Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1910
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 29 (1917)]
The annual general meeting was held on the 11th January, 1911.
Present:—Dr. John Hamilton, President; Dr. Harper, G. M. Fairchild, Jr., J. M. Johnston, G. E. A. Jones, P. B. Casgrain, Col. Wood, James Geggie, E. T. D. Chambers, F. C. Wurtele, Col. Turnbull, Stuart-Oliver, W. Smith, Colonel Davidson, A. H. Cook, Cyr. Tessier, D. H. Geggie, A. Robertson, P. Gagnon, T. Aylwin, W. Clint, A. McAdams, Captain Bartlett, Dr. G. M. Parmelee, Captain Boulton.
The President read the annual report of the Council, which expressed satisfaction that through the liberality of Dr. Douglas and of the Governors of Morrin College, the Society had been enabled to arrange for a course of lectures which had been delivered as follows: Professor S. B. Leacock on "The Outlook for Imperial Unity"; Professor J. L. Morrison on "Two Centuries of Parliamentary Life"; Professor S. B. Leacock on "Socialism", and Professor Dyde on "Abraham Lincoln."
Reference was also made to the publication during the year of No. 28 of the Transactions of the Society, containing a paper on the S. S. Unicorn by Capt. Walter Douglas, her commander, and also a paper on "Admiral Bayfield," contributed and read before the Society by Captain J. G. Bolton, R. N. In this connection the report added "It is interesting to note that this paper completes the hydrographie history of the St. Lawrence for five centuries. Jacques Cartier was the hydrographer of the sixteenth century, Champlain of the seventeenth, Cook of the eighteenth, Bayfield of the nineteenth, and the St. Lawrence Pilot of 1907 of the twentieth."
The report continued: "Portraits of several of the ex-presidents of the Society have been acquired, and those now in position in the hall leading to the Society's rooms are as follows: Hon. W. Sheppard, G. B. Faribault, Sir James M. LeMoine, Dr. James Anderson, Dr. James Douglas, Dr. George Stewart, Hon. D. A. Ross, P. B. Casgrain, Archibald Campbell, Cyrille Tessier. It has been proposed to secure, as far as may be possible, portraits of all past presidents of the Society.
"The large and valuable collection of books forming the Aylwin library has been catalogued, and it is expected that before long the members of the Society will have access to the books therein contained."
This was presented by Mr. E. T. D. Chambers, Honorary Librarian, and showed that the circulation of books had increased from 3,941 in 1906; 4,592 in 1907; 5,130 in 1908;^to 6,167 in 1909, and 7,427 in 1910. The number of bound books added to the Library in 1910 was 468.
The election of officers resulted as follows: —
President:—John Hamilton, D.C.L.
Vice-Presidents:—J. T. Ross, Col. Turnbull, A. H. Cook, K.C., and Dr. Harper.
Treasurer:—James Geggie.
Recording-Secretary:—A. Robertson, K.C.
Corresponding-Secretary :—Colonel Crawford Lindsay.
Council Secretary:—William Clint.
Librarian:—E. T. D. Chambers.
Curator of Museum:—Phileas Gagnon.
Curator of Apparatus:—Colonel Neilson.
Additional Members of Council:—Col. Davidson, Rev. P. M. O'Leary, Rev. F. G. Scott and Mr. Justice McCorkill.
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