Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1883[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 18 (1886)]
The Council of the Literary and Historical Society have the honour to submit the following report of the working of the society, since the last annual general meeting :—
They note with regret the loss, by death, of three prominent members, viz., Mr. H. S. Scott, who was one of the oldest, most zealous and devoted members, and for several years one of the Vice-Presidents ; of Dr. James Sewell, who was a life member, and Mr. Justice Alleyn.
During the year there were ten resignations, and six members have removed from the city, while on the other hand twenty new names have been added to the list, and five corresponding members have been elected.
The following papers were read before the society during the past year, viz :—
February 2, 1883, " Great explorers before Columbus," by John Reade, F.R.S.C., (Montreal.)
February 23, 1883, " Origin and development of the Greek Drama," by John Harper, M.A., Ph. D.
March 7, 1883, "Genius and Life-Work of Longfellow," by George Stewart, jr., F.R.S.C.
December 7, 1883, " Naples," by Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.C.
The Library has been increased by the addition of 200 volumes, which have been carefully selected, and the books have been re-arranged, so that greater facility in finding books in the departments to which they belong has been arrived at ; further details in this particular will be found in the Librarian's report.
During the past year our Library was considerably enriched by valuable donations of maps and charts, etc., from the Smithsonian Institute and other friends, and several important gifts and exchanges have been added to the Museum.
The Treasurer's report shows the funds of the society to be in a highly satisfactory condition.
The retiring Council would recommend that certain issues of the Transactions and Historical Documents already published by the society, but now out of print, should be republished.
Your Council joined with many other societies in a congratulatory address to the 'well known philanthropist, Sir Moses Montifiore, on his entrance upon his 100th year, and forwarded the same by a recent mail.
The members must have observed with great pleasure and satisfaction the improved light in the rooms during the evenings. The Council and members are indebted to the kindness and generosity of an associate member, Mr. R. R. Dobell, for the new reflector and lamp, which he gave to the society early in the season.
The lease of the present spacious rooms was continued on the same terms, and the society has reason to congratulate itself in having its Library in such a commodious and central locality.
The Librarian, Mr. F. C. "Wurtele, then submitted the following report :—
The Librarian in submitting his report at the expiration of his second term of office, is pleased to say that there has been no falling off in the number of members using the Library and rooms of the society. Two hundred and nineteen members have availed themselves of the privilege of taking out books, and the number taken out during the past year has been four hundred and forty-five volumes more than in the previous year.
The issues during the year have been 3,018 volumes. The number of volumes remaining out overtime at the close of this year is two hundred and thirty-six. The members are reminded that the limit for keeping out books is 14 days, and also that no one is allowed to have more than two volumes at one time without special permission. There have been two hundred and seventy-four volumes added to the Library as by appended lists—one hundred and sixty by purchase, the remainder comprise thirty-six bound volumes and one hundred and nine unbound, and maps by donation and exchange. The number of periodicals, bound or otherwise, issued, has been 1,101, : the most in request have been Cornhill, All the Year Round, Chambers' Journal, and Harper's Magazine. The Popular Science Monthly, subscribed to for the first time this year, is well liked and will prove to be one of the favourite magazines on the table. Nearly all the books on the shelves have been re-arranged, and, where it could be done some new shelving has been put in, but still more room is desirable. In examining the stock of the society's publications it is found that some numbers have been all disposed of. It would be advisable to reprint, "when practicable, such of the Transactions and Historical Documents as are out of print, thereby increasing the demand for them, when it is known that full sets can be supplied.
Quebec, 31st December, 1883.
Messrs. Gustavus Gr. Stuart and Lorenzo Evans were then appointed scrutineers, and the election of officers, for the ensuing year, was then proceeded with, the following gentlemen being elected :—
President: Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.C.
1st Vice-President: George Stewart, Jr., F.R.S.C.
2nd " : W. Hossack.
3rd " : J. Whitehead.
4th " : C. Tessier.
Treasurer: B. Pope.
Librarian: F. C. Wurtele.
Recording-Secretary: J. F. Belleau.
Corresponding-Secretary: F'. H Oliver.
Council Secretary: A. Robertson.
Curator of Museum: J. U. Gregory.
Curator of Apparatus: R. McLeod.
Additional members of Council:—J. M. LeMoine, F.R.S.C, W. Clint, J. Harper, Ph. D., Gustavus G. Stuart.
It was moved by Mr. G. G. Stuart, seconded by Mr. "Wm. Hossack, that the reports be adopted and published.
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version
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