Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1906[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 27 (1908)]
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
QUEBEC, 9th January, 1907.
The annual general meeting of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec was held on Wednesday morning, 9th January, in the Library of the Society, at 10 o'clock. There was a large attendance of members, P. B. Casgrain, Esq., President, in the Chair.
Those present were : Messrs. P. B. Casgrain, Alex. Eobertson, James Geggie, F. C. Wurtele, Major W. Wood, Cyrille Tesier, S. Lesage, W. Clint, John Hamilton, Eev. P. M. O'Leary, P. Johnston, W. M. Macpherson, Lieut.-Col. Turnbull, D. H. Geggie, F. M. Duggan, George M. Fairchild, Major F. Lampson, P. Gagnon, A. D. Webster, Dr. Harper, J. T. Ross, A. E. Doucet, E. T. D. Chambers, G. E. Thompson, Major W H. Davidson,. J. C. Bradley, H McGreevy, J. B. Hance, C. W. Walcot, J. McLimont, G. E. A. Jones, D. Watson, A. Rhodes, Geo. Gale, H. Willis, J. Morgan, General Henry , D. Jewell, W. Reed, Stuart Oliver, E. H. Anderson, etc.
After reading the minutes of the last meeting, the Recording Secretary, A. Robertson, Esq., submitted the annual report of the Society for the past year.
QUEBEC, 9th January, 1907.
The past year has not been one of remarkable occurrences for the Society. The two historical features are the saving of Martello Tower No. 4, overlooking the Valley of the St. Charles, and the preparation of another volume of original documents, relating to the American siege of Quebec by Montgomery and Arnold in 1775-6. This volume is almost ready for delivery and, like its predecessors, it will be sent to all our exchanges, and given to such members as care to possess it.
The Martello Tower has now become, largely through our exertion, the property of the City of Quebec, and will be carefully preserved in trust as a relic of former times. In this connection we might mention that the proposal made in our report to the Royal Society of Canada in 1905, favoring the formation of a Canadian Landmark Association, is still before that body. The proposal was warmly received by the Royal Society, but, as that Society only meets once a year, it would be well for our own Society to have some definite scheme of organization ready for the next meeting in Ottawa so that the matter may be brought to a practical issue this time.
Our President, as a delegate of our Society, and with a view to maintaining the traditions of his predecessors, read a monograph before the Royal Society—Sur "Samos et la tentative manquée de Bourgainville pour prêter mainforte à Montcalm à la journée du 13 Septembre, 1759. We beg strongly to recommend to our members the necessity of keeping the original purpose and function of our Society constantly before us. Our charter plainly tells us our duty is :—"To publish documents and monographs on the Natural, Civil and Literary History of British North America," and we hope that more of our members will make themselves active in so good a cause.
We had the pleasure of welcoming to Quebec many members of the Fifteenth International Congress of Americanists last September. Every member of the Congress was offered the hospitality of our rooms, and many, we are glad to say, availed themselves of this privilege, and returned us hearty thanks for it.
We regret that there was only one lecture given under the auspices of the Society. That one, however, was of capital importance and dealt with an original subject in a Very interesting, not to say, entertaining manner. It was Colonel Hubert Neilson's paper on Slavery in Canada, which has been published by the Society and is now in the hands of the members. "
We have reason to believe that we are soon to have the privilege of again listening to our Honorary President, Dr James Douglas, for whose continued generosity during the past year we now beg leave to return our warmest thanks
We also wish to thank the governors of Morrin College for a continuance of the grant they make concurrently with that of Dr. Douglas ; and we call the attention of members to the fact that the Provincial Government granted us $200 in aid of the publication of the original documents of 1775-6. A suitable vote of thanks was conveyed to them after the first meeting of which their grant in aid was announced, and we hereby tender them, de novo, specially to the Prime Minister the Hon. Mr. Gouin, for his timely help and appreciation of
our work.
Our finances are, at last, in a satisfactory state, and the Society should not forget how much its Treasurer, Mr. James Geggie, has done to keep them afloat during a good many difficult years.
Our Honorary Librarian, whose indefatigable services have been, and still are, of the utmost benefit to the Society, will present his own report. We would, however, beg leave to state here, that greatly owing to his self-sacrificing devotion in his office, the issue of books has again risen very largely, while the percentage of overdue books has as steadily fallen and such a thing as a missing volume is almost unknown.
The whole respectfully submitted.
QUEBEC, January 9th, 1907.
Mr. James Geggie presented his Annual Report as Treasurer, showing the investments of the Endowment Fund and the amount received for members' subscriptions,the latter amounting to $595. To the book fund there was the annual grant of $250 from Dr. James Douglas and $250 from Morrin College. Dr. James Douglas also subscribed $250 to the publication fund.
The Board of Governors of Morrin College also granted the Society free rental for the use of the rooms.
Mr. Fred. C. Wurtele, Librarian, submitted the following interesting report :—
An augmented membership, together with an extended list of accessions to the library by purchase, naturally followed by more volumes being borrowed, tends to demonstrate that greater interest is being taken in the Society by Quebec's citizens.
When the old Society was down in the financial depths and almost sunk out of sight, few, beyond those who stood by it through bad times and lent a helping hand, cared whether it existed or not—Mais cela est tout changé—and the old phrase—"nothing succeeds like success"—is in this case verified.
Seven hundred and fifty-four accessions were received during the past year, composed of 345 volumes by purchase— 149 of which are denominated "Fiction," 115 bound volumes and 271 pamphlets, by donation and exchanges with other societies ; besides about 23 maps from the Department of the Interior and other sources.
Three thousand nine hundred and forty-one books have been loaned to members, being 1,112 in excess of last year, while the number out over time is only 147 volumes, "just nine more than the previous year, which speaks well for the borrowers, considering the large increase in the number issued. The classification is as follows :—
Fiction : 2,855
Travel: 241
General Literature: 222
Periodicals: 189
History: 182
Biography: 125
Poetry and Drama: 44
Natural History and animal stories: 41
Science and Art: 37
French Literature: 5
The thanks of the Society are due to Dr. Douglas and the Morrin College governors for their annual grants, which enabled the Society to keep the library supplied with the latest literature. Also to Arthur Veasey, Esq., for forty-four valuable works, and to Mr. Balch and our Honorary President.
Some interesting curios have been placed in the library ; consisting of several ancient sword blades found at Lake St John and given to the Society by Captain J. A. Benyon. A hoisting hook taken from the gable of the old house forming the north corner of St. Peter, St. James and Sault-au-Matelot streets. This house has been demolished to make space for the erection of the Bank of Montreal's new premises ; the hook and a photograph of the old house were presented to the Society by F. J. Cockburn, Esq., the Manager of the Quebec Branch.
A specially interesting trophy, consisting of two Mauser rifles taken from the Boers in the late war in South Africa, was sent to the Society by the Dominion Government.
A fine collection of Canadian postage stamps has been offered to the Society, on certain conditions, by Miss Charlotte Lloyd.
A generous member, Mr. F. McLennan, has handed five dollars to the Treasurer, to be the foundation of a fund for book-binding. There are a number of valuable books requiring to be rebound , also new ones which do not come otherwise than broché, and in that state are unfit to be issued to readers. It must be remembered that the expense of the binding and repairs must come out of the general revenue of the Society, which still is insufficent to meet all the demands such as subscriptions to periodicals and newspapers, and the ordinary running expenses of the institution ; hence it is to be hoped that the practical suggestion of this good member will be followed by the raising of a very necessary binding fund.
Transaction No. 26, containing Colonel Neilson's lecture on Slavery in Canada, is on the table, and will be followed by the Historical Document Series No. 8, concluding the papers relating to the Blockade of Quebec by the "Bostonnais," in 1775-76. A copy of each is at the disposal of members desirous of having these interesting brochures. Bulletin No. 3 was issued on the 24th of May, containing the library by-laws, and list of exchanges and periodicals, together with a classified list of all the books purchased and received since the last bulletin.
Respectfully submitted,
QUEBEC,31st December, 1906.
Major Lampson and Major W. H. Davidson were appointed scrutineers and the election of officers took place and resulted as follows :—
Patron—His Excellency Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada.
Vice-Patron—His Honor Sir Louis Jette, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec.
Hon. President—James Douglas, D.C.L., Spuyten Duyvil, N.Y.
President—P. B. Casgrain, K.C.
Vice-Presidents—J. T. Ross, George W. Parmelee, D.C.L. Lieut.-Colonel J. F. Turnbull, Arch. Cook, K.C.
Treasurer—Jas. Geggie.
Recording-Secretary—Alex. Robertson, K.C.
Council Secretary—Wm. Clint.
Corresponding Secretary—Lieut.-Colonel Crawford Lindsay.
Librarian—E. T. D. Chambers.
Curator of Museum—Phileas Gagnon.
Curator of Apparatus—Colonel H. Neilson.
Additional Members of Council—Simeon LeSage, Eev. F. G. Scott, F.E.S.C., LL.D., Major W. H. Davidson, K.C., Eev. P. M. O'Leary.
Presidents of the Literary and Historical Society
1824 Sir N. F. Burton, Lt.-Governor.
1828 Hon. Mr. Reid, Chief Justice.
1829 Lieut. Frederick Baddeley, R.N.
1830 Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.
1831 Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.
1832 Hon. Andre- Stuart, K.C.
1833 Hon. W. Sheppard.
1834 Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.
1835 Joseph Skey, M.D.
1836 Rev. Daniel Wilkie, LL.D.
1837 Hon. Andrew Stuart, K.C.
1838 Hon. Andrew Stuart, K.C.
1839 Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.
1840 Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.
1841 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1842 Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1843 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1844 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1845 Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1846 John C. Fisher, Esq., LL.D.
1847 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1848 Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1849 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1850 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1851 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1852 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1853 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1854 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1855 E. A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.
1856 W. Andrew, Esq.
1857 W. Andrew, Esq.
1858 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1859 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1860 E. A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.
1861 E. A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.
1862 John Langton, Esq., M.A.
1863 John Langton, Esq., M.A.
1864 John Langton, Esq., M.A.
1865 John Langton, Esq., M.A.
1866 Com. E. D. Ashe, R.N.
1867 Com. E. D. Ashe, R.N.
1868 Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, LL.D.
1869 Prof. James Douglas.
1870 Dr. W. J. Anderson.
1871 J. M. LeMoine, Esq.
1872-3 Dr. W. J. Anderson.
1873 Com. E. D. Ashe, R.N., F.R.S.
1874 Prof. James Douglas
1875 Prof. James Douglas
1876 James Stevenson, Esq.
1877 James Stevenson, Esq.
1878 James Stevenson, Esq.
1879 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1880 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1881 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1882 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1883 Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.C.
1884 Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.C.
1885 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1886 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1887 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1888 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1889 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1890 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1891 G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.
1892 Cyrille Tessier, Esq.
1893 Cyrille Tessier, Esq.
1894 Archibald Campbell, Esq.
1895 Archibald Campbell, Esq.
1896 Rev. R. W. Norman, D.D., Dean of Quebec.
1897 Rev. R. W. Norman, D.D., Dean of Quebec.
1898 P. B. Casgrain, Esq.
1899 P. B. Casgrain, Esq.
1900 William Wood, Esq.
1901 William Wood, Esq.
1902 Sir Jas. M. LeMoine, D.C.L., F.R.S.C.
1903 Sir Jas. M. LeMoine, D.C.L., F.R.S.C.
1904 Major William Wood, F.R.S.C.
1905 Major William Wood, F.R.S.C.
1906 P. B. Casgrain, Esq.
1907 P. B. Casgrain, Esq.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
FOUNDED IN 1824. Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1S31
JAMES DOUGLAS, D.C.L., Spuyten Duyvil, N.Y.
The Earl of Minto, G.C.M.G.
The Earl of Aberdeen.
The Earl of Derby.
The Marquis of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G.
The Duke of Argyle.
Sir Sanford Fleming, K.C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S.C.
John Miller Grant, Esq., London.
Revd. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A., Scotland.
Sir Gilbert Parker, D.C.L., M.P., London.
Sydney Robjohns, Esq., F.R.H.S., Scotland.
John Reade, F.R.S.C, Montreal.
James Ashbury, Esq., England.
Goldwin Smith, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.C, Toronto.
Henry Philips, Jr., Philadelphia.
Arthur G. Bradley, Esq., Northampton, England.
Arthur G. Doughty, C.M.G., Litt. D., F.R.H.S., England, F.R.S.C., Ottawa. ;
James Bain, Jr., D.O.L., Toronto.
Wm. C. Lane, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.
Lt.-Col. George T. Denison, F.R.S.C., Ottawa.
Sir James Grant, K.C.M.G., F.G.S., F.R.S.C., Ottawa.
S. E. Dawson, Litt. D., F.R.S.C., Otawa.
Sir Louis A. Jette, K.C.M.G.
Anderson, W. P., Lt.-Col., Ottawa.
Bartholomew, J. G., F.R.G.S., London.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., M.L.C., Boucherville, P.Q.
Brock, R. A., Richmond, Virginia, U.S.
Bailey, Dr. L. W., F.R.S.C., Fredericton, N.B.
Church, F. W., M.D., Boston.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de L'Institut de France, Paris.
Denham, Edward, New Bedford, Mass., U.S.
DeSechelles, Desmazieres, St. Malo, France.
D'Urban, W. S. M., England.
DePeyster, Gen. J. Watts, Tivoli, N.Y., U.S.
Dansereau, Arthur, Montreal.
Filippi, le Comte Waldemar, Paris.
Ganong, W. F., M.A., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.
Graham, Lt.-Col. U.S.A., Chicago, U.S.
Gerin, E., Three Rivers, P.Q.
Grazillier, L'Abbe, Saintes, France.
Hannay, James, D.C.L., St. John, N.B.
Huget-Latour, Major, Montreal.
Jack, D. Russel, St. John, N.B.
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.
Le Gardeur de Tilley, le Comte Hypolite, Chantreau, pres-Saintes, France.
Lighthall, W. D., M.A., B.C.L., F.R.S.C., Montreal,
Madrazo, Don Pedro de, Secretary General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, Spain. Morgan, H. J., F.R.S.C., Ottawa.
Provencher, Colonel N., Montreal.
Raymond, Revd. W. D., St. John, N.B.
Roberts, Charles G. D., M.A., F.R.S.C., New York, U.S.
Scott, C. Percy, M.A., Windsor, N.S.
Simmonds, Peter Lund, London, England.
Strange, T. Bland, Major-General, England.
Stone, W. L., Mt. Vernon, N.Y., U.S.
Suite, Benjamin, F.R.S.C., Ottawa.
Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va., U.S.
Wilson, Gen. James Grant, N.Y., U.S.
Winship, Geo. Parker, Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
Ahern, Arthur.
Ande.son, E. H.
Atkinson, W. P. V.
Aylwin, Thos. C.
Andrews, F. H.
Atkinson, H.
Armstrong, John, C.E.
Benyon, Oapt. J. A.
Bélanger, P. E. E.
Bennett, W. S.
Bennett, S. Sloan.
Boswell, St. George, M.I.O.E.
Boyce, J. G.
Brodie, William.
Burroughs, L. F.
Boulton, A. R.
Bishop, E. A.
Brown, W. H.
Brown, John.
Bigg, Rev. H. R.
Bank of Montreal, Quebec Staff.
Bradley, T. C.
Butler, David.
Budden, John S.
Boulton, Captain R. N.
Belleau, Jos.
Bartlett, Capt.
Blanchet, Judge.
Carter, W. H.
Carrel, Frank.
Casgrain, P. B.
Champion, C. P.
Clint, William.
Cream, R. F.
Cook, A. H.
Cook, W.
Calvin, D. D.
Chambers, E. J. C, D.D.S.
Chambers, E. T. D.
Craig, Lester G.
Chapman, A. G.
Champion, W. S.
Daniels F. G.
Davidson, Capt. W. H.
Dunn, Rt. Rev. A. Hunter, Lord Bishop of Quebec.
Dunn, S. H.
Dumontier, J. F.
Dunkerley, Miss C. F.
Dobell, William.
Doucet, A. E.
Duggan, Mrs. F. M.
Dunsford, W. H.
Duffett, Miss
Evans, Lorenzo.
Forsyth, Lt.-Col. Jos. Bell.
Fairchild, G. M.
Fairchild, S. Lemoine.
Fitzpatrick, A.
Geggie, D. H.
Geggie, James
Goodday, H. G.
Gibsone, Geo. F.
Gagnon, Phileas.
Gale, George.
Graham, Miss E. Maud.
Garneau, J. G.
Hamilton, John, D.C.L.
Holt, J. H.
Holloway, Frank.
Henry, Gen. W. W., U.S. Consul.
Hervey, C. M.
Hall, W. C. J.
Hance, J. B.
Harper, Dr. J. M.
Hoare, Mrs.
Hamel, Mrs. E.
Healey, Miss.
Irvine, Miss.
Jacot, J. O.
Jewell, David.
Joly de Lotbiniere, E. G.
Jones, Lt.-Col. G. E. Allen
Joseph, Montefiore.
Joseph, Andrew C.
Jones, Miss C.
Johnston, Peter.
Judge, Edmond.
Johnston, W. W.
Kennedy, Harold.
LeMoine, Sir Jas. D.C.L., F.R.S.C.
LeMoine, Gaspard.
LeSage, Simeon.
Laurie, William.
Lanctot, Charles.
Lindsay, Lt.-Col. Crawford.
Lindsay, W. P.
Laird, John.
Lampson, Fred.
Lyster, A. N.
Lawrence, Mrs. G. B.
Laurie, Dr.
Macnaughton, F. M.
Macpherson, W. M.
Machin, H. T.
MacLeod, Donald R.
Meredith, E. G.
McGie, Daniel.
Moir, Gavin.
Major James.
McLimont, J. C.
McLimont, William.
McGreevy, H.
McLennan, Francis.
Mills, Lt.-Col. R. E.
Murray, David.
McCorkell, Judge.
Neilson, Lt.-Col. J. L. H.
Oliver, Stuart.
O'Meara, D. D.
O'Leary, Rev. P. M.
Ogilvie, Capt. A. T.
Owen, P. Or.
Petry, Capt. W. H.
Pope, Edwin.
Pope, Miss Louisa.
Price, H. M.
Parmelee, G. W., D.C.L.
Price, William.
Price, Henry.
Pentland, C. A.
Pigot, C. J.
Power, William, M.P.
Patton, Mrs. H. B.
Quebec Bank, Quebec Staff.
Robertson, A.
Ross, J. Theo.
Eea, David.
Kay, Lt.-Col. Walter J.
Ritchie, John.
Renfrew, Gordon.
Ross, F. W.
Rhodes, Armitage.
Reed, William.
Robertson, D. C.
Scot:, Rev. F. G., D.C.L.
Smith, H. H.
Stuart, Gus. G.
Sewell, E. D.
Shaw, William.
Simons, William.
Staveley, Harry.
Sewell, Mrs. A.
Sewell, Dr.
Stain, J.
Stevenson, Miss E.
Scott, James G.
Smith, R. Harcourt.
Scott, Lt.-Col. B. A.
Scott, A. E.
Sharpies, Mrs. H. H.
Turner, Hon. Richard.
Turnbull, Col. J. F.
Thomson, G. H.
Thomson, D. C.
Tessier, Cyrille.
Thomas, W. S.
Tremaine, Miss L. L.
Thomson, Miss C.
Tufts, Miss.
Veasey, Arthur.
Verret, Hector.
Weir, W. A.
Webster, A. D.
Winfleld, Jos.
Wood, Colonel W., D.C.L., F.R.S.C.
Wade, E. Harper.
Walcot, C. W.
Williams, Very Rev. Dean.
Wood, Miss Helen G.
Willis, Henry.
Watson, David.
Winn, Miss H. E.
Whitehead, A. B.
Wurtele, Lt.-Col. Ernest F.
Williams, Rev. G. H.
Welch, J. A.
Whitehead, Mrs.
Sharpies, Hon. John., Wurtele, Fred. C
Love, Rev. A. T.
Clint, J. H.
Breakey, John.
Gray, Lt.-Col. Frost Wood.
Miller, Archibald.
Geggie, D. H.
MacNider, James.
Cook, A. H.
Ross, J. Theodore.
Barclay, Rev. J., D.D., Montreal.
Clark, Revd. Wylie C.
P. B. CASGRAIN, K.C: President.
JAMES GEGGIE : Treasurer.
A. ROBERTSON, K.C : Recording Secretary.
COL. C. LINDSAY: Corresponding Secretary.
WILLIAM CLINT: Council Secretary.
E. T. D. CHAMBERS: Librarian.
PHILEAS GAGNON: Curator of Museum.
COL. H. NEILSON: Curator of Apparatus.
S. LESAGE, REV. F. G. SCOTT, D.C.L., F.R.S., MAJOR W. IT. DAVIDSON, K.C., REV. P. M. O'LEARY: Additional Members of Council.
W. H. PETRY: Auditor.
J. W. STRACHAN: Curator of Library
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version
C 2008 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Tous droits reserves
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