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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1904[1]


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 25 (1905)]



11th JANUARY, 1905


The annual meeting of the Quebec Literary and Historical Society was held at the rooms in Morrin College at 10 o'clock 11th January. There was a good attendance of members, who were highly pleased with the new aspect of things, the room having been completely renovated and presenting a fine appearance. After the routine the following reports were read and adopted :—


The senior of all the societies of Canada we enter our 82nd year today with new life, new vigor, new hope, and new resources. In every way the year 1904 has marked an important epoch in our long career. But honor to whom honor is due, and we, the present Council, must beg leave to remind the Society that the new epoch now opening under such happy auspices owes both its birth and expectations to those Presidents and Councils whose devotion alone kept the Society alive through the long adversity of the past fifteen years. We cannot turn towards the consideration of the present without publicly acknowledging our indebtedness to five ex-Presidents whose mere names will at once recall and answer for their services—Dr. George Stewart, Mr. Archibald Campbell, Mr. P. B. Casgrain, Mr. Cyrille Tessier and Sir James LeMoine.


These gentlemen were mainly instrumental in carrying us safely through the most dangerous era of our history, and so enabling us to enjoy the three great benefactions which we have received from the Board of Governors of Morrin College, from the subscribers to our Endowment Fund, and from our Honorary President, Dr. James Douglas. We gladly take this opportunity of being assembled as a society in our annual, general meeting to give our unanimous and hearty thanks to all these our benefactors, whose personal service, kindly interest, and far-seeing generosity have, as in the present year, so firmly and so happily linked together our honorable past with such bright prospects for the future.


The Governors of Morrin College have just completed extensive improvements to their whole building, and have proved themselves the most generous of landlords-by turning us from tenants into guests, and by giving us a grant of $250 a year.


The Endowment Fund, which stood still at about $3,000 this time last year, now amounts to over $8,500. The munificent legacy of $5,000 was received in September under the will of the late Mrs. J. F. Turnbull. It has already been acknowledged by the Council; but" we should beg to assure Colonel Turnbull that the whole Society is animated by the same feelings of sympathy and gratitude, and that Mrs. Turnbull's great example will be kept in perpetual remembrance by being suitably recorded in our Archives and Proceedings. We also thank Mr. Frank Boss for having set the ordinary-endowment fund in motion by paying in his subscription of $500.


Our Honorary President, Dr. James Douglas, is, in every way, one of the greatest benefactors the Society" has ever had; for he combines great generosity with keen personal interest to a degree which can hardly be realized by any member with whom he has not been brought into personal contact while at work in furthering our prosperity. The payment of his annuity of $500 was begun last year, according to the plan by which one-half of the money is to be spent in buying new books, and the other half in publishing original documents.


As a result of all these benefactions our present position is as follows:


1.         Our accommodation is increased by more than one half.


2.         The landlord's improvements effected by Morrin College are of great benefit to us, and our premises are now granted to us entirely rent free.


3.         We have undertaken tenant's improvements on our own account, at an estimated outlay of about $1,000, which debt is to be paid off by instalments, out of the Morrin College annual grant of $250.


4.         Our Endowment Fund now amounts to $8,500; which should soon yield us a revenue of about $400, which will be available for general purposes.


5.         Our members' subscriptions are about $600 a year, a sum also available for general purposes. We would beg to draw the attention of all concerned to the fact that the Society does not yet meet with such support, in the practical way of paying membership, as both its services to the public and the advantages it can now offer to new members give it every reasonable right to expect. We must also add that there are serious arrears in far too many subscriptions; and we think it would be well if the rule excluding all members more than twelve months in arrears was strictly enforced in the future.


6.         We receive an annuity of $250 from Dr. Douglas for the publication of original documents. We hope to make the best use of this generous grant by taking up certain definite lines of research and following a fixed standard of absolute accuracy in printing word for word and letter for letter. Our first efforts will he directed to publishing one or more volumes containing all the original contemporary documents relating to the American invasion of 1775-76 which still remain in manuscript. We hope to obtain substantial aid from the Government to help us to produce a volume worthy of the subject with which it deals. And we think it advisable .to consider the question of publication in the regular book-selling agencies in London and New York


7.         Dr. Douglas also gives us an annuity of $250 for the purchase of new books. The sum available for this purpose is doubled by a similar grant from Morrin College. But, as has been pointed out already, the Board of Governors will retain their annuity until the •cost of our tenant's improvements shall have been paid off.


To recapitulate :—


Our income is made up as follows :


A.—Available for general purposes :

1.            Members' subscriptions for 1905: $ 600

2.            Interest from Endowment Fund:  400

Total available for general purposes: $ 1,000


B.—Available for special objects only:

1.         Free premises accounted as equivalent to: $ 250

2.         Allowance for publication: 250

3.        Allowance for book-buying, half from Dr. Douglas, and half from Morrin College: 500

Total for special objects:            $ 1,000


Grand total:            $ 2,000


Our second Bulletin was published on Victoria Day and sent to all members. It contained a full explanation of the present position and future prospects of the Society.


The most important single event during the past year was the erection of the two commemorative historical tablets to mark the sites of the Près-de-Ville and Sault-au-Matelot barricades, where Montgomery and Arnold were so signally defeated in the early morning hours of the last day of 1775. The Society first took action in the matter two years ago, under the presidency of Sir James LeMoine, when a public subscription list was successfully started among our citizens. An interview with the Minister of Militia, however, resulted in a promise of Government action; and a grant of $1,250 was passed through the Dominion House of Commons last spring.


The Historical Tablet Committee was composed of the following gentleman, appointed in 1903: —Sir James LeMoine, James Morgan, W. Wood, J.T. Ross, Siméon Lesage, Cyrille Tessier, Fred. C. Wurtele, Alex. Robertson, John Hamilton, W. J. Ray, Lt.-Col. Turnbull and Archibald Campbell.


The inscriptions were composed by Mr. William Wood, President of the Society in 1904; they were submitted to the Historical Tablets Committee and to the Council, and were personally approved by our patron, His Excellency the Earl of Minto, then Governor-General. The whole of the workmanship was carried out to our perfect satisfaction by the firm of Messrs. Walker & Campbell, of Montreal, and both tablets were placed in positions before the 129th anniversary of the victory they were designed to commemorate.


The Council would urge the Society to look upon this commemoration as only the beginning of a greater and more far-reaching work. And it would propose that we should at once take the initiative in forming an association, which shall include the whole of the Dominion, for the purpose of preserving all buildings, sites, and other objects of national historic interest which ought to be kept intact for our posterity. We would propose to issue an invitation to all kindred societies in Canada to join what we might call, for short, The Canadian Landmark Association. We have already enlisted the warm approval and active support of both the late and present Governors-General of Canada. Under these circumstances, we have no hesitation in asking the whole Society to take up the work, and carry it out to what cannot fail to be a great and lasting success.


The whole respectfully submitted,

William Wood.


Quebec, January 11, 1905.




The historic Tablets Committee of the Literary and Historical Society, at a meeting held on the 23rd December, 1904, desired to place the following on record in a report to the Society.—"The Historic Tablets Committee reports that the Dominion Government having granted the site for the Près-de-Ville tablet, and the Molson's Bank, the site for the Sault-au-Matelot tablet, both tablets are being placed in position and both remain the property of the Society."


The Committee begs further to report to the Society that these bronze tablets commemorating the defeats of Montgomery at the Près-de-Ville barricade, and of Arnold at the Sault-au-Matelot barricade, on the 31st December, 1775, events so important to the destiny of Canada, have been duly erected within four days of the 129th anniversary of that victory.


The Militia Department in a few days will pay over to the President of the Society $1,250 for the cost of the tablets and their erection. This sum will be handed over to the contractors, Messrs. "Walker & Campbell, of Montreal, whose work has been performed in a highly satisfactory manner.


As it was thus found unnecessary to continue raising the original subscription among the citizens of Quebec, the amounts received have been returned to the subscribers.


All that remains to be done is to now hand over to the Society the records of the Committee together with all correspondence relating thereto, to be placed in the Society's archives; and as the work has been completed the Committee begs to be relieved of its duties and dissolved.



Chairman of the Historic Tablets Committee.




The Librarian begs to report that during the past year there have been 527 accessions to the library, consisting of 69 bound and 252 unbound volumes of donations and exchanges from other societies, also 206 volumes have been purchased, sixty of which being works of fiction.


The thanks of the Society are due to several gentlemen who have kindly presented books to the library. J. T. Ross, Esq., for eighteen volumes of Louisa Muhlbach's works, Archibald Campbell, Esq., for several valuable books and a fine portrait of the late Earl of Dufferin and Ava, some time a patron of this Society. "The Fight for Canada," from its author, Major Wood, and interesting books from General J. Watts De-Peyster, Dr. Jas. Douglas, Benjamin Suite, Esq., and others.


Owing to the many new books placed on the shelves during the past year, the issues have increased, making 1,937 volumes loaned to members, of which 87 still remain out over the fourteen days specified in the bylaws.


Fiction, 1,044; current magazines, 218; travels, 175; general literature, 143 ; biography, 119 ; history, 115 ; poetry and drama, 39 ; science and art, 25 ; natural history, 25; classics, 20; French books, 14. Total, 1,937.


The classification of these issues speaks for itself showing what class of works are most sought for by our members, the selection of which makes the task a difficult one for the Library Committee to satisfy the taste of the several readers, who, to facilitate matters, are requested to record their wishes in the recommendation book.


As soon as the book grant from Dr. Douglas arrives, a list of new works will be drawn up and purchases made with as little delay as possible.


The condition of the Library premises has been greatly improved by the acquisition of the adjoining: room, which has been nicely shelved and suitable table» and chairs placed therein. Special shelving has been arranged for the volumes of the Quebec Chronicle, Mercury, Gazette, Berean, Paris Moniteur of 1791 to 1803, and others, which will facilitate the work of research, in those ponderous tomes.


This room will also contain works of reference, dictionaries, encyclopedias, &c, &c, the biographical section, United States history and other works, while in. the closed book case will be found all the books relating to Canada.


The old room has been cleaned, newly carpeted, the ceiling and walls painted, a new system of electric lighting installed, and the furniture renovated, so that the whole premises now present an attractive and comfortable appearance, which will doubtless be much appreciated. As this house-cleaning operation occasioned the placing of all the books down on to the floor, the opportunity has been taken to rearrange the classification, which will necessitate a revision of the card catalogue, and on completion of, this work it would-be advisable to print a new catalogue, seeing the last volume is thirty years old and practically useless.


From various causes, not in the province of the Librarian to relate, the Society has been resuscitated and placed on a firm basis, so that the library will henceforth be kept supplied with new reading matter of all kinds, which it is hoped will give greater satisfaction to the members and increase its muster roll.



Honorary Librarian.


QUEBEC, 31st December, 1904.




After some seventeen new members had been elected, the election of officers was proceeded with and resulted as follows:—


Hon. President—Dr. Jas. Douglas.

President—Major Wood, F.E.S.C.

Vice-Presidents—J. T. Ross, P. Johnston, J. Hamilton, D.CX.., and G. W. Parmelee, D.C.L.

Treasurer—James Geggie.

Eecording Secretary—A. Robertson.

Corresponding Secretary—A. H. Cook.

Council Secretary—W. Clint.

Librarian—Fred. C. Wurtele.

Curator of Museum—Bev. C. P. O'Leary.

Curator of Apparatus—Geo. Lampson.

Additional members of Council—Sir James LeMoine, Ool. J. F. Turnbull, C. Tessier, P. B. Casgrain.




Presidents of the Literary and historical Society


1824: Sir N. F. Burton, Lt.-Governor.

1828: Hon. Mr. Reid, Chief Justice.

1829: Lieut. Frederick Baddeley, R. N.

1830: Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.

1831:  "            "            " " "

1832: Hon. Andrew Stuart, K.C.

1833: Hon. W. Sheppard.

1834:  " "            "

1835: Joseph Skey, M.D.

1836: Rev. Daniel Wilkie, LL.D.

1837: Hon. Andrew Stuart, K.C.

1838:              "          "            "            "

1839: Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.

1840:  " " " "

1841: Hon. fm. Sheppard.

1842: Hon. A. W. Cochrane.

1843: Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1844: G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1845: Hon. A. W. Cochrane.

1846: John C. Fisher, Esq., LL.D.

1847: Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1848: Hon. A. W. Cochrane.

1849: G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1850:  " " "

1851:  " " "

1852:  " " "

1853:  "

1854:  " " "

1855: E. A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.

1856: W. Andrew, Esq.

1857:  "

1858: G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1859:  "

1860: E. A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.

1861:  "

1862: John Langton, Esq., M.A.

1863:  "

1864:  "            "            " "

1865:                       “ “

1866: Com. E. D. Ashe, R.N.

1867:             "          " "

1868: Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, LL.D.

1869: Prof. James Douglas.

1870: Dr. W. J. Anderson.

1871: J. M. LeMoine, Esq.

1872-3: Dr. W. J. Anderson.

1873: Com. E. D. Ashe, R.N., F.R.S.

1874: Prof. James Douglas.

1875:  " . "

1876: James Stevenson, Esq.

1877:  "            "            "

1878.: "            "            "

1879: J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.

1880:  "            "            "

1881:  "            "            "            "

1882:  "            "            "            "

1883: Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.C.

1884:  "            "            "

1885: G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, F.R.G.S.

1886:  " "

1887:  “ “

1888:  " "

1889:  “ “

1890:  " "

1891:    “ “

1892: Cyrille Tessier, Esq.

1893:  "            "            "

1894: Archibald Campbell, Esq.

1895:  "            "            "

1896:  Very Rev. R. W. Norman, D.D., Dean

of Quebec.

1897:  "            "            "            "

1898: P. B. Casgrain, Esq.

1899:  "            "            "

1900: William Wood, Esq.

1901:  "

1902:  Sir Jas. M. LeMoine, D.C.L., F.R.S.C.

1903:  "

1904:  Major William Wood, F.R.S.C.

1905:  "            " "            "


Literary and historical Society of Quebec



Incorporated by Roya1 Charter, 1831



His Excellency, The Right Hon. Earl Grey, G.C.M.G, Baron Grey of Howick, Governor-General of Canada.



James Douglas, D.C.L., Spuyten Duyvil, N.Y.



The Earl of Minto, G.C.M.G.

The Earl of Aberdeen.

The Earl of Derby.

The Marquis of Landsdowne, G.C.M.G.

The Duke of Argyle.

Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., L.L.D, F.R.S.C.

John Miller Grant. Esq., London.

Revd. Charles Rogers, L.L.D., F.S.A., Scotland.

Sir Gilbert Parker, D.C.L., M.P., London.

Sydney Robjohns, Esq., F.R.H.S., Scotland.            ,_

Wm. Kirby, F.R.S.C, Niagara, P.O.

John Reade, F.R.S.C, Montreal.

James Ashbury, Esq., England.

Goldwin Sjmith, D.C.L., LLD., F.R.S.C, Toronto.

Henry Philips, Jr., Philadelphia.

Arthur G. Bradley, Esq., Northampton, England.

Arthur G. Doughty, Litt.D, F.R.H.S., England, F.R.S.C, Ottawa.

James Bain, Jr., D.C.L., Toronto.

Wm. C Lane, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S. Lt.-Col. George T. Denison, F.R.S.C, Toronto.

Sir James Grant, K.C.M.G., F.G.S., F.R.S.C, Ottawa.

S. E. Dawson, Litt. D., F.R.S.C, Ottawa.



Anderson, W. P., Lt.-Col, Ottawa.

Bartholomew, J. G., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.E., London.

Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., M.L.C, Boucherville, P.Q.

Brock, R. A., Richmond, Virginia, U.S.

Bailey, Dr. L. W., F.R.S.C., Fredericton, N.B.

Church, F. W., M.D., Boston.

D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de L'Institut de France, Paris.

Denham, Edward, New Bedford, Mass., U.S.

DeSechelles, Desmazières, St. Malo, France.

D'Urban, W. S. M., England.

DePeyster, Gesn. J. Watts, Tivoli, N.Y, U.S. ,

Dansereau, Arthur, Montreal.

Filippi, le Comte Waldèmar, Paris.

Ganong, W. F., M.A., Cambridge, Mass, U.S.

Graham, Lt.-Col. U.S.A., Chicago, U.S.

Gérin, E., Trois Rivières, P.Q.

Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, France.

Hannay, James, D.C.L., St. John, N.B.

Huguet-Latour, Major, Montreal.

Jack, D. Russell, St. John, N.B.

Lefebvre de Bellefeuile, E., Montreal.

Le Gardeur de Tilley, le Comte Hypolite, Chantreau, près-Saintes, France.

Lighthall, W. D, MA., B.C.L., F.R.S.C., Montreal.

Madrazo, Don Pedro de, Secretary General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid,, Spain.

Morgan, H. J., F.R.S.C., Ottawa.

Provencher, Colonel N., Montreal.

Roberts, Charles G. D, MA., F.R.S.C, New York, U.S.

Scott, C. Percy, M.A., Windsor, N.S.

Simmonds, Peter Lund, London, England.

Strange, T. Bland, Major-General, England.

Stone, W. L., Mt. Vernon, N.Y., U.S.

Suite, Benjamin, F.R.S.C., Ottawa.            ,

Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va., U.S.

Wilson, Gen. James Grant, N.Y., U.S.




Ahern, Arthur.

Anderson, Edmund H.

Atkinson, W. F. V.

Anderson, Capt. P. H.

Aylwin, Thos. C.

Andrews, F. H.


Benyon, Capt. J. A.

Boudreau, Rev. P.

Bé;anger, P. E. E.

Bennett, W. S.

Bennett, S. Sloan.

Boswell, St. George, M.I.C.E.

Boyce, J. G.

Brodie, William.

Burroughs, L. F.

Boulton, A. R.

Bishop, E. A.

Bromiley, A.

Brown, W. H.

Barton, Rev. W.

Brown, John.

Bigg, Rev. H. R.

Bank of Montreal, Quebec Staff.


Carter, W. H.

Carrel, Frank.

Casgrain, P. B.

Campion, C. P.

Clint, William.

Casgrain, Rev. Réné.

Cream, R. F.

Cook, A. H.

Cook, W.


Davidson, Capt. W. H.

Dunn, Rt. Rev. A. Hunter, Lord Bishop of Quebec.

Dunn, S. H.

Dumontier, J. F.

Dunkerley, Miss. C. F.

Dobell, William.


Evans, Lorenzo.


Forsyth, Lt.-Col. Jos. Bell.


Geggie, D. H.

Geggie, James.

Goodday, H. G.

Gibsone, Geo. F.

Gagnon, Philéas.

Grover, J.

Gaudet, Lt.-Col. F. M.


Hamilton, John. D.C.L.

Holt, J. H.

Horan, J.

Hunt, A. H.

Holloway, Frank.

Henry, Gen. W. W., U.S. Consul.

Huot, Philippe.

Hall, W. C. J.

Hance, J. B.

Harper, Dr. J. M.


Irvine, Miss.


Jewell, David.

Joly de Lotbiniere, E. G.

Jones, Lt.-Col. G. E. Allen.

Joseph, Montefiore.

Joseph, Andrew C.

Johnson, Peter.


Languedoc, W. C.

LeMoine, Sir. Jas., M,. F.R.S.C

LeMoine, Gaspard.

Lampson, George.

LeSage, Simeon.

Laurie, William.

Lanctot, Charles.

Lindsay, Lt.-Col. Crawford.

Lindsay, W. P.

Laird, John.


Machin, H. T.

MacLeod, Donald R.

Meredith, E. G.

McGie. Daniel.

MacNaughton, F. M.

Moir, Gavin.

Morgan, Major James.

McLimont, J. C.

McLimont, William.

MacCuaig, Rev. W. W.

McGreevy, H.

Massey, W. H.

McLennan, Francis.

Major, Mrs. G. R.


Neilson, Lt.-Col. J. L. H.


Oliver, Theo. H.

Oliver, Stuart.

O’meara, D. D.

O’Leary, Rev. C. P.

Ogilvie, Capt. A. T.


Petry, Capt. W. H.

Pope, Edwin.

Pope, Miss Louisa.

Price, H. M.

Parke, Dr. C. S.

Parmelee, G. W., D.C.L.

Preston, Charles.

Price, William.

Price, Henry.

Pentland, C. A.

Pigot, J. C.

Power, William., M.P.

Paddon, Mrs. G. J.


Quebec Bank, Quebec Staff.


Robertson, Alexander.

Ross, J. Theo.

Rea, David.

Ray, Lt.Col. Walter J.

Ritchie, John.

Fenfrew, Gordon.

Ross, F. W.

Rhodes, Armitage.

Reed, William.


Shearer, Ronald.

Stewart, Robert.

Scott, Rev. F. G., LL.D.

Smith, H. H.

Stuart, Gus. G.

Sewell, E. D.

Shaw, William.

Simons, John.

Simons, William.

Stavely, Henry.

Stevenson, Miss J., (North Hatley)

Stevenson, Miss E.

Scott, Lt.-Col. B. A.

Sharples, Capt. J. J.


Turner, Hon R. D.

Turnbull, Lt.-Col. J. F.

Thomson, G. H.

Thomson, D. C.

Thomson, Andrew.

Tessier, Cyrille.

Thomas, W. S.


Veasey, Arthur.

VonIffland, Rev. Canon.


Webster, A. D.

Winfield, Jos.

Wood, Major W., F.R.S.C.

Wade, E. Harper.

Walcott, C. W.

Williams, Very Rev. Dean.

Wood, Miss Helen G.

Willis, Henry.

Walton, Mrs. F.

Watson, David.

Winn, Miss H. E.

Whitehead, A. B.

Watkins, Rev. B.

Wurtele, Lt.-Col. Ernest F.


Young, T. A.



Sharples, Hon. John.

Carbray, Felix.

Campbell, Archibald.

Wurtele, Fred. C.




The Governors of Morrin College


Love, Rev. A. T.

Clint, J. H.

Breakey, John.

Gray, Lt.-Col. Frost Wood.

Miller, Archibald.

Geggie, D. H.

Thomson, Andrew.

Dean, W. R.

MacNider, James.

Cook, A. H.

Ross, J. Theodore.

Barclay, Rev. J., D.D., Montreal.

Clarke, Revd. Wylie C.




Major W. Wood, F.R.S.C: President.

J. Theo. Ross: Vice President.

Peter Johnston: Vice President.

John Hamilton, D.C.L: Vice President.

G. W. Parmelee, D.C.L: Vice President.

James Geggie: Treasurer.

Fred. C. Wurtele: Librarian.

Alexander Robertson: Recording Secretary.

A. H. Cook: Corresponding Secretary.

William Clint: Council Secretary.

Rev. C. P. O’Leary: Curator of Museum.

George Lampson: Curator of Apparatus.

Sir James Lemoine: Additional Member of Council

Lt.-Col. J. F. Turnbull: Additional Member of Council

Cyrille Tessier: Additional Member of Council

P. B. Casgrain: Additional Member of Council


() Auditor

J. W. Strachan: Curator of Library

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[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version

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