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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1913


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 29 (1917)]





The annual general meeting was held on the 14th January 1914.


Present:—Colonel Neilson, President, and Messrs. D. H. Geggie, Rev. P. M. O'Leary, Col. Wood, D.C.L., Major Lampson, E. T. D. Chambers, J. M. Johnston, W. Clint, W. Mac-Adams, D. Jewell, Dr. Harper, P. B. Casgrain, James Geggie, Cyr. Tessier, Frank Glass and A. Robertson.


The Report of the Council referred to the lectures delivered during the year by Lt.-Col. Greville Harston on the Panama Canal, and by Rev. Father O'Leary on Quebec a Century Ago; the last mentioned including a description of the Duberger relief plan of the city completed in 1810, and illustrated by photographic details of the plan in question.


Reference was also made in the report to the fact that the 9th Series of Historical Documents was then passing through the press, and also to the presentation to the Society by Major de Lotbinière Panet, of the handsome mahogany writing desk, which had been used for several years by the late Sir George E. Cartier, Bart.


Regret was expressed at the deaths of Messrs. E. E. Code, Harcourt Smith, H. M. Price, Col. J. Bell Forsyth and Frank Holloway, members of the Society.


The Librarian, E. T. D. Chambers, reported an addition of 722 volumes to the Library during the year. The number issued to members was 8,140.


The election of officers resulted as follows:

President:—Hon. Mr. Justice McCorkill.

Vice-Presidents:—Col. Turnbull, J. T. Ross, A. H. Cook, K.C. and Dr. Harper.

Treasurer:- —James Geggie.

Recording-Secretary:—A. Robertson.

Corresponding Secretary:—Col. Crawford Lindsay.

Council Secretary:—William Clint.

Librarian:—E. T. D. Chambers.

Curator of    Museum:—P. Gagnon.

Curator of Apparatus:—J. M. Johnston.

Additional Members of Council:—Rev. Canon P. G. Scott, Rev. P. M. O'Leary, David Geggie and F. Lampson.


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