Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1899
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 23 (1900)]
Annual meeting and Election of Officers.
Held January 10th, 1900.
The Annual General meeting of the Quebec Literary and Historical Society was held on "Wednesday morning, the 10th January, in the library of the Society, at 10 o'clock.
Among those present were Mr. P. B. Casgrain, President, (in the chair), Sir Jas. Le Moine, John T. Ross, Cyr.Tessier, Archd. Campbell, Major Morgan, P. Johnston, Archd. Foulds, D. H. Geggie, Wm. Clint, Capt. Wm. Wood, Jas. Geggie and J. F. Dumontier.
The minutes of the last annual meeting being read and approved, Mr. P. B. Casgrain proceeded to read
The Society is happy to announce that, owing to the liberality of several generous friends, it is now entering into a brighter era as to its financial position.
Among its benefactors it has pleasure in naming the late Mrs. Renfrew, the widow of Mr. Geo. Renfrew, one of its oldest and most worthy members, who recently bequeathed the Society a legacy of $500.00.
Dr. James Douglas, now of New York, one of its former most zealous Presidents, who recently donated $500.00, with a promise of $500.00 additional whenever the Society's endowment fund should reach $10,000 ; and Archibald Campbell, Esquire, of Thornhill, one of its recent esteemed past Presidents, who presented the Society with an additional cheque for $100.00.
The endowment fund has also, during the year, been increased by two life subscriptions of $40 each from two life members, Hon. John Sharpies, M. L. C, and Felix Carbray, Esq., M.P.P.
Amidst these subjects of congratulation, the Society, however, regrets to have to express its disappointment at the discontinuance of the Government annual grant of $750 received for so many years in aid of the publication of the Society's historical researches, etc., in the annual Transactions.
In May 1887, when $500.00 was granted by the Provincial Government to the Institut Canadien, Hon. D. A. Ross, then Attorney General, informed the Council in writing that: "that it was by inadvertence that nothing was granted to the Society this error will be remedied next session."
The Society is still awaiting the fulfilment of this efficient pledge.
The Society owes a debt of gratitude to the Governors of Morrin College for their liberal dealings with it and for the free use of their Convocation Hall for the winter course of lectures, etc.
The reading room and library continue to attract crowds of strangers and distinguished visitors desirous of consulting our archives and rare books on Canadian annals.
As further inducement to join our ranks, the Society counts on having shortly in addition to its splendid collection of standard reviews and magazines, about $1,000 worth of new books on history, travel, general literature, etc.
The winter-course of lectures has been well attended. Dr. MacRae lectured on "Abelard and the rise of the Universities;" and Professor Gunn, of Morrin College, on "Joan of Arc" These interesting studies will find place in our Transactions.
A movement of paramount importance which our Association, as the oldest Historical Society in the Dominion, considered herself specially called on to promote ; has been-furthered during the past year, to wit, the preservation as an historical monument of the Plains or what remains of the PLAINS OF ABRAHAM, on the south-eastern portion of the plateau, where was fought the battle of the 13th September, 1759, and nearly on the same locality, the second battle of the 28th April, 1760. What remains of this area was thus rendered sacred ground in our history, and the 99 years lease of it to the Government for exercising grounds for the troops will shortly lapse and it will revert to its original owners.
An earnest appeal was made by our Society to the leading Canadian Historical Societies, asking their help and co-operation in the memorial addressed to the Dominion Government, the present occupants of the grounds. This appeal and the hearty and encouraging replies received from every part of the Dominion will appear in our "Transactions."
The President of this Society, the Council is happy to say, has devoted much time and research in locating the site of both battles.
An able lecture on the first battle was delivered by him on 14th December last, to be shortly followed by another lecture describing the second battle of the Plains of Abraham.
We subjoin the report of the Treasurer and also of the Librarian.
The roll of members shows the following changes for the past year.
Left the City: 2
Deaths-Hon. E. J. Price: 1
New Members: 10
Honorary Member—Gilbert Parker: 1
Resignations: 2
Quebec, 10th January, 1900.
The Treasurer's report showed the receipts to be: $772 25
Disbursements: 745 39
Balance on hand: 26 86
The interest in the library received an impetus this year through the legacy received from the estate of the late Mrs. G-. R. Renfrew, which enabled the Council to authorize the expenditure of about $100 for the purchase of new books. A selection of 58 volumes, comprising works of travel, history, fiction and current literature by the best authors, has been placed on our shelves at a cost of $89, and the balance of the vote will be expended shortly in a like manner. This small timely accession to the library, which has been greatly appreciated by the members of the Society, has shown that the Council recognizes the importance of the library to the welfare of the institution. When the generous donation promised to the library by Dr. James Douglas is received a large purchase of books will be made. The donations and exchanges amount to 23 bound and 263 unbound volumes, received from Quebec citizens and from kindred societies converging from all parts of the world. 1,103 volumes have been circulated among the members during the past year, and the library has been much used for reference by strangers making researches into Canadian history, notably Gilbert Parker, through his secretary, and Miss Mcllwraith, who kindly presented us with a copy of her admirable historical romance "Span o' Life."
Thus the close of the 19th century bids fair for the success of the old institution.
Quebec, 50th Dec, 1899.
On motion of Mr. P. Johnston, seconded by Sir James Lemoine, the reports of the Council, Treasurer and Librarian were adopted.
The election of officers was the next business in order.
Sir James Lemoine moved and seconded by Mr. Archd. Campbell "That Dr. James Douglas be elected Honorary President for the great interest he has always shown in and great service he has always rendered to our Society." Carried unanimously.
Messrs D. H. Greggie and Archd. Foulds were appointed scrutineers and the following members were respectively declared duly elected by ballot:
President: Capt. William Wood.
1st Vice-President: Sir James Lemoine.
2nd ": John T. Eoss, Esq.
3rd ": Cyr. Tessier, Esq.
4th ": Peter Johnston, Esq.
Treasurer: James Greggie, Esq.
Recording-Secretary: Alex. Robertson, Esq.
Corresponding-Secretary: J. F. Dumontier, Esq.
Council-Secretary: Archibald Eoulds, Esq.
Librarian: F. C. Würtele, Esq.
Curator of Museum: Frank Carrel, Esq.
Curator of Apparatus: Wm. Clint, Esq.
Additional Members of Council:—Messrs. P. B. Casgrain, Archd. Campbell, Jas. Morgan, D. Greggie.
Mr. J. W. Strachan was re-appointed Assistant Librarian and Care-taker.
Mr. P. B. Casgrain, whose term of office had expired, then vacated the chair which was taken by the President elect, Capt. Wm. Wood, who thanked the meeting for their confidence in him and conveyed to the Ex-President the following cordial thanks of the whole society:
Moved by Mr. Peter Johnston, seconded by Mr. Archd. Campbell:
"That the hearty thanks of the Society be given to the retiring President, P. B. Casgrain, Esq., for his admirable services to the Society during his term of office.
Quebec, 10th January, 1900.
Council Secretary.
Presidents of the Literary and Historical Society
1824: Sir N.F. Burton, Lt.-Governor.
1824: Hon. Reid, Chief Justice.
1829: Lieut. Frederick Baddeley, R.N.
1830: Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.
1831: " " " " "
1832: Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.
1833: Hon. Wm. Sheppard,
1834: " " "
1835: Joseph Skey, M.D.
1836: Rev. Daniel Wilkie, LL.D.
1837: Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.
1838: " " " "
1839: Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.
1840: " " " "
1841: Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1842: Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1843: Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1844: G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1845: Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1846: John C. Fisher. Esq., LL.D.
1847: Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1848: Hon A.W. Cochrane.
1849: G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1850: " " "
1851: " " "
1852: " " "
1853: " " "
1854: " " "
1855: E.A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.
1856: W. Andrew, Esq.
1857: " " "
1858: G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1859: " " "
1860: E.A. Meredith, Esq., M.A.
1861: " " " "
1862: John Langton, Esq., M.A.
1863: " " " "
1864: " " " "
1865: " " " "
1866: Cr. E. D. Ashe. R.N.
1867: " " "
1868: Hon. P.J.O. Chauveau, LL.D.
1869: Prof. James Douglas.
1870: Dr. W.J. Anderson.
1871: J.M. Lemoine, Esq.
1872-3: Dr. W.J. Anderson
1873: Cr. E.D. Ashe, R.N., F.R.S.
1874: Prof James Douglas.
1875: " " "
1876: James Stevenson, Esq.
1877: " " "
1878: " " "
1879: J.M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1880: " " " "
1881: " " " "
1882: " " " "
1883: Hon. D.A. Ross, Q.C.
1884: " " "
1885: G. Stewart, D.C.L., F.R.S.C., F.R.G.S.
1886: " " " "
1887: " " " "
1888: " " " "
1889: " " " "
1890: " " " "
1891: " " " "
1892: Cyrille Tessier, Esq.
1893: " " "
1894: Archibald Campbell, Esq.
1895: " " "
1896: Very Revd. R.W. Norman, D.D., Dean of Quebec
1897: " " " "
1898: P.B. Casgrain, Esq.
1899: " " "
1900: William Wood, Esq.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1831.
The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, K.P.
The Marquis of Lome, K.T.
The Marquis of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G.
The Earl of Derby.
The Earl of Aberdeen.
Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., LL.D., C.E., F.R.S.C.
Chas. Lanman, Esq., Washington,D.C.
John Miller Grant, Esq., London.
Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A., Scotland.
Sir John G. Bourinot, K.C.M.G., LL.D., D.C.L., D.L.
Gilbert Parker, London.
Sydney Robjohns, Esq., F. R. Hist. Society, Scotland.
Wm. Kirby, F.R.S.C, author of "Le Chien d'Or," Niagara.
John Reade, F. R.S.C., author of "The Prophecy of Merlin," Montreal.
James Ashbury, Esq., England.
Professor Goldwin Smith, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.C. Toronto.
Henry Philips, Jr., Philadelphia.
Revd. G. Munro Grant, M.A.,D.D., LL.D., Principal Queen's University, Kingston, P.O.
Albemarle, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, London.
Bartholomew, J. G., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.E., London.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., M.L.C., Boucherville.
Brock, R. A., Richmond, Virginia.
Bailey, Dr. L. W., F.R.S.C, Fredericton, N. B.
Cherriman, J. B., M.A., F.R.S.C, England.
Campbell, Prof. John, F.R.S.C, Montreal.
Church, F. W., M.D., Boston.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l’institut de France, Paris.
Darling, Gen. Charles, W., Utica, N. Y.
Denham Edward, New Bedford, Mass.
DeSechelles, Desmaaières, St. Maio, France.
D'Urban, W. S. M., England.
DePeyster, Gen. J. Watts, NewTork.
Dansereau, Arthur, Montreal.
Filippi, le Comte Waldémar, Paris.
Ganong, W. F., M. A., Cambridge, Mass.
Graham, Lt.-Col. U.S.A., Chicago.
Gérin,E., Trois-Rivières.
Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, Franca,
Hannay, Jamee, St. John, N.B.
Harvey, Rev. Moses, LL.D., F.K.S.C.
Jack, I. Allen, D.C.L , St. John, N.B.
Jephson, Sir Alfred, Captain, R.N.
Huguet-Latour, Major, Montreal.
Lee, G. Herbert, M. A., Boston, Mass.
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.
Le Gardeur de Tilly, le Comte Hyppolite, Chantreau près-Saintes, France.
Madrazo, Don Pedro de, Secretary-General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.
Marchand, Hon. F. G., F.R.S.C., M.P.P., St. John's, Quebec.
Morgan, Henry J., Ottawa.
Proveneher, Colonel N., Montreal.
Powis, Revd. H. D., London, England.
Roberts, Professor, Chs. G. D., M.A., F.R.S.C, New York.
Scott, C. Percy, M. A.. Windsor, N. S.
Simmonds, Peter Lund, London, Eng.
Strange, T. Bland, Major-General, England.
Stone, W. L., Jersey City, N. Y. Suite, Benjamin, F.R.S.C., Ottawa.
Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va.
Wilson, Gen. James Grant, N. Y.
WILLIAM WOOD: President.
JAMES GEGGIE: Treasurer.
F. C. WURTELE: Librarian.
ALEX . ROBERTSON: Recording Secretary.
J. F. DUMONTIER: Corresponding Secretary.
ARCHIBALD FOTTLDS: Council Secretary.
FRANK CARREL: Curator of Museum.
WILLIAM CLINT: Curator of Apparatus.
W. S. BENNETT: Auditor.
J. W. STRACHAN: Custodian of the Library.
Anderson, Edmund H.
Baby, M. W.
Barden, Miss
Beckett, Thos.
Bennett, W. S.
Bishop, E. A.
Boswell, St. George, M.I.CE.
Boyoe, S.
Brodie, Wm.
Brodie, Robt.
Burroughs, Louis F.
Breakey, John.
Campbell, Archibald.
Carter, W. H.
Carrel, Frank.
Casgrain, P. B., Q.C.
Champion, C. P.
Clint, Wm.
Cumberland, D.
Crispo, T. W. S.
Dean, W. R.
Dobell, Hon. R. R.
Dunn, Stewart H.
Dunn, Lord Bishop A. Hunter.
Dumontier, J. F.
Evans, Lorenzo.
Foulds, Archibald.
Forsyth, Jos. Bell, Lt.-Col.
Fry, E. C.
Fitzpatriek, Hon. Chas.
Geggie, D. H.
Geggie, James.
Goodday, H. G.
Hamilton, John.
Holt, John H.
Horan, T.
Hunt, A. F.
Holloway, F.
Henry, Gen., U. S. Consul.
Jewell, D.
Johnston, P.
Joly de Lotbinière, Sir H. G., K.C.M.G.
Jones, E. Allen.
Joseph, Montefiore.
Joseph, A. C.
King, James.
LeSueur, Richard.
Langlois, C.B.
Languedoc, W. C.
LeMoine, Sir James M.
L,ampson, Geo.
Lesage Simeon.
Laurie, Wm.
Macara, John.
Machin, H. G.
Mackenzie, Chas.
MacLeod, D. R.
Macnider, Jas.
McNaughton, F.
McWilliam, W.
Moir, Gavin.
Morgan, James.
McLimont, R.
Malouin, Philip.
Neville, Rev. Father.
Oliver, Théo. H.. Q.C:
O'Meara, D. D.
Oliver, Stuart.
Petry, W. G.
Petry, W. H.
Petry, Rev. H. J.
Pope, Edwin.
Pope, Miss Louisa.
Price, H. M.
Parke, Dr. G. H.
Parmelee. Geo. W.
Preston, C.
Robertson, A.
Ross, John T.
Rea, David.
Ray, Walter J.
Ritchie, John.
Ross, Dr. H. R.
Renfrew, Gordon.
Sewell, E. D.
Sewell, C, M.D.
Shaw, Win.
Simon, John.
Simons, Wm.
Smith, H. Stanley.
Stuart, Gus. G., Q.O.
Staveley, H.
Stevenson, Miss.
Stevenson, Walter.
Smith, David.
Scott, J. G.
Stanley, Robert.
Stain, T.
Tait, Rev. Donald, B.A.
Turner, Hon. R.
Turnbull, Lt.-Col. J. F.
Thomson, Geo. H.
Talbot, Mrs. M. E.
Tessier, Cyr.
Veasey, Geo.
Webb, E. E.
Webster, A. D.
Welch, W. Wilde.
Winfield, Joseph.
Wood, Capt. Wm.
Würtele, Fred. C.
Wade, E. H.
Walcot, C. W.
Williams, Rev. Dean.
Wigas, W. H.
Wood, Miss Helen.
Young, T. Ainslie.
Hon. John Sharples, M. L. C.
Felix Carbray, M. P. P.
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