containing 3 Eggs
2 Eggs of Common Crow.
2 Eggs of Spotted Sandpiper.
A flesh specimen of Red-shouldered Hawk.
A flesh specimen of Red-tailed Hawk
A flesh specimen of Belted Songfisher. " Short-eared Owl. From MABTBB POWXLL : A flesh specimen of Sharp-shinned Hawk. From RTVD. G. V. HOUSEMAN J A pair of English Grouse.
Partridge. K
The Treasurer begs to report as follows :— . The number of members at the commencement of 1863 was:
Honorary: 11
Life: 1
Corresponding: 25
Associate: 106
The number of members elected during 1863, was 53.
The number of members withdrawn: do. 6.
Your Treasurer appends the usual abstract of receipts and disbursements during 1863. '
The former, consisting of Subscriptions received, interest
on deposits, and Parliamentary Grant, amount to $4066.28.
The latter, consisting principally of purchases for the Library, Specimens for Museum, printing, fittings of rooms, and Secretary's expenses, amount to $3551.66.
The available funds at this date are :
General Fund: $280.80
Historical Document Fund: 209.17
Life Members' Fund: 54.65
to which may be added the nominal balance of subscriptions due amounting to $110, and your Treasurer does not know of any outstanding claims against the Society of any consequence," (say $60.)
Your Treasurer in conclusion would beg to remark that it is necessary to be careful in ordering future disbursements inasmuch as although by the constitution the subscriptions are really due at the beginning of each consecutive year, it is found to be difficult to persuade members to pay until a great part of the current year has expired and a Parliamentary grant for 1864 is not likely to be realized for some time.
Respectfully submitted.
Quebec, lst. January 1864.
Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements, during 1863.
His Excellency The Right Honorable VISCOUNT MONCK, Governor General, B.N.A
Honorary Members.
Corresponding Members.
Bury, Rt. Hon. Vigrount, London.
Baird, Spencer F , Smithsonian Institute, Washington.
Bourne, F. Orlando, New York.
Brackenbury, H., R.E.
Bois, Abbé. L.E., Maskinongé.
Campbell, Major, St. Hilaire.
Chauveau, Hon. P.J.. Montreal.
Cherriman, Professor, Toronto University.
DeSola Revd. A., Montreal.
Davies, W. H. A, Montreal.
D'Urban, W. S. M.
Grabam, Lt. Col., U.S.A. , Chicago.
Henderson, W., Frampton
Hamilton, P. S., Halifax, N. S.
Kingston, G. T. Professor, Upper Canada College, Toronto.
Latour, H., Montreal.
Noble, Capt. B. A., F.B.S. Woolwich.
Russell, J. P., M.D.E. Toronto.
Roche, A. R , Toronto.
Roget, Peter Mark, London.
Renwicke, Jas., New York.
Sechelles, C. Desmazieres de St. Malo, France.
Sheppard, Hon. W., Wendover,
Dorat, Sir John, M. D. (London.)
JOHN LANGTON, M.A: President.
E.D. ASHE, R.N., F.R.A: Vice President.
E.A. MEREDITH, LL. D: Vice President.
C.M. TATE: Vice President.
R.S.M. BOUCHETTE: Vice President.
T.D HARINGTON: Treasurer.
WM. HOSSACK: Recording Secretary.
WM DARLING CAMPBELL: Corresponding Secretary.
ARTHUR HARVEY: Council Secretary.
REV. J. DOUGLAS: Librarian.
S. STURTON: Curator of Museum.
G. W. WICKSTEED: Curator of Apparatus.
G. C. GIBSONE: Members of Council
PISHER LANGLOIS: Members of Council
H.S. SCOTT: Members of Council
THOMAS GLOVER: Members of Council
WM. COUPER: Assistant Secretary
Archbishop of Quebec.
Ashe, E. D., R. N., F. R S.
Anderson, Dr. W. J.
Alleyn, Hon. C.
Anderson, Rev. D.
Baillairgé, C.
Bernard, H.
Burroughs, Ed.
Bowen N.H.
Beaudry J. W.
Bowles, Joseph
Bouchette, R. S. M.
Budden, Heber
Budden, J. S.
Bramley, T. C.
Barber, C. E.
Bowles Geo. John
Bishop of Quebec
Blair, Hon. A. J.F.
Breakley, Wm.
Browne, R. H.
Cauchon, Hon. J.
Couper, Wm.
Cary, G. T.
Campbell, W. D.
Campbell, Archd.
Cayley, Edward
Curry, W.
Campbell, Evelyn
Carter, Hy.
Cassil, Wm.
Curry, W. A.
Cook, J. W.
Cameron, Hon. Malcolm
Dean, jr. James.
Desbarats, Geo.
Douglas, Rev. J.
Douglas, Dr.
Dawson, W., M. D.
DeDerky, Dr.
Dore, Frederick J.
Dinning, James
Douglas, Harold
Dunn, Wm.
Dunlevie, Horace G.
Dorion, Hon. A. A.
Elv, John A.
Fletcher, E. T,
Fraser, Alexander
Ford, Dr. Wm.
Fry, Hy.
Fraser, Donald
Faribault, G. B.
Gowen, Hammond Jr.
Godley, Denis
Gibsone, G. C.
Griffin, W. H.
Grey, Frost Wood
Glass, John
Gilmour, John
Gibsone, Wm. C
Harvey, A., F. S. S.
Harington, T. D.
Hall, F. A.
Hector, Thos.
Home, John
Hart, George
Himsworth. W. A.
Hamilton, Rev. C.
Hossack Wm.
Hamilton, Robt.
Housman, Rev. G. V.
Hossack, James
Hunter, Capt.
Herrick, G. H.
Joly. H.G.
Jones, H.J.
Keefer, Samuel
Lamotte, H.
Laird, John
Lundy, F. L.
Langton, John
Lewis. Fraser
LeMoine, J. M.
Langlois, Fisher
Lauglois, John
Leggatt, H. P.
Lecourt, J P.M.
Laidlaw, Thos.
Langlois, Chas B.
Meredith, E.A., LL.D.
Montizambert, C. N.
Miller, William.
Marsden, Dr.
May, Hy.
Morgan. H. J.
Macdonald, Hon. J. A.
Marsh, Rev. D.
Miller, M.
McGee, Hon. T. D.
Moodie, Walter
McLeod. D. R.
Macaulay. G. H.
McLaughlin, S.
Mitchell, Sainul.
McFarlane, Duncar.
McNider, James
McNaughton, P.
Monro, Thos.
Matheson, David
Nettle, Richard
Peters, Chas.
Peters, Henry James.
Powell, Grant
Petry, Rev. H. J.
Petry, Wm
Pearce, J., M B Oxon.
Pemberton. Henry
Pentland, Richard
Poetter, Herman
Peverly, John
Ramsay, T. K.
Rowan, J. H.
Ross, Thos.
Racey.Dr. J.
Roe, Rev. H.
Rose O. McLean
Rowand, Dr.
Russell, Andrew, Senr.
Russell, A. L.
Rhind, William.
Roy, Dr.
Stevenson, Jas.
Sturton, S.
Stuart, Henry W.
Shaw, P. A.
Selley, Rev. J. B.
Smeaton, Chas.
Scott, H. S.
Steele, H. E.
Stevenson. M.
Sherwood, T. E.
Shaw, Jas.
Spragge, Wm.
Shaw, Robt.
Sykes, Rev. J. S.
Storey, John
Tate, C. M.
Taché, Dr. J. C;
Tarbutt, J. C.
Vansittart, J. G.
Veasy, Geo.
Wilkie, D.
Wallace, Alex.
Whitcher. W. F.
Worthington, Thos.
Wicksteed, G. W.
Walker, W. jr.
Whitehead, Joseph
Wilkie. Ct as.
Wood, F. W.
Wilson, Wm.
White, W. (P. 0. D.)
White, Wm.
Young, John B.
C 2008 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Tous droits reserves
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