Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1882[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 17 (1883)]
The Annual Meeting of the Literary and Historical Society was held on Wednesday, the 10th January, 1883. The following gentlemen were present, viz. :—J. M. LeMoine, W. Hossack, F. C. “Wurtele, Jos. Whitehead, P. Johnston, A. Robertson, Hon. D. A. Ross, A. Campbell, E. Pope, J. F. Belleau, George Stewart, jr., W. Clint, R. Turner, W. S. Bennett, Ed. Burroughs, C. Tessier, F. Carbray, R. McLeod, and G. Stuart.
The minutes of the last annual meeting having been read and confirmed, the President read the Annual Report, as follows :—
Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society for the year ending 31st December, 1882.
The Council has the pleasing duty to report that the past year has been one of increased prosperity.
Since the last annual general meeting, there has been several changes in, and additions to, the members of the Society.
Among others, they have to note with regret the loss of a valued friend and one of the original founders of this Association, the Hon. John Fraser, who expired at the advanced age of 90 years, in Charleston, South Carolina. It may not be out of place to recall that the venerable deceased, a short time previous to his demise, donated to the Society a valuable collection of coins, medals and other antiquities ; on several occasions, Mr. Fraser had intimated to the President and to some of the members of the Council, his intention to bequeath a sum of money to the Literary and Historical Society, in which he felt particular interest, as he had, half a century ago, helped to found it. This intended bequest was, however, accompanied with the express understanding that it was to take the shape of a contribution to a pre-existing building fund. “We have unfortunately no building fund. No bequest to the Society is contained in Mr. Fraser's will.
The Council is of opinion that measures ought to be taken without delay towards initiating a building fund, and that a printed legal form of bequest ought to be inserted in the appendix attached to the “Transactions” of each year.
By death, resignation or removal from the city, the Society has lost eleven associate members and one life member, Robert Shaw, Esq. On the other hand, thirty new names have been added, by ballot, to the list of members.
The following papers were read before the Society during the year just ended :—
“THOREAU, THE HERMIT OF WALDEN,” by George Stewart, jr., F.R.S.C, first Vice-President of the Society, 7th March, 1882.
“A GLIMPSE OF FLORIDA,” notes of a pleasant trip, by J. U. Gregory, Esq., 22nd April, 1882.
Since the last annual general meeting, the library has been increased by the addition of 332 volumes, embracing divers departments of science and literature.
While the Council have been disposed to go far in this direction, they trust it will nearer be forgotten that the chief objects of the Society, and that for which the Legislature votes its annual grant, is for making researches into the early history of Canada, and for “receiving, procuring, and publishing interesting documents and useful information in connection with the natural, civil and literary history of British North America.” In connection with this branch of the subject, and among rare works recently acquired, the Council can point with satisfaction to the elaborate, illustrated edition of Champlain's Voyages, translated into English, annotated and recently published under the supervision of the Prince Society of Boston; a scholarly undertaking, highly creditable to that learned Society, and advantageously disclosing to the whole continent of America, those precious founts of early Canadian history inherited by posterity from the immortal founder of Quebec—Samuel de Champlain. The Society is also happy in intimating to the students of Canadian annals, that it has of late materially added to its already rich store of manuscripts, by purchase as well as through the liberality of its members. Thus, were acquired by purchase, the manuscripts of the late James Thompson, a volunteer under Major General James “Wolfe,—covering the period from 1758 to 1830, the date of Mr. Thompson's demise. [2]Fifteen other folios, in manuscript, have also been presented by or through the President, and now form part of the archives—invaluable materials, let us hope—for the researches of the future historians of Canada.[3]
The President has to report several courteous invitations, asking the Society to send a representative at divers public celebrations of a historical character, to take place in the neighbouring Republic. Also, an official invitation from the Council of the Royal Society of Canada, founded by the Marquis of Lorne, to promote science and literature, in British North America, to send a delegate to represent this Association, at the annual meeting of the Royal Society, to be held at Ottawa, on the 24th May next. The members will, doubtless, be happy to note, that since the last annual general meeting, the President of this Society has been honored by His Excellency the Governor-General, with the flattering duty of presiding at the first section of the Royal Society, which distinguished honor has also been confirmed at the last annual meeting of the Royal Society, held at Ottawa, for the election of its officers.
The Council took an early opportunity to record by resolution its high appreciation of the enlightened course of the Marquis of Lorne, our Patron, as evinced in the formation of the important association to which our gracious Sovereign has extended her royal favor.
There is one subject in connection with Canadian history to which the Council begs particularly to draw attention : the creation of a public record office in the capital of the Dominion, at Ottawa, with branch offices at the capitals of each respective Province. It is gratifying to know that this momentous question of Canadian archives has not escaped the attention of, and in fact has found favor with, our leading statesmen, as appears by the pecuniary aid voted by the Dominion Parliament—to have searches made in the British Museum, and other public repositories of papers, documents, letters and memoirs touching the past history of the colony, and that the nucleus of an archive bureau exists in the Department of Agriculture, at Ottawa. However jealous each Province may be, to retain the originals of documents, affecting the annals and welfare of its inmates, the Council is of opinion that the joint wants and desires of each Province having been consulted through a commission named by Parliament—measures might eventually be matured, calculated to effect an extensive, permanent and suitable organization or bureau of archives.
The relations between the Society and the proprietors of these rooms—the Morrin College—continue to be of a satisfactory nature. In March, 1868, a-lease for ten years was executed between the Society and the Morrin College ; the term of this lease—which expired in 1878—has been continued from year to year. The report of the Librarian will give the particulars of the purchases and donations of books during the last year, together with his suggestions. You will also see by the report of the Treasurer, now submitted, how the funds of the association have been applied. Respectfully submitted,
Quebec, 10th January, 1883.
The Librarian, in submitting his first report since taking office, is happy to state that the rooms of the Society have been as numerously frequented, and the library has continued as popular as heretofore.
The additions to the library have been 333, as per appended lists. One hundred and fifty-six volumes by purchase. The rest comprise forty bound volumes, one hundred and thirty-seven pamphlets and four maps by donations and exchanges. The issues during the past year have been 2,573 volumes. The number of volumes out overdue at the close of the year in very small—172 volumes.
The new rules adopted by the Society, limiting the time of keeping books to fifteen days and the number to two volumes at one time, are found to work satisfactorily. He would earnestly recommend to the in-coming Council to provide ways and means for numbering all the books and shelves. This is found in all large libraries to be a necessity ; it facilitates the recording of the issue and return of books, the keeping of them in their proper places, and the finding of volumes expeditiously when required. He also thinks the early issue of a-new catalogue would be desirable : the manuscript could be made at the same time that the books are numbered. The last catalogue is now ten years old and practically useless. The Librarian would gladly welcome donations of new editions of the latest publications. He would bring the recommendation book under the notice of the members, as the Council find it difficult in purchasing books to suit the tastes of all. By inscribing in it the titles of books desired, together with the author's and publisher's names, the work of selection would be easier and more satisfactory. In conclusion, he would draw the attention of our readers to transactions and reports of sister societies, wherein will be found most interesting papers on all subjects, and also accounts of voyages and travels. These papers have been read before those societies and seldom appear in any other publications.
Respectfully submitted,
Quebec, 2nd January, 1883.
Moved by Mr. R. Turner and seconded by Mr. A. Campbell, —That the Reports be adopted and published.
Messrs. A. Campbell and W. S. Bennett were appointed scrutineers, and Mr. R. Turner was appointed auditor of accounts.
The following gentlemen were then balloted for and elected for the ensuing year :
President—D. A. Ross.
Vice-Presidents—G. Stewart, jr., F.R.S.C., H. S. Scott, W. Hossack, J. Whitehead.
Treasurer—E. Pope.
Librarian—F. C. Wurtele.
Recording Secretary—J. F. Belleau.
Corresponding Secretary—W. Clint.
Council Secretary—A. Robertson.
Curator of Museum—T. H. Oliver.
Curator of Apparatus—R. McLeod.
Additional Members of Council—J. M. LeMoine, F.R.S.C, C. Tessier, P. Johnston, J. Harper, B.A.
A vote of thanks was carried in favor of the scrutineers.
Mr. Hossack moved, seconded by Mr. LeMoine,—That the Synod of the Diocese of Quebec be extended an invitation to the rooms during their stay in the city.
Moved by Mr. F. Carbray, M.P.P., seconded by Mr. J. F. Belleau,—That the thanks of this Society are due and tendered to J. M. LeMoine, Past President, for the able and efficient manner in which he has acted during the past five years as President of this Society.
The following gentlemen were then elected associate members :—Rev. Mr. Rexford, E. L. Sears, Buteau Turcotte, and J. Elton Prower.
Transactions of the Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Sciences.
Three Numbers of Canada Medical and Surgical Journal.
Four Registers—New England Historical and Geological Society.
Mary, Queen of Scots, from Gen. Depeyster.
Pleas for Protection, from Cobden Club.
The A. B. C. of Free Trade, from Cobden Club.
Whateley's Elements of Logic, from C. Baillairgé.
The Opium Habit, from C. Baillairgé.
Delectus Sententiarum Grsecarum, from C. Baillairgé.
Report on Trichinæ and Trichinasis, from C. Baillairgé.
History, Constitution, Franchise of London, Stockholm, from C. Baillairgé.
History of 11th Regiment of Ohio, U. S.
History of 9th Regiment of Illinois, U. S.
Anniversary Address, 1st Regiment, Connecticut.
Three numbers Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.
Michigan and its resources.
Le Grand Occident Canadien.
Report of Metereological Service of Canada, 1880.
A Prehistoric Epic.
Joe Scoap's Journey through three Wardles, from P. Robinson.
Pamphlet relating to Mexico.
Two numbers Missouri Historical Society Publications.
Six Norwegian Pamphlets, from Royal University of Christiana.
Canadian Parliamentary Companion.
Two Reports from Department of Education, Province of Quebec.
Province of Quebec and Canada at Vienna Congress, 1881.
Judicial Reforms from Com. of Codification of Statutes, Quebec.
Sessional Papers, Dominion of Canada—7 vols.
Sessional Papers Province of Ontario—7 vols.
Journal of Ontario Legislature.
Statutes of Province of Quebec.
Census of Canada.
Journal of Board of Education of New York, 1881.
Manual of Education of New York, 1881.
40th Annual Report of Education of New York, 1881.
Hillsborough Lodge No. 2.
Two numbers of Massachusett's Historical Collections.
Life and Services to Literature of Jones Very.
Three Maps of Dominion of Canada Survey, from H. S. Scott.
Plan of Winnipeg, from H. S. Scott.
Naturalist's Leisure Hour, A. E. Foote.
Bulletin Natural History Society, New Brunswick.
Proceedings of Virginia Historical Society.
Spotswood Letters, Vol. I.
Bulletin of Philadelphia Library Co.
Calendar of Dalhousie College, M. Scotie.
Remarks on Canadian Stratigraphy.
Observations on Canadian Geology.
Observations on origin and classification of rocks.
On use of determining slag densities in smelting.
Four Pamphlets relating to Boston.
Bulletin of United States Irish Commission.
Transactions of New Zealand Institute.
Ethnological Report No. 1 of Smithsonian Institute.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1881.
Free Library, Toronto
Inaugural Meeting of Royal Society of Canada.
Seven Italian Pamphlets from Smithsonian Institute.
Annals of National Museum of Mexico.
Two Publications of Manitoban Historical Society.
General Index to Contemporary, Fortnightly and 19th Century Reviews
The Seal Islands of Alaska, from Hon. D. A. Ross.
Perreault l'Ainée, Correspondence 1755-72, from J. M. LeMoine.
Histoire de l'Eglise Paroissiale de Québec, 1771, from J. M. LeMoine.
Procès-Verbaux, &c., G. Irvine.
Mémoire sur le Canada, 1760-62, G. Irvine.
Warrant, Lands, &c, 1764-67, G. Irvine.
Minutes of Quebec Agricultural Society, 1789, G. Irvine.
Eleven Manuscripts, &c., from Mrs. E. Burstall, per J. M. LeMoine.
Annual of the Royal Caledonia Curling Club for 1882 and 1883.
Four numbers of Proceedings of Boston Society of Natural History.
Four Reports from Harvard University.
Two Reports from Historical Society of State of Wisconsin.
Report of New York State Library.
Five Bulletins from American Geographical Society.
Three Transactions from New York Academy of Sciences.
Three Transactions from Royal Society of Dublin.
Proceedings of Philosophical Society of Glasgow.
Two numbers of American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal.
Two Memoirs of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
35th Report of Trustees Astor Library.
Report of Progress 1879-80 of Geological Survey of Canada.
Supplementary Journal of Franklin Institute.
Report of the Smithsonian Institute.
Transactions of Academy of Science of St. Louis.
Bulletin of Boston Public Library.
Annuaire No. 7 of Institut Canadien of Quebec.
Four numbers of Royal United Service Institution Magazine.
Four Publications from Essex Institute.
61st Annual Report New York Mercantile Library.
Proceedings of Wyoming Historical and Geological Society.
Two Proceedings of Minnesota Academy of Sciences.
Transactions of Royal Historical Society of London.
Eight Transactions Royal Irish Academy.
Two Transactions Academy of Arts and Sciences, Connecticut.
Proceedings of Royal Colonial Institute.
Picturesque Quebec.
Life in the Rocky Mountains.
Six Months in the Sandwich Islands.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan.
Englishmen of Letters (6 vols.), Dickens, Bentley, Gray, Swift, Sterne, Macauley.
Life of Carlyle by Frude.
Life of Monseigneur de St. Valier.
Champlain's Voyages, 3 vols.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 8 vols., 7 to 14.
Manitoba, its Infancy and Growth.
Old and New Canada, 1755 to 1844.
"Who wrote it.
Statesman's Year Book, 1882.
Old and New London, vol. 6th.
A Travers L'Europe.
Among the Azores.
Breton Folk.
Life of Longfellow, by Underwood.
Life of Richard Cobden.
Handbook of Zoology.
Notes on Geology of Canada, Dawson.
Air Wreathers of the Coal Period.
Report on Geological Structure, Prince Ed. Island, bound in one.
Eight Years' Wandering in Ceylon.
American Men of Letters, 5 vols., Irving, Thoreau, Webster, Ripley, Cooper.
American Statesmen, 5 vols., Randolph, Jackson, Adams, Hamilton, Calhoun.
History of France, Martin, 3 vols.
The Forbidden Land the Corea.
England in the 18th Century, 4 vols.
Frederick the Great, 6th vol.
Making of England.
Short History of the English Colonies in America.
Arctic Experiences or Polaris Expedition.
Land of the Midnight Sun, 2 vols.
Narrative of State Trials in 18th Century, 2 vols.
Across Patagonia.
Through Siberia, 2 vols.
Victor Hugo and his times.
Three in Norway.
Mozeley's Reminiscences of Oriel College.
Campaign for the Conquest of Canada.
Floating Matter in the Air.
Impostors and Adventurers.
Sergeant Ballantyne's Experiences.
Dominion Annual Register and Review.
Nouveau Récit de Voyages, Légendes des Plantes et Oiseaux, Les Fiancés du Spitzberg. Marmier
Scot in British N. America, 3rd vol.
Classification of Books.
Bampton Lectures, 1880.
Franco-Prussian War, vols. 5-6.
A Study of the Princess.
Life and Speeches of Hon. Geo. Brown.
20 Parts of Last 40 years of Canada since Union, 1841.
12 Parts of Picturesque Canada
Epoch of Reform. McCarthy.
England without and within.
The Merve Oasis, 2 vols.
Corea the Hermit Nation.
Quatre Bras, Ligny et Waterloo.
Voyage of the Vega.
My Winter on the Nile.
Tunis, the Land and the People.
The Irish Question.
Camps in the Rockies.
Life of Ole Bull.
Two Hard Cases.
Forty-eight volumes of Bound Periodicals and Magazines.
Political History of Recent Times.
The Friendships of M. R. Mitford.
Knocking Around the Rockies.
Travels in South Kensington.
Central Palestine.
Queer, Quaint and Quizzical.
American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.
Academy of Science, St. Louis.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston.
Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia.
Astor Library, New York City.
Antiquarian Society, Montreal.
American Geographical Society, New York.
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.
Bourne, Wm. O., Office of the Board of Education, New York City.
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N.Y.
Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Haven, Conn.
Central Ohio Scientic Association, Urbana, Ohio.
Canadian Institute, Toronto.
Dawson, Principal, McGill College.
Dawson, Dr. George M., Montreal.
Douglas, Prof. Jas., Phoenixville, Penn.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Institut de France, Paris.
Dwight, T. F., Librarian Department of State, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.
Gould, S. C, Manchester Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Hampshire
Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Historical Society, New York.
Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass.
Harvard College Library, Boston, Mass.
Historical Society, Helena, Montana.
Historical Society, Hartford, Conn.
Historical Society, Minnesota.
Institut Canadien, Montreal.
Institut Canadien, Quebec.
Institut Canadien, Ottawa.
Kingston, Prof., Observatory, Toronto.
Librarian Parliamentary Library, Ottawa.
Librarian Parliamentary Library, Toronto.
Librarian Parliamentary Library, Halifax.
Library, Parliament, Quebec.
Lamphere, A. T., Cor. Secty. Michigan Library Association.
Librarian, Department of State, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Mercantile Library, San Francisco.
Mercantile Library, New York.
Minister of Finance, Ottawa,
Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore,
McGill University Library.
New York State Library, Albany, N.T.
New York Academy of Sciences, New York.
Natural History Society, Montreal.
Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, N. S.
Ouimet, Hon. Gédéon, Quebec.
Patent Office, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Mass,
Parkman, Francis, Boston, Mass.
Philosophical Society of Glasgow.
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence.
Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa.
Royal Society, Dublin, Ireland.
Royal Historical Society, London, England.
Royal United Service Institution, England.
Royal Society, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland.
Royal Colonial Institute, London, England.
Society of Natural History, Boston.
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., U.S.
Stevens, J. A., Editor, Magazine of American History, New York City.
Société Historique de Montréal, Montreal.
Smith, Prof Goldwin, Toronto.
Secretary District Pioneer Society, Detroit, Mich.
Speaker House of Commons, Ottawa.
Speaker Legislative Council, Quebec,
Speaker Legislative Assembly, Quebec.
Sandham, Alfred, Montreal.
Smallwood, Dr., Montreal Observatory.
Suite, Benjamin, Ottawa.
Selwyn, A. R. C., Geological Survey Office, Ottawa.
University of Toronto Library.
Wilson, Daniel, Prof., Toronto University.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society.
London Illustrated News: 1882 2 Vols
Punch: " 1
Canadian Illustrated News:" 1
London Quarterly:" 1
Edinburgh Quarterly:" 1
British Quarterly:" 1
"Westminster Quarterly:" 1
Nineteenth Century:" 2
Fortnightly:" 2
Contemporary :" 2
North American Review:" 2
Atlantic Monthly:" 2
Harper's Magazine:" 2
Century:" 2
Chambers'Journal:" 1
All the Year Round:" 2
MacMillan's Magazine:" 2
Blackwood's Magazine:" 2
Cornhill Magazine:" 2
Notes and Queries:" 2
Magazine of American History:" 2
Art Journal:" 1
Scientific American:" 1
Scientific American, Supplement:" 1
Canadian Antiquarian :" 1
Bulletin of Nuttal Ornithological Club:" 1
Le Naturaliste Canadien:" 1
L'Opinion Publique:" 1
Revue des Deux Mondes:" 6
Grip, London Graphic,
Forest and Stream, Spectator,
Saturday Review, Athenaeum,
Mail, London, Pall Mall Budget.
Public Opinion
Presidents of the Literary and Historical Society.
1824 Sir N. F. Burton, Lt. -Governor.
1828 Hon. Mr. Reid, Chief Justice.
1829 Lieut. Frederick Baddeley, R. N.
1830 Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.
1831 Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice
1832 Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.
1834 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1835 Joseph Skey, M.D.
1836 Rev. Daniel Wilkie, LL.D.
1837 Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.
1838 Hon Andrew Stuart, Q.C.
1839 Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.
1840 Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.
1841 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1842 Hon A. ,W. Cochrane.
1843 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1844 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1845 Hon. A. W. Cochrane.
1846 John C. Fisher, Esq., LL.D.
1847 Hon. Wm. Sheppard.
1851 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1852 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1853 G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1854 G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1855 E. A. Meredith, M.A.
1856 W. Andrew, Esq.
1857 W. Andrew, Esq.
1858 G. B. Faribault, Esq.
1859 G.B. Faribault, Esq.
1860 E. A. Meredith, M.A.
1861 E. A. Meredith, M.A.
1862 John Langton, M.A.
1863 John Langton, M.A.
1864 John Langton, M.A.
1865 John Langton, M.A.
1866 Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut R.N.
1867 Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut R.N.
1868 Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, LL.D.
1869 Prof. James Douglas.
1870 Dr. W. J. Anderson.
1871 J. M. LeMoine, Esq.
1872-3 Dr. W. J. Anderson.
1873 Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut. R.N., F.R.S.
1874 Prof. James Douglas.
1875 Prof. James Douglas.
1876 James Stevenson, Esq.
1877 James Stevenson, Esq.
1878 James Stevenson, Esq.
1879 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1880 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1881 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1882 J. M. LeMoine, Esq., F.R.S.C.
1883 Hon. D. A. Ross, Q.O.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec.
FOUNDED IN 1824. Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1831.
His Excellency, the MARQUIS OF LORNE, K.T., Governor-General of Canada.
D.A. Ross: President.
E. POPE: Treasurer.
F.C. Wurtele: Librarian.
J. F. BELXEAU: Recording Secretary.
W. CLINT: Corresponding Secretary.
A. ROBERTSON: Council Secretary.
T. H.OLIVER: Curator of Museum.
R. MCLEOD: Curator of Apparatus.
J. M. LEMOINE, F.R.S.C, P. JOHNSTON, J. HARPER, M.A: Additional Members
Sandford Fleming, C. M. a., LL.D., O.E., F.R.S.C.
Honble. George Bancroft, D.O.L., New York.
Principal Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.C, Toronto University.
Admiral Bayfield, Prince Edward Island.
General Sir J. H. Lefroy, R.A., F.R.S.
Sterry Hunt, T, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.C, Montreal.
Charles Lanman, Esq., Washington, D.C '
John Miller Grant, Esq., London.
John Langton, M.A., Toronto.
E. A. Meredith, LL.D, Ottawa.
E. T. Fletcher, Esq, Quebec.
Francis Parkman, LL.D, Boston.
Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D, F. S. A, Scotland.
Sydney Robjohns, Esq, F.R. Hist. Society, Scotland.
James Douglas, Esq, M.A, Philadelphia.
Wm. Kirby, F.R.S.C, author of "Le Chien d'Or," Niagara.
John Reade, F.R.S.C, author of "The Prophecy of Merlin," Montreal.
James Ashbury, Esq, England.
Professor Goldwin Smith. LL.D, F.R.S.C, Toronto.
Henry Phillips, Jr., Philadelphia.
Joseph W. Lawrence, Esq, St. John, N.B.
Akins, Dr. Thos. B., Halifax, N.S.
Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.
Benavides, Don Antonio, H. E., President of the Royal Academy of History, Ma¬drid.
Baird, Professor, Spencer F., Smithsonian Institute, Washington.
Bourne, Wm. Oland, New York.
Brackenbury, Col. H., R.A., England.
Bois, Abbé, L. E., F.R.S.O., Maskinonge.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., M.L.C., Boucherville.
Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O.. LL.D., F.R.S.C.
Cherriman. J. B., M.A., F.R.S.O., Ottawa.
Chapleau, Hon. J. A., Q.O., M.P., Montreal.
Campbell, Prof. John, Montreal.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l'Institut de France, Paris.
DeSola, Rev. A., Montreal.
DeSechelles, Desmazières, St. Malo, France.
De Salas, Don Javier, Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, &c.
D'Urban, W. S. M., England.
Dansereau, Arthur, Montreal.
Fortin, Hon. P., M.P., M.D„ F.R.S.C., Laprairie.
Filippi, le Comte "Waldémar, Paris.
Graham, Lt.-Col. U. S. A., Chicago.
Gérin. E., Trois-Rivières.
Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, France.
Henderson, W., Frampton.
Kingston, Professor G. T., University College, Toronto.
Huguet-Latour, Major, Montreal.
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.
Le Gardeur de Tilly, le Comte Hyppolite, Chantreau-près-Saintes, France.
Marchand, Hon. F. G\, F.R.S.C, St. John's, Quebec.
Morgan, Henry J., Ottawa.
Noble, Capt. R.A., F.R.S, F.R.AS, England.
Proyencher, Colonel N., Montreal.
Powis, Rev. H. D., Toronto.
Saban, Don Pedro, Secretary-General of the Eoyal Academy of History, Madrid.
Strange, T. B., Major-General, Manitoba.
Sewell, Rev. Henry, England.
Sinding, Professor Paul C, Copenhagan.
Suite, Benj., F.R.S.C,Ottawa.
Tilley, Sir S. L, K.C.M.G, C.B., Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Wynne, Thomas H, Richmond, Va.
Quebec Literary and Historical Society,
1. Mémoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'à 1760, en trois parties ; avec cartes et plans lithographies. YII et 211 p. in-8, Québec, 1838. Ré-imprimé en 1876.
Ce mémoire a pour deuxième titre : "Mémoires du S de C, contenant l'histoire du Canada durant la guerre et sous le gouvernement anglais." Il fut communiqué à la Société Littéraire et Historique par M. le colonel Christie. L'introduction donne à. entendre que l'auteur du manuscrit pourrait être M. de Vauclain, officier de marine en 1759.
2. Collection de mémoires et de relations sur l'histoire ancienne du Canada, d'après des manuscrits récemment obtenu des archives et bureaux publics, en France. (8 mémoires reliés en 1 Vol.) in-8, Québec, 1840.
1. Mémoire sur l'état présent du Canada, attribué à M. Talon. 7 p.
2. Mémoire sur le Canada (1736), attribué à M. Hocquart. 14 p.
3. Considérations sur l'état présent du Canada (1758). 29 p.
4. Histoire du Canada par M. l'abbé de Belmont. 36 p.
5. Relation du Siège de Québec en 1759, par une religieuse de l'Hôpital Générale de Québec. 24 p.
6. Jugement impartial sur les opérations militaires de la campagne en Canada, en 1759. 8 p.
7. Réflexions sommaires sur le commerce qui s'est fait en Canada. 8 p.
8. Histoire de l'eau-de-vie en Canada. 29 p.
3. Voyages de découvertes au Canada entre les années 1534 et 1542, par Jacques-Cartier, le Sieur de Eoberval, Jean Alphonse de Xaintonge, etc. Suivis de la des¬cription de Québec et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lieu de l'hivernement de Jacques-Cartier en 1535-36 (avec gravures fac-similé). Eé-imprimés sur d'anciennes relations. 130 p. in-8, Québec, 1843.
4. Mémoire du Sieur de Eamsay, commandant à Québec,
au sujet de la reddition de cette ville le 18 septembre 1759, d'après un manuscrit aux archives du bureau de la marine, à Paris. 84 et 38 p. in-8, Québec, 1861. (Dû à M. G-eo. B. Faribault.)
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, 2nd Series. 1 vol., 8-vo., viz. :
Extract from a manuscript journal relating to the siege of Quebec in 1759,
kept by colonel Malcolm Fraser: 37 p. in-8.
Journal du siège de Québec en 1759, par M. Jean Claude Panet. 24 p. in-8, Montréal, 1868.
The campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-58, attributed to Chevalier Johnstone. 28 p., 8-vo., Quebec, 1867.
A dialogue in Hades, a parallel of 'military errors, of which the French and English armies were guilty, during the campaign of 1759 in Canada. 55 p., 8 vo., Quebec, 1866. Attributed to Chevalier Johnstone.
The campaign of 1760 in Canada. .24 p., 8-vo. A narrative attributed to Chevalier Johnstone.
The invasion of Canada in 1775. Letter attributed to major Henry Caldwell. 19 p., 8-vo., Quebec, 1866.
A journal of the expedition up the River St. Lawrence, republished from the New York Mercury of 31st December, 1759. 19 p., 8-vo.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, 3rd Series. Published under the auspices of the Literary and Historical Society. 1 vol., 8-vo., Quebec and Montreal, 1871. Contents :
Histoire du Montréal, 1640-1672. 128 p , 8-vo. Ouvrage attribué à M. F. Dollier de Casson, S.S.
Journal des opérations de l'armée Américaine, lors de l'invasion du Canada en 1775-76, par M. J. B. Badeaux. 43 p. in-8, Montréal, 1871.
Recueil de ce qui s'est passé en Canada au sujet de la guerre, tant des anglais que des iroquois, depuis l'année i682. 82 p. in-8, Québec,
Voyage d'Iberville. Journal du Voyage fait par deux frégates du roi, la "Badine et le Marin, 1698. 48 p. in-8, Montréal, 1871.
Journal of the siege of Quebec, 1759-60, by general Jas. Murray. 45 p. in-8, Quebec, 1871.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, 4th Series. 1 vol., 8-vo., 1875.
A journal of the expedition up the River St. Lawrence (1759). 21 p.
General orders in Wolfe's army during the expedition up the River St. Lawrence, 1759. 56 p. (Original in the hands of J. M. LeMoine.)
Journal du siège de Québec en 1759, par Jean Claude Panet. 31 p.
Journal of the siege and blockade of Quebec by the American rebels, in autumn 1775 and winter 1776, attributed to Hugh Finlay. 25 p.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, 5th Series. 1 vol., 8-vo., 152 p., Quebec, 1877. Containing documents relating to the war of 1812.
Tabular statement of arrivals from sea at Quebec, during the navigation'season of 1793, showing dates of sailing and arrival, nature of cargo, names of ships, masters, owners, &c, extracted from the Registers of the Quebec Exchange and contributed for publication in the archives of the Literary and Historical Society by MacPherson LeMoyne, Seigneur of Crane Island, Montmagny, Province of Quebec.
By-Laws Relating to the Library and Museum,
(Passed at General Meeting, May 10th, 1883.)
1. The specimens in Natural History, and other articles contained in the collection of the Museum, the apparatus, the scientific instruments, the books and works in the Library, which the Council may deem of rarity or value, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and books of reference, shall not be lent or taken from the Society's rooms ; the Council shall, however, be authorized to lend any of the books, apparatus and scientific instruments to Members of the Society, or other scientific persons applying for the same, upon a representation, in writing, that the articles required are necessary to enable them to carry out investigations connected with the objects of the Institution, such parties undertaking to be responsible for the safety of the articles borrowed, and to return the same within a limited time, and also to make good the damage they in the meantime sustain.
2. The books and works in the Library, except those mentioned in the preceding section, may be lent to Members of the Society for a period not exceeding fourteen days, and no one shall be permitted to have more than two volumes at one time, without special permission.
All injuries to books, and all losses shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian, by the person liable therefor. Books scribbled or written in or mutilated, shall be deemed lost. A person losing one volume of a work shall be held liable for the whole. Every volume detained above three months shall be deemed lost, and the value of such book or set shall be paid by the person detaining it.
Members borrowing books from the Library are not permitted to lend them to other persons.
No person shall be permitted to take out books till the Rules and By-Laws of the Society have been fully complied with.
By order, J. M. LEMOINE,
N. B.—Members returning Books are requested to satisfy themselves that the Assistant Librarian has credited them with the book returned.
I give and bequeath to the Literary and Historical Society of the City of Quebec, incorporated by Royal Charter, dated 5th October, 1881, and amended in the 12th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Chapter 152, of the Statutes of the Province of Canada, dated 25th
April, 1849, the sum of, or shares of stocks in the Bank of standing in my name on the books of the said bank, or of Debentures (describe them) or property (describe it), upon trust to be, by the said Literary and Historical Society, applied to the purposes of the said society.
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version
[2] M. S. S. Memoirs, Letters, Anecdotes, Statistics, &c. JAMES THOMPSON, Sr.
Vol. I. 1758-1830.
Small vols.—Journals 1759 (1), 1775-76 (2), 1779-81 (3), 1787-88 (4).
Large vols.—Journals 1779-81, 1781-82, 1783-84, 1784-87.—Nine Volumes in all
Perrault l'Ainé's Correspondence, 1755-72, presented by Hon. D. A. Ross.
Histoire de l'Eglise Paroissiale de Québec, 1771, Procès-Verbaux, presented by J. M. LeMoine.
Warrants, Lands, &c, 1764-67, presented by Hon. Geo. Irvine.
Mémoire sur le Canada, 1760-64.
Memoirs, Letters, &c., presented by J. M. LeMoine, 1882.
Minutes of Agricultural Society formed at Quebec, 1789.
Manuscript Lectures, Essays, Translations, Notes, &c., presented to J. M. LeMoine, Spencer
Grange, Sillery, by Mrs. Edward Burstall (née Eleanor Fisher), of Kirkella, Sillery, at her departure for England : the same having been copied by her from the dictation of her late father, John Charlton Fisher, Esq., LL.D., President, in 1846, of the Literary and Historical Society, Quebec, and who died in 1849—Eleven volumes—presented by J. M. LeMoine.
Jeremy Cockloft's Observation at Quebec, 1811, Gen. Lefroy.
Tabular statement of arrivals from sea at Quebec, during the navigation season of 1793, showing dates of sailing and arrival, nature of cargo, names of ships, masters, owners, &c, extracted from the Registers of the Quebec Exchange and contributed for publication in the archives of the Literary and Historical Society by MacPherson LeMoyne, Seigneur of Crane Island, Montmagny, Province of Quebec.
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