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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1912


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 29 (1917)]




The annual general meeting was held on the 9th January, 1913, the President, Dr. Neilson, in the chair.


The President submitted the report of the Council for the year 1912, which referred to the advantages offered to members by the Society's library of about 26,000 volumes, and also to the intention of the Council to publish another series of Historical Documents, including the Journal of Lady Durham.


The loss sustained by the Society in the death of the late Sir James Macphcrson LeMoine, who had done so much by his literary labors to extend its fame, and also in the deaths of the late George M. Fairchild, S. S. Bennett, Major Morgan and Stuart H. Dunn, was feelingly referred to.


The report of the Librarian indicated the increased interest taken in the Heading Room and Library of the Society. No less than 540 bound volumes had been added to the Library during the year, and the number of books in circulation was 6,845.


The following officers were elected:


President:—Col. Neilson.

Vice-Presidents:—Col. J. F. Turnbull, J. T. Ross, A. H. Cook, K.C., and Hon. Judge McCorkill.

Treasurer:—James Geggie.

Recording-Secretary:—A. Robertson, K.C.

Corresponding Secretary:—Col. Crawford Lindsay.

Council Secretary:—William Clint.

Librarian:—E. T. D. Chambers.

Curator of Museum:—Phileas Gagnon.

Curator of Apparatus:—J. M. Johnston.

Additional Members of Council:—Rev. F. G. Scott, Rev. P. M. O'Leary, Dr. Harper, D D. O'Meara.

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