Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1911
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 29 (1917)]
The annual general meeting was held on the 10th of January, 1912.
Present:—John Hamilton, D.C.L., in the chair, Col. Wood, G..M. Fairchild, P. B. Casgrain, E. T. D. Chambers, Cyr. Tessicr, P. G. Owen, J. Brown, J. M. Johnston, Col. Turnbull, D. Watson, Rev. F. G. Scott, D.C.L., Colonel Neilson, M.D., D. D. O'Meara, F. C. Wurtele, James Geggie, P. Gagnon, J. Sutherland, G. Willrich, W. McAdams, R. C. Muir and A. Robertson.
The report of the Council was read by Mr. Alex. Robertson and gave a resume of the transactions of the Society during the year just closed. Reference was made in it to the four lectures which had been given under the joint auspices of the Society and of the Governors of Morrin College, and also to the fact that portraits of John Langton, M.A., Hon. D. A. Ross, E. A. Meredith, M.A., Daniel Wilkie, M.A., Hon. A. W. Cochrane and James Stevenson had been added to the collection of past presidents. There still remain to be acquired, if at all possible, portraits of a number of other past presidents, and it is hoped that the Society will be successful in securing copies of these. Reference was also made in the report to the departure of Earl Grey, late Governor-General of Canada, who had evinced, during his stay in the country, a keen interest in the Society.
The Report of the Honorary Librarian, Mr. E. T. D. Chambers, showed that large donations of books had been made to the Library by Mrs. Andrew Thomson and by Captain J. A. Benvon.
After the presentation and adoption of the Reports of the Council, the Treasurer and the Librarian, the election of officers was proceeded with and resulted as follows:
President:—Col. Neilson.
Vice-Presidents:—Col. Turnbull, J. T. Ross, A. H. Cook and Judge McCorkill.
Treasurer :—James Geggie.
Recording-Secretary :—A. Robertson.
Corresponding-Secretary:—Col. Lindsay.
Council Secretary:—William Clint.
Librarian:—E. T. D. Chambers.
Curator of Museum:—P. Gagnon.
Curator of Apparatus:—J. M. Johnston.
Additional Members of Council:—Rev. F. G. Scott. Rev. P. M. O'Leary, D. D. O'Meara and Dr. Harper.
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