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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1902[1]


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 24 (1903)]



The annual meeting of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec took place on 13th January in the Society's rooms, Morrin College. There were present the President, Sir James M. LeMoine, Messrs. P. B. Casgrain, C. Tessier, F. G. Würtele, James Geggie, Wm. Clint, Peter Johnston, Alex Robertson, J. Horan, Lt.-Col. Frost Wood Gray, Major Wm Wood.


After the minutes of the last general meeting were read and adopted, the President, Sir James M. LeMoine, read the annual report of the Council for the year ending December 31st, 1902. as follows :—


"The year just closed has been an uneventful one for the Society.


As recommended by the Council of the preceding year, application has been made to His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council for leave to change the rules requiring the stated meetings of the Council and Society to be held at fixed hours, in order that all Council, general or annual meetings, may in future be held at such hours as may be found most convenient for the time being.


The finances of the Society are improving. In addition to the generous donation of $100 by Mr. Wm. Price, mentioned in last year's report, we have to acknowledge an offering of $100 from Lt.-Col. F. Turnbull and Mrs. Turnbull and $50 from Mr. Archibald Campbell.


NEW MEMBERS :—W. A. Griffith,

Dr J. P. Whitney, L.-L.-D., Principal, Bishops' College.

Armitage Rhodes, Quebec.

Philippe Huot. "

A. B. Whitehead. "

R. A. Robinson. "

H. B. Patton. "

C.A. Evans. "

Jules Lesage. "

J.G. Thomson. "

Col. Surgeon H. Nielson, Cap-Rouge

Lt.-Col. Donald C. Thomson. Quebec

P.E. Emile Boulanger. "


The Society has to deplore the untimely death, amongst others, of two of the oldest associate members, the Hon. R.R. Dobell, whose earnest and cheery voice was more than once heard in our rooms. He was closely followed to the tomb by his partner, Mr. Thomas Beckett, a firm supporter of our association.


A special meeting was called a few months back to meet our worthy Honorary Presidents, Dr. James Douglas, L.L.D., of New-York, then on a visit to this city. Dr. Douglas took occasion to urge the Society to continue the publication of some of the invaluable MSS. In our archives, such as was the practice when he had the honor to preside over the Society. He suggested that an appeal be made to Col. Surgeon H. Neilson, grandson of the late Hon. John Neilson, as custodian and proprietor of the valuable Neilson papers; measures have been taken to carry out his views.


Two highly instructive lectures were delivered in the rooms of the Society ; during the year just expired : Capt. Geo. D. O’Farrell, of the Marine and Fisheries Department, at Quebec read a paper. "Notes on the Lighthouses of the Province of Quebec, " which was illustrated by photographic views, and Dr. I.P. Whitney, Principal of Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, delivered a scholarly lecture. Subject : "A Prophet of Imperialism, Sir John Seely. "


A patriotic idea has just taken form and has met with the approval of the Society : indicating to strangers by bronze tablets with suitable inscriptions spots rendered memorable by feats of arms and historical events, such as Sault-au-Matelot street, where Colonel Benedict Arnold was routed on the 31st December, 1775, and Pres-de-Ville, where his chief, Brigadier-General R. Montgomery met death and defeat on the same day.


The Society is indebted to Major William Wood, Past President, for a copy of Messrs. Doughty and Parmelee's elaborate work on the days of Wolfe and Montcalm, and to Lt.-Col. C. V.F.            Townshend, of London, for a handsome copy of the Life and Letters of his distinguished ancestor, Marquis of Townshend, who signed the capitulation of Quebec on the 18th September, 1759.


The Society will doubtless hail with pleasure the large addition of valuable works on history and science on the library shelves, which has materially increased the attendance of members in our rooms.


The winter course of lectures was duly organized. Mr. J. G. Scott, of the Quebec & Lake St. John Railway, an authority on Canadian railroads, is to lecture before the Society on the 14th instant. Subject : " The Trans-Canada Railway," and the Rev. Frederick George Scott, F. R. S. C, is to read a paper on Milton during the present month.


Quebec, 31st December, 1902.





The Treasurer, Mr. James Geggie, next read the financial statement, which showed the Society to be in a good financial standing. This was followed by the reading of the library report by the Librarian, Mr. Fred. G. Würtele.


After the reports had been adopted, the election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following result :—


President—Sir James M. LeMoine (re-elected).

Vice-Presidents—Messrs. J. Theodore Ross ,Peter Johnston) Major W. Wood and Cyrille Tessier.

Treasurer—Mr. James Ceggie.

Corresponding Secretary—Mr. A. Robertson.

Recording Secretary—Mr. J. F. Dumontier.

Council Secretary—Mr. W. Clint.

Librarian—Mr. F. C. Wurtele.

Additional members of Council :—Mr. P. B. Casgrain, Mr. Arch. Campbell, Mr. D. H. Geggie, Mr. Siméon Lesage.

[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version

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