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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1880[1]


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 15 (1881)]




The Literary and Historical Society held their annual meeting on Wednesday, the 12th January instant, the President, J. M. LeMoine, Esq., in the chair. After routine the following reports were read:—




The Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec have the honor to report to the members of the Society, that since the last annual general meeting, there has been the following change in, and addition to, the members of the Society.


They have to note with regret the loss by death of an esteemed Vice-President, Dr. William Boswell, whose experience and advice, more than once has been of service to the Board. Also, of three other associate members, Rev. G. Hamilton, Charles Henry, Inspector of the Quebec Bank, and John Lindsay, Provincial Land Surveyor.


The transfer of the B Battery of Artillery from Quebec to Kingston, Ont., has also deprived this Institution of the active co-operation of another honoured Vice-President, Lt.-Col. T. Bland Strange, Dominion Inspector of Artillery, and Commander of the B Battery. Few here will have forgotten how powerfully be contributed in 1875, to the success of the historical celebration, which will ever stand success of the historical celebration, which will ever stand in the annals of this Society, as a Red Letter Day, the centenary of the repulse of Brigadier-General Richard Montgomery and Col. Benedict Arnold, before Quebec, in 1775.


The Museum has lost its Curator, Dr. Hubert M. Neilson, removed to Kingston with the B Battery.


By resignation and removal from the city, the Society has lost five members; on the other hand, four corresponding members have been elected, as well as thirty-three new names have been added to the list of associate members. The following papers were read before the Society:— January 15th, 1880.—Lecture by General B. Hewson; subject: "The Canadian Pacific Railway."


January 29th, 1880.—A paper by George Stewart, jr., Esquire; subject: "Alcott, the Concord Mystic."


May 13th, 1880.—An extempore address by Woodford Pilkington, Esq., Civil Engineer; subject: "The Principles and Practice of Art."


November 29th, 1880.—The opening lecture of the season 1880-81 was delivered by the President, J. M. LeMoine, Esq.; subject: "The Scot in New France."


December 17th, 1880.—A paper was read by Prof. J. Campbell, M.A., Montreal; subject: "The Origin of the Aborigines of Canada."


Since the last annual general meeting, the library has been increased by the addition of three hundred volumes, selected in the spirit calculated to further the aims contemplated in the charter of this Association, the promotion of science and history, especially that of our own country, in their higher departments.


The report of the Librarian gives the particulars of the purchases and donations of books, during the last year.


The absence of the Curator of the Museum, Dr. Hubert Neilson, deprives us of a report. In his absence the care of this important department has devolved on the President, who is enabled to state that due attention has been bestowed, on the preservation of the specimens of natural history and other objects constituting the Museum; want of space has prevented any considerable addition.


The report of the Treasurer which will be submitted, the Council hopes, will satisfy the members that a strict watch has been kept on receipt and expenditure.


No change has taken place with regard to the custodian of the rooms, nor in the terms, under which they are leased from the Morrin College, the relations with which like, in the past, continue satisfactory.


Letters are received daily asking for our Transactions and historical publications, from individuals or from scientific bodies in the United States. Several invitations have also been sent on behalf of Historical Societies in the adjacent Republic, to meet delegates assembled to commemorate the anniversary of notable literary or historical events. Circumstances unfortunately prevented the delegates named by this Society, from attending. These invitations, calculated to strengthen that bond of good fellowship, which at all times ought to exist, between associations formed for one common object—the culture of science and history— indicate also that the publications and literary labours of this association are gradually finding their way and obtaining recognition far beyond the boundaries of the Dominion.


The Society will doubtless rejoice at the large number of names on the roll of associate members, and therein recognise conclusive proof that the efforts made to enlarge the sphere of its usefulness have not been unsuccessful.


The Council has favored the publication of historical documents relating to the early history of Canada—one of the chief objects contemplated in its charter; the list of such publications to be found in the appendix to the Transactions clearly demonstrate that the public funds annually granted have not been misapplied.


It has been asked why the Council did not enter into arrangements with the American Bureau of Lectures, with the view of bringing here eminent Public Lecturers: had such an application of the funds of the Association not been contrary to the requirements of the charter, the very great expense attending such an undertaking alone would have been an insuperable barrier,


Respectfully submitted,



Quebec, 12th January, 1881.




The librarian in making his usual report has no salient circumstances to present. The library continues to be appreciated by members, as the issues for the year numbering 4,669 shew. The reading room seems to be more used than ever, and the magazines and journals lying on the tables receive constant attention, which is natural when we consider that periodicals are assuming prominent places in the field of literature, and when bound in volumes they from additions to the library of permanent interest. The additions to the library by purchase and donations have been 300 volumes. One member places on the table regularly a file of the London Daily News, an example worthy of imitation by others. In conclusion, the members are reminded of the numerous standard works at their disposal, not mere ephemeral productions, but English and French classics, contributions to history, especially that of our own country; books which have borne the test of time and which merit a perusal from all who aim at a well stored mind.


Respectfully submitted,



The election of officers for the coming year then took place with the following result :—


President—J. M. LeMoine.

Vice-Presidents—H. S. Scott, C. Tessier, W. Hossack, J. Whitehead.

Treasurer—Edwin Pope.

Librarian—R. McLeod.

Recording-Secretary—J. F. Belleau.

Corresponding-Secretary—W. Clint.

Council-Secretary—A. Robertson.

Curator of Museum—Th. Oliver.

Curator of Apparatus—F. C. Wurtele.

Additional members of Council—Geo. Stewart, jr., Jas. Stevenson, Theop. Ledroit, P. Johnston.


The following gnetlemen were elected honorary members, Sanford Fleming, Esq., C. M. G., and Joseph W. Lawrence, Esq., of St. John, N. B., and President of the Historical Society of New Brunswick. Messrs. Henry J. Morgan of Ottawa, G. Herbert Lee, Secretary of the Historical Society of St. John, New Brunswick; Lt.-Col. T. Bland Strange of Kingston, and Professor Campbell, M. A., of Montreal, were elected corresponding members of the Society.




Statistics of the Timber Trade of Quebec, presented by W. Schwartz, Esq., Consul of Norway and Sweden.

Massachusetts' Historical Collections, Vol. VI.

An address delivered before the New York Historical Society, presented by Gen. de J. Watts de Peyster.

The Financial Reform Almanac—Free Trade and English Commerce, from the Cobden Club. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1878-79.

Annuaire de L'Institut Canadien de Québec, 1879.

Statuts, Province of Quebec.

Military Aspect of Canada, from Lt.-Col. T. B. Strange, Dominion Inspector of Artillery. Survey of the Northern Boundary of the United States, from Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Rocky Mountains—from the Department of State, U. S.

Geological Survey of Canada.

Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, 1878-79.

Journal of the Royal United Service Institute, vols. 23-24.

Journal of the American Geographical Society, vol. 9-10.

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History.

Two Maps showing route of the Canada Pacific Railway, presented by E. L. Montizambert, Esq. Discourse de M. D'Abbadie, of the Académie des Sciences, Paris.

Proceedings of the American Society of Arts and Sciences.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society, vol. 1.

A Paper on the Affiliation of the Algonquin Languages, from the author, Prof. J. Campbell, M. A., Montreal.

Sketches of the Past and Present condition of the Indians of Canada, by the author, Dr. G. M. Dawson, Montreal.

Some American Illustrations of the Evolution of New Varieties of Man, from the author, Daniel Wilson, LL. D., Toronto.

Hibridity and Absortion in relation to the Red Indian Race, Daniel Wilson, LL. D., Toronto. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vols. 17-21-22.

Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vols. 10-15-16-17.

Smithsonian Reports, vols. 73-76.

Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 5.

Transactions of the Academy of Sciences, St. Louis, vol. 4.

Occasional papers of the Boston Society of Natural History.

Contributions to the Geology of Eastern Massachusetts.

Thirty-first annual report of the Trustees of the Astor Library, 1879.

Centennial Papers, one hundred years rural progress, and reports, &c.

The New England Tour of H. R. H. Prince of Wales.

Reports of the Meterological office of the Dominion of Canada.

Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico.

The Canadian Pacific Railway (Hewson).

Twelfth annual report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, 1879.

Thirty-eight annual report of the Board of Education, 1879.

Reports, Returns and Statistics of the Inland Revenues of Canada, 1879.

Manual of the Board of Education, 1880, N. Y. City.

Directory of the Board of Education

Narrative of a Journey Across the Unexplored Portion of British Honduras, &c, presented by A. Joseph, Esq.

Pennsylvanian Magazine of History and Biography.

Annuaire de Ville-Marie.

"The cause of Colour among Races"—"Humanity and the Man," by W. Sharpe, M. D.

Le Nord-Ouest, la Province de Manitoba, le Saguenay et le Lac St-Jean.

Exposition Universelle de 1878.

Catalogue du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique.

Boletin de la Real Academia de La Historia.

Recent Social Theories.

The Origin of Language.

Sex in Education.

Representative Government.

Mélanges de Littérature, d'Histoire et de Philosophie, presented by John B. Dunbar, Deposit, New York.

Wisconsin Historical Collection, vol. 8, 1877-79.

Publications of the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis.

Bulletin of the Essex Institute—Historical Collections, four parts, vol. XVI.

Rules of the Quebec Horticultural Society.

Reports—Tenant Farmers' Delegation.

Report on Immigration and Colonization, 1880.

Muskoka and Lake Nippissing Districts.

Lands of Plenty in the New North-West, by E. H. Hall, Esq.

New England Historical and Genealogical Register.

Journals of the Legislative Assembly, Quebec.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1879.

Annual Calender of McGill College, 1880-81.

Our relations with the Imperial Government.

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1878-79.

Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Paulus Hook, presented by the author. Western Farmer of America.

Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society.

Mémoires de la Société Historique de Montréal.

Society of Friends in the 19th Century.

Petite Grammaire Française—Hubert LaRue, M. D.

Sessional Papers of Parliament of the Dominion of Canada.

Sessional Papers of the Legislature, Province of Ontario.

Life and Public Services of Jas. Garfield, presented by General de Peyster.

Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.

Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, vol. XI, 1878-80.

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society.

Geographical Work of the World in 1878-79.

Journal of the Franklin Institute.

The Calendar of King's College, Windsor, N. S., 1880-81.

Canadian Medical Journal.

The "Forest and Stream", presented by R. MacLeod, Esq.

"Grip" for 1880, presented by H. S. Scott, Esq.

The "Daily News", London, presented by J. L. Whitehead, Esq.

Newfoundland, Its Climate, Geographical Position, Resources, &c, presented by H. Budden, Esq.

England and Ireland, a Lecture by Rev. A. J. Bray.




A number of Autographs of Eminent Men, presented by M. Gale, Esq.

Photographs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, presented by Lieutenant Colonel Strange, R. A.

An Owl, presented by P. MacNaughton, Esq.

A Medlet (of the Prince Imperial), presented by Dr. W. Marsden, A. M.

A Receipt, dated 1st April, 1757, in connection with the imposition of certain taxes in Quebec, presented by the Rev. Dr. Mathews.

A Two dollar bill, also, a quarter dollar bill of Henry's Bank, 1837, presented by George Veasey, Esq.

A Spear Head, found in the (new) Harbour of Quebec, presented by His Excellency the Marquis of Lome, K. T.




English Men of Letters, Chaucer, Cowper, Bunyan, Byron, Hawthorne, Locke, Milton, Shelley, Southey, Spenser, Thackeray, Lover, Moore.

History of Our Own Times, vol. I-II.

La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West—Parkman.

History of Nova Scotia—Duncan Campbell.

The North Americans of Antiquity—John Shortt.

Memoirs of the Prince Consort, vol. 5—Martin.

Memoirs of Prince Metternich, 1773-1815, 2 vols.

The One Hundred Prize Questions in Canadian History, and the Answers of "Hermes."

Etudes Historiques—Le Tombeau de Champlain.

The Powers of Canadian Parliaments.—Watson.

The Legend of the Roses, Ravlan—Watson.

Constitutional History of Canada, vol. I—Watson.

Sunshine and Storm in the East—Brassey.

Memoirs of Baroness Bunsen, 2 vols.

Land of Median Revisited, 2 vols.—Burton.

Journey Through the Korassan, 2 vols.—MacGregor.

Correspondence of Macvey Napier.

Rough Ways Made Smooth—Proctor.

Journals during the Second Empire, 2 vols.—Senior.

Life of George Moore—Smiles.

History of England, 2 vols.—Walpole.

Whitaker's Almanc, 1880.

Hakluyt Society—No. 57 Hawkens, No. 58 Schiltberger.

Fossil Men, Chain of Life in Geology—Dawson.

The Scot in British North America, vol. I.—Rattray.

Memoirs of Madame de Remusat.

Canadian Portrait Gallery, vols. 1-2.

National Portrait Gallery, vol. 4.

International Portrait Gallery, vol. I.

Parliamentary Government in British Colonies.—Todd.

Life of a British Soldier.

The Dominion Annual Register for 1879—Morgan.




Graphic, 1880: 2 Vols

London Illustrated News, 1880: 2 "

Punch, 1880: 1 "

Canadian Illustrated News, 1880: 1 "

Aldine, 1878-79: 2 "

London Quarterly, 1880: 1 "

Edinburgh Quarterly, 1880: 1 "

British: Quarterly, 1880: 1 "

Westminster Quarterly, 1880: 1 "

Nineteenth Century, 1880: 2 "

Fortnightly, 1880: 2 "

Contemporary, 1880: 2 "

North American, 1880: 2 "

Atlantic Monthly, 1880: 2 "

Harper's Magazine, 1880: 2 "

Scribner's Magazine, 1880: 2 "

Chambers' Journal, 1880: 1 "

All the year Round, 1880: 2 "

Fraser's Magazine, 1880: 2 "

MacMillan's Magazine, 1880: 2 "

Blackwood's Magazine, 1880: 2 "

Cornhill Magazine, 1880: 2 "

Rose Belford's Canadian Monthly, 1880: 2 "

Bystander, 1880: 1 "

Notes and Queries, 1880: 2 "

Magazine of American History: 2 "

Art Journal, 1880: 1 "

Nature, 1880: 2 "

Engineer, 1880: 1 "

Scientific American, 1880: 1 "

Scientific American Supplement, 1880:  1 "

Scientific Canadian, 1880: 1 "

Canadian Antiquarian, 1880: 1 "

Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club: 1 "

ReVue des deux Mondes, 1878,1879,1880:    18 "

L'Opinion Publique, Montréal: 1 "

Le Naturaliste Canadien : 1 "




Invasion du Canada, Verreau         

Invasion du Canada         

Les Canadiens de l'Ouest, Tassé: 2 vols

Chronique Trifluvienne, Suite: 2 "

L'Intendant Bigot, Marmette: 1 "

Fables, Stevens: 1 "

Helika, Dr. Chs Déguise: 1 "

Du Suicide, LaRue : 1 "

Comte de Selkirk et la Compagnie de la Baie Hudson : 1 "

Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, Lavoche Heron : 1 "

Mélanges : 1 "

Le Deuxième Centenaire : 1 "

Annales de la Paroisse St. Jacques le Majeur           

Philemon Wright, Jos. Tassé : 1 "

Annuaire de Ville-Marie, 1863-64-67-68 : 2 "

Causeries du Dimanche, Le Juge Routhier : 1 "

Jean Rivard—Guerin Lajoie : 1 "

Le Village sous l'Ancien Régime, Barbeau : 1 "

Echos de Québec, N. Legendre : 1 "

De Tribord à Bâbord, Faucher de St. Maurice : 1 "

Poésie Canadienne, Frechette : 1 "

Mes Loisirs : 1 "

La Grande Tronciade, Arthur Casgrain : 1 ''

De la Mantawa, La Vallée : 1 "

Picounoc, Le Maudit, Lemay            :2 "

Une Gerbe, Lemay : 1 "

Les Vengeances, Lemay : 1 "

Le Pèlerin de Ste. Anne, Lemay : 1 "

Montcalm et le Canada Français, De Bonnechose : 1 "

Quatorze Mois dans l'Amérique du Nord, Vicomte de Turenne : 2 "

Recueil de Chansons : 2 "

Cinq Mois chez les Français d'Amérique, De Lamothe : 1 "

Le Saguenay, Buies : 1 "

Le Naturaliste Canadien, 1878-79 : 2 "

Rome in Canada, Lindsey         

Canada, by a Backwoodsman       

8 vols. Franklin Square and Standard Library series.

Large folio for photographs.

Folio for autographs.



Presidents of the Literary and Historical Society.


1824   Sir F. N. Burton, Lt.-Governor.

1828   Hon. Mr. Reid, Chief Justice.

1829   Lieut. Frederick Baddeley, R. N.

1830   Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.

1831   Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice.

1832   Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q. C.

1834   Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1835            Joseph Skey, M. D.

1836   Rev. Daniel Wilkie, LL.D.

1837   Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.

1838   Hon. Andrew Stuart, Q.C.

1839   Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.

1840   Wm. Kelly, M.D., R.N.

1841   Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1842   Hon. A. W. Cochrane.

1843   Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1844   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1845   Hon. A. W. Cochrane.

1846   John C. Fisher, Esq.

1847   Hon. Wm. Sheppard.

1851   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1852   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1853   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1854   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1855   E. A. Meredith, M. A.

1856   W. Andrew, Esq.

1857   W. Andrew, Esq.

1858   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1859   G. B. Faribault, Esq.

1860   E. A. Meredith, M.A.

1861   E. A. Meredith, M.A.

1862   John Langton, M.A.

1863   John Langton, M.A.

1864   John Langton, M.A.

1865   John Langton, M.A.

1866   Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut. R.N.

1867   Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut. R.N.

1868   Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau

1869   Prof. James Douglas.

1870   Dr. W. J. Anderson.

1871   J. M. LeMoine. Esq.

1872-3            Dr. W. J. Anderson.

1873   Com. E. D. Ashe, Lieut. R.N., F.R.S.

1874   Prof. James Douglass.

1875   Prof. James Douglass.

1876   James Stevenson, Esq.

1877   James Stevenson, Esq.

1878   James Stevenson, Esq.

1879   J. M. LeMoine, Esq.

1880   J. M. LeMoine, Esq.

1881   J. M. LeMoine, Esq.


Literary and Historical Society of Quebec

Founded in—1824

Incorporated by Royal Charter—1831.


His Excellency, the MARQUIS OF LORNE, K.T., Governor-General of Canada.




J. M. LEMOINE: President.


EDWIN POPE: Treasurer.


JAMES F. BELLE AU: Recording Secretary.

WM. CLINT: Corresponding Secretary.

ALEX ROBERTSON: Council Secretary.

THEO. OLIVER: Curator of Museum.

FRED. C WURTELE            : Curator of Apparatus.

J AS. STEVENSON, GEO. STEWART, JR       , PETER JOHNSTON, THEOP. LEDROIT: Additional Members of Council.




Sandford Fleming, C. M. G., LL.D., C. E.

Hon. G. Bancroft, D.C.L., New York.

Prof. D. Wilson, LL.D, Toronto.

Admiral Bayfield, Prince Edward Island.

General Lefroy, R.A., F.R.S.

N. Gould, Esq., England.

Henry Goadby, M.D., England.

Prof. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., Montreal.

General Baddeley, England.

Charles Lanman, Esq., Washington.

John Miller Grant, Esq., London.

John Langton, M.A., Toronto.

E. A. Meredith, LL.D., Ottawa.

T. D. Harington, Esq., Ottawa.

E. T. Fletcher, Esq., Quebec.

Francis Parkman, LL.D., Boston.

Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F. S. A., Scotland.

Wm. C. Howells, Esq., Toronto.

Thomas Sopwith, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., England.

Sydney Robjohns, Esq., F.R. Hist. Society, England.

Professor James Douglass, M.A., Philadelphia.

Wm. Kirby, Esq, author of "Le Chien d'Or," Niagara.

John Reade, Esq., author of "The Prophecy of Merlin," and other poems, Montreal.

James Ashbury, Esq., England.

Professor Goldwin Smith, LL.D., Toronto.

Mr. Justice Chapman, New Zealand.

John Bigsby, M.D., F. R. S., F. G. S., England.

Joseph W. Lawrence, Esq., St. John, N.B.




Akins, Dr. Thos. B. Halifax,N. S.

Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.

Benavides, Don Antonio, H. E., President of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.

Baird, Professor, Spencer F. Smithsonian Institute, Washington.

Benwick, James, New York.

Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.

Brackenbury, Col. H., R. A., England.

Bois, Abbé, L. E., Maskinongé.

Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., Boucherville.

Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., Montreal.

Cherriman, J. B., M. A., Ottawa.

Chapleau, Hon. J. A., Montreal.

Campbell, Prof. John, Montreal.

Cortambert, A., Membre de la Société de Géographie de Paris, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque Nationale.

D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l'Institut de France, Paris.

De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal. DeSechelles, Desmazières, St. Malo, France.

De Salas, Don Javier, Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, &c.

D'Urban, W.S.M., England.

De Peyster, Gen. J. W., New York.


Donaldson, L., St. John, N. B.

Fortin, Hon. P., M. P., M. D., President of the Geographical Society of Quebec, Gaspé.

Filippi, le Comte Woldémar,Paris.

Graham, Lt.-Col. U. S. A., Chicago.

Gérin, E., Trois-Rivières.

Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes France.

Henderson, W., Frampton.

Heap, Ralph, London, G. B.

Kingston, Professor G. T., University College, Toronto.

Huguet-Latour, Montreal.

Lee, G. H., St. John.

Lefebvre de Beliefeuille, E., Montreal.

Le Gardeur de Tilly, le comte Hypolite, Chantreau-près-Saintes, France.

Marchand, Hon. F. G., St. Jean.

Morgan, Henry J., Ottawa.

Noble, Capt., R.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., England.

Provencher, Colonel N., Manitoba.

Powis, Rev. H. D., Toronto.

Roget, Peter Mark, London.

Saban, Don Pedro, Secretary-General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.

Strange, T. B., Lt-.Col. R. A., Kingston.

Sewell, Rev. Henry, England.

Sinding, Professor Paul C, Copenhagen.

Suite, Benjamin, Ottawa.

Taylor, Fennings, Ottawa.

Tilley, Sir S. L., Ottawa.

Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va.


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[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version

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