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Catalogue of Birds, Metals, Woods, &c., in the Museum of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec


By James MacPherson LeMoine


[Published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 13 (1879)]






Falco anaturn, Duck Hawk, 6

Falco columbarius, Pigeon Hawk, 7

Falco sparverius, Sparrow Hawk, 13

Astur atricapillus, Gos Hawk, 14

Accipiter fuscus, Sharp-shinned Hawk, male, 17

Buteo insignatus, Brown Hawk, 21

Buteo borealis, Red-tailed Hawk, 23

Buteo lineatus, Red-shouldered Hawk, 25

Buteo elegans, Red-bellied Hawk, 27

Buteo pennsylvanicus, Broad-winged Hawk            , 28

Archibuteo lagopus, Rough-legged Hawk, 30

Archibuteo Sancti-Johannis, Black Hawk, 31

Circus hudsonius, Marsh Harrier, 38

Aquila Canadensis, Golden Eagle, 39

Haliaetus leucocephalus, Bald Eagle young, 43

Pandion carolinensis, Fish Hawk, 44

Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl, young, 48

Otus wilsonianus, Long-eared Owl, female, 51

Brachyotus cassinii, Short-eared Owl, 52

Syrnium cinereum, Great Gray male, 53

Syrnium nebulosum, Barred Owl, 54

Nyctale richarsoni, Sparrow, male, 56

Nyctea nivea Snowy Owl, 61

Surnia ulula Hawk Owl male and female, 62





Coccygus erythropthalmus, Black-billed Cuckoo, male, 70

Picus villosus, Hairy Wood Pecker, male, 74

Picus pubescens, Downy Wood Pecker, male, 76

Picoides arcticus, Black-backed, 3 toed, Wood Pecker, 82

Picoides hirsutus, Banded three-toed Wood Pecker, 83

Sphyrapicus varius, Yellow-bellied Wood Pecker, male and female., 85

Hylatomus pileatus, Log Cock, male, 90

Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Red-headed Wood Pecker, 94

Colaptes auratus, High Holder, Golden Winged, 97




Chœtura pelasgia, Chimney Swallow, 109

Chordeiles popetue, Night Hawk, 114

Ceryle alcyon,            King Fisher, 117

Tyrannus carolinensis            , King Bird, male and female, 124

Empidonax acadicus, Small Green-crested Fly Catcher, 143

Turdus mustelinus, Wood Thrush, 148

Turdus pallasi, Hermit Thrush, 149

Turdus fuseescens, Wilson's Thrush, male, 151

Turdus migratorius, Robin, male, 155

Sialia sialis, Blue Bird, 158

Regulus calendula, Ruby-crowned Wren, male, 161

Regulus satrapa, Golden-crested Wren, 162

Anthus ludovicianus, Tit Lark, 165

Geothlypis trichas, Maryland Yellow-throat, male, 170

Seiurus noveboracensis, Water Thrush, 187

Dendroica Canadensis, Blk-throated Blue Warbler, male, 193

Dendroica castanea, Bay-breasted Warbler, male, 197

Dendroica striata, Black-poll, Warbler, male, 202

Dendroica sestiva, Yellow Warbler ,203

Dendroica maculosa, BlackandYellow Warbler, 204

Myiodioctes Canadensis, Canada, male, 214

Setophaga ruticilla, Redstart, 217

Pyrangarubra, ScarletTanager, 220

Hirundo lunifrons, Cliff Swallow, 226

Progne purpurea, Purple Martin, female, 231

Ampelis garrulous, Wax Wing, 232

Ampelis cedrorum, Cedar Bird, male, 233

Collyrio borealis, Great Northern Shrike, male, 236

Vireo olivaceus, Red-eyed Vireo, 240

Mimus carolinensis, Cat Bird, male, 254

Harporhynchus rufus, Brown Thrush, 261

Certhia Americana, American Creeper, 275

Sitta Canadensis, Red bellied Nuthatch, 279

Parus atricapillus, Black-cap Titmouse, 290

Eremophila cornuta, Shore Lark, 302

Hesperiphona vespertina, Evening Grosbeak, 303

Pinicola Canadensis, Pine female, 304

Carpodacus purpureus, Purple Finch, male and female, 305

Chrysomitris tristis, Yellow Bird—Canadian Goldfinch, 313

Chrysomitris pinus, Pine Finch, male and female, 317

Curvirostra Americana, Red Crossbill, male, 318

Curvirostra leucoptera, White-winged Crossbill, male and female, 319

Ægiothus linaria, Lesser Red Poll, 320

Plectrophanes nivalis, Snow Bunting, 325

Zonotrichia albicollis, White-breasted Sparrow, male, 349

Junco hyemalis, Snow Bird, 354

Spizella monticola, Tree Sparrow, 357

Melospiza melodia, Song Sparrow, male, 363

Passerella iliaca, Fox-colored Sparrow, 374

Cardinalis virginianus, Cardinal Gros Beak, 390

Agelaius phœniceus, Red-winged Blackbird, 401

Sturnella magna, Meadow Lark, 406

Icterus Baltimore, Baltimore Oriole, 415





Scolecophagus ferrugineus, Rusty Grakle, 417

Quiscalus versicolor, Crow Blackbird, male and female, 421

Corvus carnivorus, Raven, 423

Corvus americanus, Common Crow, 426

Cyanura cristata, Blue Jay, 438

Perisoreus canadensis            , Canada Jay, 443

Tetrao Canadensis, Spruce Partridge, 460

Tetrao phasianellus, Sharp-tailed Partridge      

Cupidonia cupido, Prairie Hen. make and female, 464

Bonasa umbellus, Ruffed Grouse, 465

Lagopus rupestris, Rock Grouse, 468

Lagopus albus, White Ptarmigan, 470

Ortyx virginianus, Quail, male and female, 471





Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron, 487

Botaurus lentiginosus            Bittern, 492

Nyctiardea gardeni, Night Heron, 495

Charadrius virginicus, Golden Plover, 503

Aegialitis wllsonius, Wilson's Plover, 506

Aegialitis semipalmatus, Semipalmated Plover, 507

Squatarola Helvetica, Black-bellied Plover, 510

Strepsilas interpres, Turnstone, 515

Philohela minor, American Woodcock, 522

Gallinago wilsonii, English Snipe, 523

Tringa americana, Red-backed Sandpiper, 530

Tringa maculate, Jack Snipe, 531

Tringa wilsonii, Least Sandpiper, 532

Calidris arenaria, Sanderling, 534

Gambetta flavipes, Yellow Legs, 540

Rhyacophilus solitarius, Solitary Sandpiper, 541

Tringoides macularius, Spotted Sandpiper, 543

Limosa fedoa, Marbled Godwit, 547

Limosa hudsonica, Hudsonian Godwit, 548

Tringa variabilis, Purple Sandpiper    

Maritima variabilis, Purple Sandpiper, female           

Numenius hudsonicus, Curlew 550





Fulica americana, Coot, 559

Anser hyperboreus, Snow Goose, 563

Bernicla Canadensis, Canada Goose, 567

Bernicla brenta, Brant, 570

Anas boschas, Mallard, 576

Albino boschas, Mallard albino, 576

Albino obscura, Black Duek, young, 577

Dafila acuta, Pin-Tail, male, 578

Nettion carolinensis, Green winged Teal, 579

Spatula clypeata, Shoveller, 583

Aix Sponsa, Wood Duck, 587

Fulix affinis, Little black-head, male and female, 589

Fulix marila, Greater black-head, 588

Fulix collaris, Ring-necked Duck, 590

Aytbya Americana, Red-Head, 591

Bucephala Americana, Golden Eye, male and female, 593

Bucephala islandica, Barrow's Golden eye, male, 594

Bucephala slbeola, Butter Ball, 595

Histrionicus torquatus, Harlequin duck, male, 596

Harelda glacialis, South Southerly, 597

Melanetta velvetina, Velvet Duck, male, 601

Pelionetta perspicillata, Surf Duck, female, 602

Oidemia Americana, Scoter, 604

Somateria mollissima, Eider Duck, female, young, 606

Mergus americanus, Sheldrake, 611

Mergus serrator, Red-breasted Merganser, 612

Lophodytes cueullatus, Hooded Merganser, 613

Sula basana, Gannet, 617

Graculus carbo, Common Cormorant, 620

Graculus dilophus, Double-crested Cormorant, 623

Puffinuo cinereus, Cenerious Petrel, 651

Larus marlnus, Great Black backed Gull, 660

Larus argentatus, Herring Gull, young, 661

Chroicocephalus Philadelphia, Bonaparte's Gull, 670

Sterna wilsonii, Wilson's Tern, male, 689

Hydrochelidon plumbea, Short-tailed Tern, 695

Colymbus torquatus, Loon, 698

Colymbus septentrionalis, Red-throated Diver, 701

Podiceps californicus, California Grebe, 707

Podilvmbus podiceps, Carolina Grebe—Dab chick, 709

Alca torda, Razor-billed Auk, 711

Mormon arctics, Arctic Puffin, 715

Phaleris pusillus, Least Auk, 723

Uriagrylle, Black Guillemot, 726

Uriagrylle Iomvia, Foolish Guillemot, 729

Mergulus alle, Sea Dove, 738



Accentor Alpinus - Gray Cuckoo.

Cinclus aquaticus - Brick Bunting,

Sturnus vulgaris - Orange created Wren,

Picus viridis,

Ictomus Hypoleucos,

Picus major,

Alauda Calendra,

Melanerpes formicivorus,

Picus scalaris,






AUGUST, 1873.


Fox-colored Sparrow,

Song Sparrow,

Tree Sparrow,

White-crowned Sparrow,

White-throated Sparrow,

Field Sparrow,

Cow Bunting,

Red-winged Starling,

Meadow Lark,

Crow Black Bird,

Caroline Dove,

Ruffed Grouse,

Prairie Hen,


Snowy Heron,

Kildeer Plover,

Wilson's Plover,

Piping Plover,

Semi-palmated Plover,

Golden Plover,

Clapper Rail,


King Fisher,


Marsh Tern,

Least Tern,

Artie Tern,

Foster's Tern,

Sooty Tern,

Noddy Tern,

Snow Bird,

Bay-winged Bunting,

American Goldfinch,

Marsh Wren,

Cat Bird,

Pewee Fly-catcher,

Red-eyed Fly-catcher,

Red-billed Nuthatch,

White-bellied Swallow,

Barn Swallow,



Yellow Warbler,

Blue Bird,

Golden-crowned Thrush,

Hermit Thrush,

Wilson's Thrush,

Small green-crested Fly-catcher,

Trail's Fly-catcher,

Black-billed Cuckoo,


Canada Goose,

Red-necked Diver,


Black Guillemot,


Common Guillemot,

Pintail Duck,



Hawk Owl,

Short-eared Owl,

Razor-billed Auk,


Red-shouldered Hawk,

Marsh Hawk,

Cooper's Hawk,

Red-breasted Merganser


Wild Duck,


Harlequin Duck,

Red-necked Phalorope.






Mexican Vulture,

Duck Hawk,

Squirrel Hawk,

Black-capped Hawk,

Orange-breasted Hawk,

Prairie Falcon,

Baird's Buzard,

Jer Falcon,

Red-shouldered Hawk,

Marsh Hawk,

Pigeon            Hawk,

Sparrow Hawk,

Sharp-shinned Hawk,

Long-eared Owl,

Short-eared Owl,



Yellow-billed Cuckoo,

Hairy Woodpecker,

Downy Woodpecker,

Golden-winged Woodpecker,

Lewis Woodpecker,



King Bird,


Least Fly-catcher,

Long-tailed Thrush,

Long-tailed Mocker,

Wood Thrush,

Wilson's Thrush,

Migratory Thrush (Robin),

Fire Crest,


Blue Bird,

Red Bird,

Summer Red Bird,

Scarlet Tanager,

Cliff Swallow,

Bank Swallow,

Cedar Bird,

White-rumped Shrike,


Yellow-throated Vireo,

Warbling Vireo

White-eyed Vireo,

Louisiana Tanager,

Savannah Sparrow,

Yellow-winged Sparrow,


Sharp-tailed Finch,

Sea-side Finch,

Lark Finch,

Ground Robin,


Yellow-headed Blackbird,

Mocking Bird,

House Wren,

American Creeper,

Purple Finch,

Wilson's Snow Bird,

Black Snow Bird

Ground Dove,

Common Dove,

White-bellied Nuthatch,

Boat-tailed Grakle,

Yellow-shafted Flicker,

Heerman's Song Sparrow,

Chipping Sparrow,

Swamp Sparrow,

Field Sparrow,

Black-throated Bunting,

Rose-breasted Grosbeak,


Bob-o-link (Rice Bird),

Red-winged Blackbird,

Orchard Oriole,

Baltimore Oriole,


Common Crow,

Blue Jay,

Wild Pigeon.



Spruce Partridge,

Sharp-tailed Grouse.



American Crane,

Sand-hill Crane,

Reddish Egret,

Great Blue Heron,

Louisiana Heron,

White Heron,

Great Blue Heron,

Least Bittern,


Green Heron,

Night Heron,

Esquimaux Curlew,

Oyster Catcher,

Black-necked Stilt,

English Snipe,

Spotted Sandpiper,

Bonaparte's Sandpiper,

Field Plover,


Virginia Rail,

Common Rail,

Florida Gallinule,

Marsh Hen.



Black Duck,

Blue-winged Teal,


Greater Blackhead,

South Southerly,

Eider Duck,

Summer Duck,

King Eider,

Gannet, Solan Goose,

White-headed Goose,

Western Goose,

Frigate Pelican,

Brown Pelican,

Common Cormorant,

Florida Leach's Petrel,

Wilson's Petrel

Ring-billed Gull,

Western Short-billed Gull

Laughing Gull,

Wilson's Tern,

Cabot's Tern,

Caspian Tern,

Royal Tern,

Roseate Tern,

Short-tailed Tern,

Black Skimmer,

Caroline Grebe,


Arctic Puffin,

Foolish Guillemot,

Wrangel's Guillemot,




The following Eggs were presented as a gift by M. A. LECHEVALIER, Taxidermist, of Montreal :

Canada Goose,

Great Black Back Gull,

Herring Gull,


Hooded Merganser


Clapper Rail,

Meadow Lark,

Belted Kingfisher,

European Crow,

Royston Crow,

Red-breasted Partridge,

Hudson Bay Magpie,


Yellow-billed Magpie,




1. Lyncus rufus, Wild Cat,    

2. Vulpes fulvus, Red Fox,   

3. Castor fiber, Beaver,

4. Guloluscus, Wolverine,    

5. Phoca concolor, American Seal,  

6. Hystrix hudsonius,             Porcupine,

7. Mephitis americana, Skunk,

8. Lepus americanus,            Northern Hare,

9. Arctmys monax, Woodchuck, 

10. Fiber gibeticus, Muskrat,        

11. Putorius vison, Mink,  

12. Didelphis virginiana, Opossum,

13. Putorius noveborensis, New-York Ermine,

14. Mustela pusilla, Small Weasel,        

15. Sciurus niger, Black Squirrel,        

16. Sciurus leueotis, Gray Squirrel,        

17. Sciurus striatus, Striped Squirrel,        

18. Sciurus hudsonius            , Red Squirrel,

19. Mus decumanus, Common Rat,

20. Mus musculus, Common Mouse,          

21. Arvicola albo-rufescens, Light-Colored Meadow Mouse.




1. Perca flavescens, Yellow Perch

2. Lucioperca americana, American Sandre          

3. Centrarchus æneus            , Rock Bass

4. Pomotis vulgaris, Common Pond Fish,    

5. Esoxestor, Maskinongé,

6. Esox lusius, Common Pike   

7. Osmerus viridescens, Smelt,

8. Hyodon, White Fish,   

9. Coregonus quadrilateralis, Round Fish,

10. Lepidosteus huroninsis, Gar Pike,

11. Catostomus aureolua, Gilt Sucking Carp            ,

12. Catostomus communis, Common Carp,

13. Catostomus, Carp, 

14. Catostomus pallidus, Pale Carp, Male,  

15. Catostomus pallidus, Pale Carp, Female,        

16. Scomber scomber            , Spring Mackeral,

17. Gadus maculosus, Eel-pout,       

18. Acipenser oxyrhincus, Sharp-nosed Sturgeon,

19. Lumpus anglorum, Lump Fish,   

20. Sebastes norvegicus, Northern Sebastes,     

21. Platessa plana, New York Flat-fish,

21. Morrhua Americana, Torsh or Rock Cod,

23. Leuciscus nitidus, Shining Dace,

24. Morrhua pruniosa, Tom-cod,

25. Anguilla macrocephala, Bull-headed Eel,

26. Salmo confines, Lake Trout,

27. Lamna caudate, Long-tailed Porbeagle,

28. Brosmius vulgaris, Tusk or Cusk,

29. Long-finned Trout, male,

30. Long-finned Trout, female,

31. Microsstenis salmoides, Gill,

32. Microsstenis ingricans, Cuviers Gill.






1. Washington before Boston.

2. Major-General Horatio Gates-—Saratoga—1777.

3. Colonel George Crogan—for Sandusky—2nd Aug., 1813.

4. Major-General W. H. Harrison—for the Thames—5th Oct., 1813.

5. Governor Isaac Shelby—Battle of the Thames—5th Oct., 1813.

6. Major-General Winfield Scott-—for Chippewa and Niagara.

7. Major-General Edmund Gains-—for Fort Erie-—15th Aug., 1814.

8. Major-Gen. P. B. Porter—Chippewa, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, 25th July,

1814-Fort Erie, 17th Sept, 1814.

9. Major-General Brown, Chippewa, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, 25th July,

1814-Fort Erie, 17th Sept, 1814.

10. Brigadier-General Miller, Chippewa, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, 25th July,

1814-Fort Erie, 17th Sept, 1814.

11. Brigadier-General Ripley, Chippewa, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, 25th July,

1814-Fort Erie, 17th Sept, 1814.

12. Major-General Macomb—Plattsburg.

13. Major-General Zachary Taylor—-Resaca de la Palmare-—1846.

14. Major-General Z. Taylor—Monterey—Sept., 1846.

15. Major-General Z. Taylor—Buena Vista—22nd Feby., 1847.

16. Major-General Winfield Scott—Vera Cruz, &c—1847.

17. Major-General U. S. Grant, N.S. N.L.A.—Vicksburg—Chattanooga



18. John Paul Jones—"Serapis."

19. Captain Thomas Tington.

20. Captain Hull—Capture of the "Guerrière."

21. Captain Jacob Jones—Capture of the "Frolic."

22. Captain Decatur—Capture of the "Macedonian."

23. Captain Bainbridge—Capture of the "Java."

24. Captain Lawrence-—Capture of the "Peacock."

25. Lieutenant McCall.

26. Captain Perry—Capture of the "British fleet on Lake Erie."

27. Captain Warrington-—Capture of the "Eperokiet."

28. Captain Blakeley—Capture of the “Reindeer.”

29. Captain Thos. Macdonough—Capture of the fleet on Lake Champlain.

30. Captain Henley—            Capture of the fleet on Lake Champlain.

31. Lieutenant Step. Cassin—1814—Capture of the fleet on Lake Champlain.

32. Captain Biddle—Capture of the "Penguin"—1815.

33. Captain Chas. Stuart—Capture of the "Cyane"—20th Feby., 1815.

34. Major-General A. Jackson—Battle of New Orleans—6th Jany., 1845.

35. Captain W. Burrows—4th Sept., 1813.



36. The Cabinet Medal.

37. Thomas Jefferson—1801.

38. James Madison.

39. James Munroe—1817.

40. John Quincy Adams—1825.

41. Andrew Jackson—1829.

42. Martin Van Buren—1837.

43. John Tyler—1841.

44. James R. Polk—1845.

45. Zachary Taylor—1849.

46. Millard Fillmore—1850.

47. Franklin Pierce—1853.

48. James Buchanan—1857.

49. Abraham Lincoln—1862.

50. Andrew Johnson—1865.



51. Captain Perry—State of "Pennsylvania"—Lake Erie—10th Sept., 1813.

52. (Missing).

53. Major-General Winfield Scott—Chapultepec—Melino del Rey, &c.

54. Rescue of the Officers and Crew of the United States brig "Janus."

55. Captain M. Graham—"Rescue of Martin Kystice."

56. The Shipwreck Medal.

57. United States Coast Survey—Gallantry and Humanity—1846.

58. Japanese Embassy Medal.

59. Doctor Frederick Ross—Skill and Humanity.

60. Colonel Armstrong—Destruction of Kiltanning, "Indian Village"—1756.

61. Indian Race Medal.

62. Captains Creighton, Low, and Stouffer—1854.

63. Doctor Hossack—Arts and Science, &c.

64. Commodore M. C. Perry, Boston—Merchants, &c.





Laminated Limestone.

Stellic Caroline.


Natural Loadstone, from Leeds,


Sulphuret of Copper.

Copper Quartz.

Epidotic Gneiss, from the County of Lanark.

Limestone from Montreal.

Quartz from Ottawa City.

Red Copper, Acton mine.

Galena from the County of Lanark.

Yellow sulphuret.

Granite from the Quarries of Syene.

Coal specimens.

Amethysts from Lake Superior.

Bivalved petrified shells.

Specular Iron Quartz.

Copper Sulphuret from Sherbrooke.

Iron Ore.

Carbonate of Copper Quartz.

Chrome Iron.

California Gold Quartz.

Gray Granite.


Gold, Silver, Copper and a Conglorate (conglomerate.) of Gravel and Gold, from the Alluvial Gold Mines of Ominica, British Columbia.

Copper Pyrites.


Petrified Fish.




Sulphurate of Lead from Almeria.

Arnprior Marble.

Meteore Stone.









Prunus Americana, Red Plum.

Thuya Occidentalis, Cedar.

FraxinusSambucifolia, Brown Ash.

Fraxinus Americana, White Ash.

Fagus Ferruginea, Birch.

Ulmus Americana, White Elm.

Ulmus Rubra, Red or Slippery Elm.

Larix Americana, Tamarack or Larch.

(2) Abies Canadensis, Hemlock Spruce.

Juglans Cinerea, Butternut.

Betula Populifolia, White Birch

AlnusViridis, Alder, Green or Mountain.

Alnus Incana, Alder, Red.

Tilia Americana, Basswood.

Oystrya Virginica, Iron or Lever Wood.

(2.) QuercusAlba, White Oak.

Carya Amara, Hickory.

(3) Acer Saccharinum            , Maple.

Spicatum and Dasycarpum, Maple.

Linum Usitatissimum, Canadian Flax, stalk, flower, seed, and dyed.







1. Pinus Douglasi,

2. Larix Americana, var, Mexican Larch.

3. Ulmus Americana, var, Mexican Elm.

4. Magnolia, Magnolia.

5. (2) Betula Excelsa,         Mexican Birch.

6. Salix Alba, Mexican Willow.

7. (2) PopulusAlba, Poplar.

8. Betula Rubra, Red Birch.

9. Betula Rubra, Blue Birch.

10. Corylus Avellana, Mexican Hazel.

11. Mexican Apple.

12. Green Osier.

13. Walset Wood.

14. Vitis Perdifloria, Vine Wood.

15. Berasys Pennsylvanica,        

16. Lynozia Vulgaris, Mexican Lilac.

17. Cœsalpinia, Peach Wood, or Nicaragua Wood.

18. Mexican Bush Maple.

19. Pyrus Aucuparia, Mountain Ash, or Service Tree.

20. Alnus Glutinosa, Mexican Alder.

21. Sumach.

22. Carga Amara Paludinosa, Swamp Hickory, or Bitternut.

23. Rosa Paludinosa, Mexican Swamp Rose.

24. Morus Fructoria,      

25. Fustic Root.

26. Sequia Gigantea, Wood, Foliage, Bark, Seed and Cone of the mammoth tree of California.

27. Buxus Sempevirens, Box Wood.

28 to 34. Duplicates, and not named in Mexican Woods.





1. Anona Cherimolia            Cherimoyer, West Indies.

2. Guatteria Laurifolia, White Lance Wood, West Indies.

3. Laplacea Hematoxylon, Blood Wood, Iron Wood, West Indies.

4. Cinnamodendron Corticosum, With bark of the same—West Indies.

5. Erythroxelon Areolatum, Redwood—West Indies.

6. Arto-carpus Integrifolia, Jack fruit-tree—West Indies.

7. Amyris Balsamifera, Red Candle Wood—West Indies.

8. Cassia Emarginata, Yellow Candle Wood—West Indies.

9. (4) Piscidia Erythrina do Carthiginensis, Dog Wood—West Indies.

10. Casuarina Equisetifolia –West Indies.

11. Bruya Ebenus, Jamaica Ebony, with bark of same —West Indies.

12. (3) Peltophorum Linnse            Brazilleto—West Indies.

13. Ccesalpinia Coriaria, Divi-Divi—West Indies.

14. Laguncularia Racemosa, White Mangrove—West Indies.

15. Chrysophillum Cainito, Star-apple—West Indies.

16. Dipholis Salicifolia, White Bully Tree—West Indies.

17. Redheart?—West Indies.

18. (2) Cocos Nucifera, Cocoa Nut—West Indies.

19. Calophyllum Calaba, Santa Maria—West Indies.

20. Dipholis Nigra, Black Bully Tree—West Indies.

21. Hogberry?—West Indies.

22. Cordia Gerascauthus, Jamaica Elm—West Indies.

23. AchrasSideroxylon, Naseberry Bully Tree—West Indies.

24. Andira Inermis, Bastard Cabbage Tree—West Indies.

25. Cassada Wood ?—West Indies.

26. Simarula Officinalis, Bitter Damson—West Indies.

27. Laurus Borbonia, Bluefield's Cedar, or Timbersweet—West Indies.

28. Nectandra, Sweet-wood—West Indies.

29. Amyris ?, Black Rosewood—West Indies.

30. Amyris Balsamifera, White Rosewood—West Indies.

31. Fagus Sylvestris, Jamaica Beech—West Indies.

32. Canella Alba, Wild Cinnamon—West Indies.

33. Cupressus Thuyoides?, White Cedar—West Indies.

34. Amyris ?, White Torch, or Candle Wood—West Indies.

35. Acaeta Arborea, Wild Tamarind—West Indies.

36. Hymenea Courbarli, Locust Tree—West Indies.

37. Pentedeshra Filamentosa—West Indies.

38, 39, 40. Specimens of heavy Australian Woods, Victoria, N. S. W.—(Names not given.)

41. Eucalyptus Victoria—N. S. W.

42. Sarcocephalus Ovaifolia—Queensland, N.S.W.

43,44. Australian Woods—Victoria, N. S. W.—(Names not given.)

45. Eucalyptus Acerbica, Silver Gully Tree—'Victoria, N.S.W.

46, 47, 48. Names not given.—Victoria, N.S.W.

49. Eucalyptus Odorata, (Peppermint Tree)—Victoria, N. S. W.

50. Banksia Australis, Honeysuckle— Victoria, N. S. W.

51. Banksia Integrifolia Coast Honeysuckle, Victoria, N. S. W-

52. Musk Tree, Victoria, N.S.W.

53. Bambusa Gigantea Bamboo, West Indies.

58 to 66. Duplicates of Laplacea Hæmatxoylon, Erythroxilon Areolatum, Amyris, Balsamifera, Piscidia Erythrinia and Carthaginensis, Bruya Ebenus, Lagurieularia Kacemosa, Chrysophillum Canaito, Dipholis Salicifolia, Cocos Nucifera, Hogberry, Nectandra.




1. Paritium ElatumCuba Matting, West Indies.

2. Agava Americana, Fibre or Spanish Aloe, Mexico.

3. Cocos Nucifera, Cocoa Nut Fibre, West Indies.

4. Sparto Grass and Hibiscus Escalates—Ceylon.

5. Fibre of Thuya Gigantea, with Bark and cordage of same, as used by inhabitants

of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

6. Skutched Fibre of "Linum Usitatissimum Canadensis" as from machine.

7. Fibre of Japanse Weed (Name not given), as prepared for substitute for Bilk or

cotton, but used in manufacture for mixture with these.

8. Humulus Lupulus, fibre of, Lupulane, samples of unbleached, bleached, and

spun into thread, Canada.

9. Gutta-Percha (extract of Icosandra gutta), as imported from the Malay Islands.



Two cases of Foreign Butterflies and Insects.


N. B.—The list of names being incomplete it has been found impsssible to supply the missing ones.





Presented to the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec by the Provincial Government.


Specimens de bois de la foret canadienne




A collection of North American Unionidte—from Smithsonian Institute, Washington.


Marine Shells and other invertebrata collected by the Officers of the Survey in the River and

Gulf of St. Lawrence—from Geological Survey of Canada.


A young Bald Eagle—from Geo. H. Parke, Esq., Quebec.


1 Egg of Night Heron ; 2 Eggs of Common Crow ; 1 Egg of Yellow shafted Woodpecker; 1 Egg of Cedar Bird; 1 Egg of Tyrant Flycatcher; 1 Egg of Yellow Warbler; 1 Egg of Crow Blackbird; 1 Egg of Robin, or Red-breasted Thrush— from William Couper, Quebec.


Specimen of Lead Ore from Almeria, Spain ; A piece of Tablet supposed to have been

erected by Columbus on landing on Turks Island, West Indies ; Specimens of Sugarcane Blossom; Specimens of Sensitive Plant; Specimens of Ipecacuanha Plant; Scales of the Blue-fish—from C. C. Jordesson, Esq.


1 Lizard and a Barnacle, in spirits—from James F. Wolff, Esq., M.D.





Specimens of Copper Ore from Harvey Hill Mines—from Herbert Williams, Esq.


Two Coins—from W. White, Esq., Post Office Department.


5-Cent United States Paper Currency—from A. Harvey, Esq.


Canadian Fossils—from G. J. Bowles, Esq.


Specimen of Iron Ore—from M- Miller, Esq.


Spanish Grass, used for paper-making—from G. T. Cary, Esq.


Twenty Stuffed Birds—from Mrs. Dixon, of Bowmanville; presented through R.. S. M. Bouchette, Esq.


A number of Fishes and Crustaceans from the Gulf—from P. Fortin, Esq., Corresponding Member of the Society.  


Lime Incrustations from the north shore of Newfoundland—from Capt Ascah, Gaspé,


A Star Fish—from A. Halliday, Esq.


An Opossum—from the Smthsonian Institute, Washington.





Specimens of Devonian Plants collected at the Fern Lodge, near St. John, N.B.— Natural and Historical Society, St. John, N.B.


Copy of Petition from the Commissioners for erecting a Metropolitan Church to Lt-Govemor Milnes, Quebec, 26th June, 1802,—W. A. Himsworth, Esq.


Painting of an Astrolabe, supposed to belong to Champlain,—J. Langton, Esq.


A Curiosity of Japan from the holy Island of Onesana, said to be a natural production; also, a Japanese Map of Yeddo,—A. Campbell, Esq.


A Fossil Egg?—J. Neilson, Esq.


Foot of the Kirotherian.—Dr. J. B. Edwards.


A Bronze Medal in commemoration of the Confederation of the Provinces,—Governor-General and Council.


Three Stuffed Birds, viz.: Golden-eyed Duck, an Owl, and a Curlew,—P. McNaugh-ton, Esq.





From Alfred Sandham, Esq., Montreal, through J. M. LeMoine, Esq :

1. Bronze Medal—Kebeca Liberata, 1690.

2. Bronze Medal—Frs. Chs. de Levis, Duc de D'Ampville, 1658.

3. Bronze Medal—Montreal Y. M. C. Association.


From M. Lee, Esq., Quebec :—A Button of Quebec Militia, 1775.


From Col. Strange :—A Tusk of the African Boar.


From Jos. Jones Atcheson, Esq., Baie des Chaleurs, through J. M. LeMoine, Esq. :—

Petrefactions from Baie des Chaleurs.


From Maxime Dumont, Esq., through Dr. W. J. Anderson :—An Indian Arrow-Head.


From David Craig, St. Foye:—A Blue-Jay's Nest.


From Master Lockwood :—A piece of Ore; one 10-centime, French Republic, 1871.


From Dr. W. J. Anderson :—A Lake Superior Calumet.


From David Craig, St. Foye :—An old Bayonet, 1760.


From Dr. Johnstone, Pictou, through Dr. W. J. Anderson :—Dress of Aneiteum Islander—bag, sling, necklace, quiver, poisoned arrows, javelins.





By H. McHugh, Esq. :—Fossil Shells, &c, &c.


By Miss J. LeSueur :—Three Cards pressed Fern Leaves.


By Crown Lands Department :—One box of Specimens of Woods, the growth and

produce of Canada.


By Crown Lands Department :—Valuable Maps of the Province.


By C. N. Montizambert, Esq. :—Collection of Medals and Old Coins.


By Mrs. Gibb :—A valuable collection of European Birds, Audubon's Engravings,

Medals, Coins, Casts, and Natural Curiosities.


By A. Campbell, Esq. :—A Pigeon and a Postal Card, French Republic, 1871.


By H. McKay, Esq. :—Indian Stone Implements and Pottery.


By C. Baillargé, Esq. :—Two old Musket-barrels found in the Revetment at St.

Lewis Gate, Quebec.


By W. Drum, Esq. :—A piece of the Cat (ship) used by General Wolfe as a Floating Battery in 1759.


By J. U. Gregory, Esq. :—Two Baleens of the Whale stranded at St. Joachim,

August, 1871.


By H. S. Scott, Esq. :—A sepia, or Squid.


By Dr. Boswell :—Two Birds—an Owl and a Hawk.


By Miss K. Douglas :—Four Skins of Egyptian Birds, including those of the Male and Female Partridge of the Nile.


By A. Nicoll, Esq. :—A Bird, Jaw of a small Shark, and a Flying-Fish.


By Lt.-Colonel Pope:—A Model of the Original Block-House Fort on Cape Diamond.

previous to the erection of the present Citadel.


By H. H. Miles, Esq :—Samples of Woods and Plants.


By Dr. W. R. Patton :—Small Case of South-American Insects.


By the Hon. J. Fraser :—$85.65 in Confederate State Bills.


By W. D. Campbell, Esq. :—Two Loon Eggs.


By John William Bligh, M. D., C. M., M. R. C. S. E. :—Greater and Smaller Albatross, 3; and two Petrels.


By Dr. Brigham :—A Button with the Initials I. R. A.


By Commander E. P. Ashe :—A Postage Card.


By G. Staton, Esq. :—An Old Coin of 1672.


By H. McHugh, Esq. :—One Pair Moose Deer-Horns.





From A. Lechevalier, Esq., Montreal :—36 New Species of Eggs.


From W.Judd, jr.,Esq. :—A Shilling-piece of 1763.


From Dr. W. Marsden :—A Ferry Token in use on the Ferry between Quebec and Levis in 1821.


From the Misses Joseph :—A Loon's Egg found at Rivière du Loup en bas 1 ; English Farthing, 5 and 10 centimes, Belgium; Ten and Two centimes, Italian; Five, Two, and One centimes, France; a Five centime French Republic ; Twenty, Ten, Five, Two, and One Centimes, Switzerland; Two pieces Lava from Mount Vesuvius; One piece of Brick taken from a House in Pompeii; One piece of Lava from the excavations in Pompeii; One twisted Shell from Mobile; One Starfish from Rivière du Loup en bas.


From J. McLaren, Esq. :—Some petrified Shells from Mingan Islands, North Shore St. Lawrence.


From Dr. Marsden :—A Squid or Ink Fish.


From Dr. Bligh, through Dr. Marsden :—The Fangs of a Rattlesnake.


From J. K. Boswell, Esq. :—A Sheldrake ; a Black Woodpecker.


From C. Lindsay, Esq. :—A Ten Centime of Charles X.





Captain Jephson, R.N. :—Silver Coin of Emperor Maximilian; Two Moorish Bronze

Coins of 1288.


W. Marsden M.D. :—A very old Coin.


J. Gillespie, Esq. :—A piece of Iron Pyrites.


C. N. Montizambert, Esq. :—-A Picture of the Old Recollet Church, Quebec.


J. Fraser, Esq. :—Two Teeth of the Megatodon.


W. Hunter, Esq. :—Seven Indian Arrow Heads.


A Sandham, Esq. :—A Medal of Young Men's Christian Association, Montreal.


W. Marchand, Esq.:—Two Rebellion Half Dollars, 1837-8.


C. Tessier, Esq. :—A Coin of the Reign of Elizabeth; a Coin of the French Republic,

1792; a Medal of Napoleon III.


Major Slone :—One Liard de France, 1657; One Silver Coin of ancient Date.


An Old Stadaconian :—A Box containing Specimens of Sea Weed, Coral, Sponge,

Star Fish, &c.


L. McKay, Esq. :—A Brick from Nineveh, covered with Cuneiform Characters.





From P. Poulin, Esq. :—Horns of Chamois; Rosary from Jerusalem.


From G. Vogt, Esq. :—Silver coin of Chili ; Italian Coin of Napoleon; I Russian Coin.


From Mrs. Algernon Sewell :—Knife from India.


From J. S. Budden, Esq. :—Grape Shot Found on the Plains of Abraham.


From J. C. Cattanach, Esq. :—Silver Coin of the Republic of Haïti.


From A. Graham, Esq. :—Medal of George I.


From H. Dinning, Esq. :—Model of the "Royal William," first steamship that crossed the Atlantic—built at Quebec.


From R. Craig,—French Silver Coin found in the ruins of a house at St. Foye;


From Rev. C. W. Rawson :—Two copies reprints of the "Times."


From Col. J. F. Turnbull :—Reprints of the first copy of the "Times" and other newspapers.


From Prof. J. Douglas :—Tablet with Cuneiform Characters.





From Rev. H. D. Powis :—Two Specimens of Herpetology.


From Prof. A. N. Macquarrie :—Copper Coin of 1781.


From H. N. Jones.Esq. :—Copy of the "Times," 1805.


From Prof. J. Douglas :—Massachusetts Spy, (newspaper), 1776.


From A. P. Wheeler, Esq. :—Specimen of Ichthyology.


From R. S. M. Bouchette, Esq. :—Twenty Specimens or facsimiles of Confederate paper currency in circulation in the early part of the late war, United States.


From W. A. Holwell, Esq. :—Fruit of the Monkey Tamarind; Section of Lace-bark-tree; Two pieces of Chewstick, Powder of Chewstick, (in bottle;) Basket and Strainer made from the Wild Cucumber; Circassian Beans; Job's Tears; also a Descriptive Catalogue of the exhibits sent from the Island of Jamaica, to the Centennial Exhibition, 1876.





From Jas. Stevenson, Esq., President :—The receipt of the Quarter-Master of the American Army, encamped before Quebec, in Dec, 1775, for two tierces of rum and two barrels of fish, certified by Brigadier-Genl. Arnold.


From E. Fales, Esq. :—Tooth of a Walrus.


From J. J. Foote, Esq. :—The autographs of Lord Brougham and the Right Honble. Geo. Canning.


From W. Moody, Esq. :—Two paper "quinze sous" of 1837, dated at St. Luc.


From H. S. Scott, Esq. :—A piece of marble from the coffin of Robert the Bruce ; two commissions bearing the autographs of George III, and of Sir R. Abercrombie, respectively ; also, a coin of Pius IX (silver,) two new German coins, and two specimens of Italian paper money.


From J. J. Hatherly, Esq. :—Nine coins, English, Spanish and Italian.


From Prof. McQuarrie :—A. Wellington token.


From Geo. Morgan, Esq. :—Peruvian coin. Two Spanish coins, 1775-1784.


From E. Fales, Esq. :—Peruvian coin, commercial token.


From P. Lee, Esq. :—English cutlass picked up in 1849 near the General Hospital.


From E. L. Montizambert, Esq. :—Collection of Pebbles.


From C. A. Duclos, Esq :—$50 Confederate Note.


From Lt.-Colonel Pope, the autographs of the undersigned persons :—

1. Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

2. H. R. H. Prince George, Duke of Cambridge.

3. Earl de Grey and Ripon.

4. Lord Panmure.

5. The Right Honble. Sidney Herbert.


From J. Pringle, Esq. :—One dollar bill of the Farmers' Bank of Rustico.


From Esdale C. Florance, Esq., of Philadelphia, U. S., through A. Joseph, Esq. ;—

"Trente sous," a note current in Lower Canada, 1837. From Dr. Marsden', sent by the late Dr. Bligh, Honorary member of the Society:—

Two New Zealand War Clubs.


From Lt.-Colonel Coffin, Ottawa :—Autograph memoir of Sir Etienne Taché relating

to the battle of Châteauguay and the attack on Plattsburg.


From Lt.-Col. Alphonse Melchior DeSalaberry, eldest son of the "Victor of Châteauguay," through Dr. W. Jas. Anderson, a sketch or plan of the Battle of Châteauguay ; also, a massive walking-stick, with inscription thereon, purporting to have belonged to the Canadian hero.


From J. M. LeMoine, Esq. :—a Peacock in rich plumage.


Deposited in the Museum for safe-keeping by James Thompson Harrower, Esq., of Quebec :—"The Sword used by Brigadier-General Richard Montgomery, at the assault on Quebec, 31st December, 1775," and taken from him after death. This heir-loom was bequeathed to Mr. James Thompson Harrower, by his uncle, Deputy Comm. General J. Thompson, son of James Thompson of the 78th Highlanders, who served under Genl. Wolfe at Quebec in 1759, was "Overseer of Works" at Quebec, under Genl. Guy Carleton, in 1775, and who was charged with the burial of Brigadier-Genl. R. Montgomery, 4th January, 1776.


From Théophile Hamel, artist :—Oil painting of Geo. B. Faribault, Esq., President of Literary and Historical Society.


Portrait of His Excellency Governor Sir J. H. Graig.


A new and accurate map of the English empire of North America, published December, 1755.


Address of Lt.-Col. Geo. Bagot, commanding 69th (North Lincolnshire) Regiment on the occasion of intrusting to the City of Quebec their old and venerable colours, 5th November, 1870.


From Wm. Walker, Esq. :—Water colour drawing, Quebec in the olden time, (1822).


In safe keeping for heirs of family:—Portrait in oil of Admiral Saulisbury Pryce Humphreys (Davenport), who commanded H. M. vessel "Leopard" in the attack on the Chesapeake, 1807.


From Brigadier-General de Peyster :—Portrait of General Grant.


From Mrs. Poulin :—Portrait of Hon. Mrs. Aldworth.


From the Author :—Synoptical Chart of Birds of Canada, by J. M. Le Moine, Esq., prepared for the Schools of the Province.


From W. Kirby, Esq. :—Portrait of Brock's Monument in Westminster Abbey.


From Chs. V. Temple, of the "Highlands," Sillery :—A large glass case containing a curious collection of war trophies, acquired by the donor on his visiting the chief battle-fields of the Franco-Prussian war, 1871—Strasburg, Metz, Gravelotte, Sedan : Broken Bayonets, Helmets, Pistols, Spiked Helmet of the Prussian Body-Guard, Helmet of the Uhlans, Shako of French soldier, and a variety of other objects, also a pair of Stirrups from battle-field of Waterloo, a collection of Indian, Peninsula, Waterloo, and other British Medals, &c.



Quebec, 9th January, 1878.







The “ROYAL WILLIAM,” 1831-33.


The quaint model of this historical vessel, now in the Museum of the Society, an object of lively interest to strangers, and to all Quebecers a proud record, it is deemed advisable to preserve the following letter of her late commander, Captain John McDougal,[1] recently forwarded to J. M. LeMoine, Esq., President of the Society, by one of its most ancient corresponding members, William King, Esq., of Bristol, Canada,—formerly of Quebec.


It bears directly on a recent controversy waged in England and in the United States, in which it was claimed that the great problem of ocean steam navigation had been first solved by the arrival at New York from England of the steamers Sirius and Great Britain, on the 23rd May, 1838.


The “great problem” had been solved five years previous, viz., in 1833, by the Royal William, draughted by the late and well remembered George Black, J. P., built for a joint stock company, composed of Wm. Finlay, Wm. Walker, and Jeremiah Leaycraft, of Quebec, Merchants, Trustees of the incorporated “Quebec and Halifax Steam Navigation Company,” in Messrs. Shepherd & Campbell's sh pyard, at Anse des Mères, Quebec, and was launched on the 28th April, 1831. The vessel,—intended for the Quebec and Halifax trade, was kept some time on that route,—left 5th August, 1833, for London, and steamed the whole way across, whereas the Savannah, also a steamer, who had crossed the Ocean in 1819, did not use her engines, but her sails. The Historian Robert Christie has republished another and very important letter of Captain McDougal's :—


LONDON, November 16, 1833.




You will, I am certain, think me very neglectful in not giving you an earlier account of our proceedings with the Royal William. We left Pictou on the 18th of August, after having waited several days for some passengers who were expected from Prince Edward's Island, and for whom we had laid in a stock. We were very deeply laden with coal, deeper in fact than I would ever atempt crossing the Atlantic with her again. However, we got on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland, where we experienced a gale of wind which rather alarmed my Engineer; he wished very much to go into Newfoundland. We had previously lost the head of foremast, and one of the engines had become useless from the beginning of the gale ; with the other we could do nothing, and the Engineer reported the vessel to be sinking. Things looked rather awkward; however, we managed to get the vessel cleared of water, and ran by one engine after the gale ten days. After that, we got on very well, and put into Cowes to clean the boilers, a job which generally occupied them from 24 hours to 26 every fourth day. However, we managed to paint her outside while there; the inside we had previously done, which enabled us to go up to London in fine style. Ten days after her arrival she was sold, and has been since thoroughly repaired and coppered; her model is considered to be superior to any of their steamers here. I should not be surprised to hear that George Black had got orders to build some more like her. She was sold for ten thousand pounds, which, I believe, has all been paid. I am now employed by her owners at L30 per month, and I shall sail in a few days for Lisbon.”


My dear Willie, believe me to be,


Ever sincerely yours,







Literary and Historical Society of Quebec




Incorporated by Royal Charter—1831.


PATRON:—The Honorable LUC LETELLIER DE ST. JUST, Lieutenant-Governor, Province of Quebec.






J. M. LEMOINE, President.

H.S.SCOTT, Vice-President.

DR, WM. BOSWEL, Vice-President.

LT.-COL. STRANGE, R. A, Vice-President.

R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, Vice-President.

WM. HOSSACK, Treasurer.

R. McLEOD, Librarian.

CYRILLE TESSIER, Recording Secretary.

WM. CLINT, Corresponding Secretary.

ALEX. ROBERTSON, Council Secretary..

DR. H. NEILSON, B. Batt., Curator of Museum.

F. C. WURTELE, Curator of Apparatus.

JAS. STEVENSON, Past President, Additional Member of Council.

J. WHITEHEAD, Additional Member of Council.

J. F. BELLE AU, Additional Member of Council

P. JOHNSTON, Additional Member of Council.        



Honorary Members

Hon. G. Bancroft, D.C.L., N. York.

Professor D. Wilson, L.L.D., Toronto.

Admiral Bayfield, Prince Edward Island.

General Lefroy, R.A., F.R.S.

N. Gould, Esq., England.

Henry Goadby, M.D., Eng.

Prof. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., Boston.

General Baddeley, England.

Charles Lanman, Esq., Washington.

Jno. Miller Grant, Esq., London.

Jno. Langton, M.A., Toronto

E. A. Meredith, LL.D., Ottawa.

T. D. Harrington, Esq., Ottawa.

E. T. Fletcher, Esq., Quebec.

R. S. M. Bouchette, Esq., Quebec.

Francis Parkman, LL.D., Boston.

Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., T. S. A., Scotland.

Honorable Wm. C. Howells, Toronto.

Thomas Sopwith,Esq.,M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., England.

Sydney Rob Johns, Esq., F.R., Hist. Society, England.

Professor James Douglas, M. A., Philadelphia.

Wm. Kirby, Esq., author of “Le Chien d'Or,” Niagara.

John Reade, Esq., author of “The Prophecy of Merlin” and other poems, Montreal.

Jas. Ashbury, M.P., England,

Professor Goldwin Smith, LL.D., Toronto.

Mr. Justice Chapman, New Zealand.

John Bigsby, M.D., F.R.F G.

S., England.


Corresponding Members.

Akins, Dr. Thos. B., Halifax, N.S.

Bury, Right Hon. Viscount, London.

Benavides, H. E. Don Antonio, President of the Royal Academy of Hist., Madrid.

Baird, Spencer F., Smithsonian Institute, Washington.

Benwick, James, New York.

Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.

Brackenbury, Col. H., R.A., England.

Bois, Abbé, L.E., Maskinongé

Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., Boucherville.

Chauveau, Honble, P. J. O., Montreal.

Cherriman, J. B., M.A., Ottawa.

Chapleau, J. A., Hon., Montreal.

Cartambert, A., Membre de la Société de Géographie de Paris, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque Nationale.

D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l'Institut de France, Paris.

De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.

DeSechelles Desmazières, St. Malo, France.

De Salas, Don Javier, Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, &c.

D'Urban, W.S.M., England.

De Peyster, Gen. J. W., New York.

Dansereau, Arthur, Montreal

Donaldson, L., St. John, N.B.

Dunn, Oscar, Ottawa.

Fortin, Hon. P., M.P., M.D., President of the Geographical Society of Quebec, Gaspé.

Filippi, Woldémar, le Comte, Paris.

Graham. Lt.-Colonel U.S.A., Chicago.

Gérin, E. Trois-Rivières.

Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, France.

Henderson, W., Frampton.

Heap, Ralph, London, G. B.

Kingston, G. T., Professor, University Col., Toronto.

Latour-Huguet, Montreal.

Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.

Le Gardeur de Tilley, Hypolite, le comte, Chantreau-près-Saintes, France.

Marchand, F. G., Hon., St. Jean.

Noble, Capt., R.A., F.R.S.F. R.A.S., England.

Provencher, N., Col., Manitoba.

Roget, Peter Mark, London.

Saban, Don Pedro, Secretary General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.

Sewell, Revd. Henry, England.

Sinding, Paul C, Professor, Copenhagen.

Shea, John Gilmary, New Kork.

Suite, Benjamin, Ottawa.

Taylor, Fennings, Ottawa.

Tilley, Hon. S. L., Ottawa.

Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va.




Associate Members.

Adam, J.

Ahern, M. J. M.D.

Andrews, T.

Atkinson, Henry.

Anderson, H.

Alleyn, Richard.

Ashe, Comdr. R.N., F.R.S.


Baby, M. W.

Baillairgé, L. G.

Balfour, J.

Bartoletti, M.

Beckett, Thos.

Belleau, J. F.

Bennett, Benson.

Bennett, Wm.

Bennett, S. Sloan.

Benson, W. E.

Bignell, W.

Billingsley, F.

Bishop, E. A.

Bohme, H. J.

Boswell, J. K.

Boswell, St. George.

Boswell, Rr.

Bouchette, R. S. M.

Bell, J. L.

Boyce, Jas. G.

Bradley, R. J.

Breakey, G.

Brodie, W.

Brown, Wm.

Brown, John.

Budden, J. Sherring.

Budden, Heber.

Burke, E. C.

Burns, J. G.

Burroughs, John.

Burroughs, Chas.

Burstall, J.


Colfer, G. W., Major.

Campbell, Arch.

Campbell, W. Darling.

Carbray, F.

Carter, W. H.

Casgrain, Philippe B.

Champion, C. .P.

Cahill, J. H.

Colvin, H.

Chinic, Hon. Eugène.

Clark, Rev. W. B.

Clancy, J.

Clint, Wm.

Chouinard, H. J.

Connolly, J.

Codville, J. J.

Cook, W.

Crawford, W.


Dobell, R. R.

Dale, Wm.

Dalkin, Ed.

Davidson, N.

Davidson, R.

Dawson, J. T.

Dean, C. P.

Dion, J. B.

Dinning, H.

Dunbar, James.

Duggan, W. E.

Duggan, E. J.

Dunlop, H.

Duval, E. H.

Dunn, L. H.

Dunn, S. H.

Dunscomb, J. W.

De Wolf, J.

Dunn, Oscar.


Epps, B. R.

Evetts, W. F.

Evans, L.


Fabre, Hon. Hector.

Fisher, W. L.

Fletcher, E. T.

Foote, John J.

Fortin, P. Hon.

Fothergill, Rev. M. M.

Forrest, W. H.

Fraser, A.

Fraser, John J.

Fraser, K. G.

Frew, A.

Frenette, L. E.

Fontaine, J. O.

Fry, H.

Fry, J. S.

Gahan, J.

Garneau, Hon. P.

Geggie, J.

Geggie, D. H.

Gibb, John Lawson.

Gibsone, W. C.

Glass, J.

George, Dr. St.

Grant, T. H.

Grant, R.

Gregor, T. A.

Griffith, W. A.


Hale, John.

Hall, George.

Hamilton, Rev. O.

Hamilton, Rev. G.

Hamilton, Rob.

Hemming, H.

Henry, Chas.

Harrower James Thomp;

Hewitt, J.

Heigham, H.

Hinton, L. B.

Hinton, T. B.

Hethrington, J.

Hoare, E. A.

Holt, Charles Gates, Judge of         Sessions.

Holt, J. H.

Holt, S. H.

Horan, J.

Hunter, J.

Hossack, W.

Hossack, J.

Hossack, J. F.

Housman, Rev. G. V.

Hunt, W.

Huot, L. H.

Holloway, F.

Hooker, Rev. LeRoy.


Irvine, Hon. G.


Jackson, A., M.D.

Johnstone, P.

Joly, H. G., Hon.

Jones, E.

Jones, J. L.

Joseph, Abraham.

Joseph, Montefiore.

Jewell, D.


Light, A. L.

Laird, J. U.

Lampson, F.

Langlois, J., M.P.

Langlois, C. B.

Lamontagne, E., Col.

Langelier, C, Hon.

Languedoc, W. C.

Laurie, F.

Lawler, Jas.

Ledroit, Theop.

LeMoine, J. M.

LeMoine, Gasp.

Lesage, Siméon.

LeSueur, P.

Lindsay, Charles.

Louis, D.

Lindsay, C. P.

Lloyd, J. G.


McCaghey, J.

McEwen, P.

Machin, H.

Mackedie, D. C.

McGreevy, Hon. T. M.P.

Maclaren, W. M.

McLeod, R.

McLeod, D. R.

Mackenzie, Chas.

McLimont, W.

McGie, D. J.

McGie, R.

McGinnes, H.

McNaughton, J.

McNaughton, P.

McNider, J.

McPherson, W.

Marsh, W. A.

Maxham, A.

Maxham, A. J.

Miles, H. H. LL.D.

Malony, T.

Montizambert, A.

Montizambert, Ed., Lt.-Col.

Montizambert, E. L.

Montizambert, F., M.D.

Morgan, J.

Morgan, F.

Moody, W.

Mountain, M. G.

Motz, James.

Montpetit, A. N.

Muir, George.

Murphy, O.

Murphy, S.

Murphy, P. C.

Moffat, Wm.

McHugh, L. H.


Nesbit, E.

Neilson, H., M.D.

Nichol, A.

Neilson, T. R.


Oliver, J. E.

Oliver, T. H., B.A.

O'Meara, D. D.

Ouimet, Hon. G.


Patton, W.

Patton, H. J.

Patterson, P.

Peebles, P.

Peters, H. J.

Peters, S.

Pilkington, W.

Pemberton, G. T.

Pemberton. E. H.

Pentland, C. A.

Pope, Col. J.

Pope, Edwin.

Prévost, Oscar.

Power, W.

Porteous, J.

Price, Evan John.


Quebec, J. W., Lord Bishop.


Richardson, Rev. J.

Rattray, D.

Rawson, Rev. C. W.

Real de, Count Premio, C. for Spain

Reid, J.

Renaud, Jean-Baptiste.

Redmond, J.

Rickon, F. J.

Renfrew, Geo. R.

Rhodes, Col. W.

Roach, J.

Robinson, G.

Robinson, P.

Robertson, Alex.

Ross, W. G.

Ross, Willoughby.

Ross, J. G.

Rowand, A., M.D.

Roy, F. E., M.D.

Roy, D.

Russell, R. H., M.D.

Roy, W. J.


Scott, H. S.

Scott, E.

Seaton, W.

Scott, T. M.

Schwartz, W. A., Consul.

Sewell, C, M.D.

Sewell, L.

Sharples, W.

Shaw, W.

Shaw, C. H.

Shaw, P. A.

Sheppard, W. G.

Simons, W.

Simons, J.

Smith, C. F.

Smith, H. S.

Smith, R. H.

Stanley, W., Jr.

Stewart, Hon. A.

Stuart, McLean.

Stavely, H.

Stevenson, Michael.

Stevenson, Jas., Past-Presdt.

Strang, John.

Strange, Lt.-Col. T. B., R.A.

Sutton, Ed. O.


Tardivel, J. P.

Temple, C. V. M.

Temple, E. B.

Tessier, Jules.

Tessier, Cyrille.

Têtu, L.

Tims, Frank D.

Thibeaudeau, Hon. I.

Thomson, A.

Thomson, John C.

Thomson, F. C. B.

Turner, R.

Turnbull, Col. J. Fred.


Veasey, George.

Veldon, J. J.

Vernier, J.

Von, Iffland, Rev. A. A.


Walcot, H. J.

Waugh, T. C.

Webster, H. C.

Webster, G. M.

Welch, H. W.

White, W.

Whitehead, J.

Whitehead, J. L.

White, J.

Wilkie, A.

Woods, Alex.

Woodley, J.

Withall, William.

Watters, Adam.

Watson, J.

Wright, A.

Wurtele, Rich. H.

Wurtele, F. C.

Wurtele, W. G.

Wurtele, C. F.


Young, J. R.



Privileged Members


The Governors, Professors and Students of Morrin College


Life Members of the late Quebec Library Association, Québec:


HON. C. ALLEYN.       

GEO. COLLEY.      

J. W. LEAYCRAFT.          







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[1] Captain John McDougal expired at Quebec, in 1847, was buried in Mount Hermon Cemetery, at Sillery.

C 2008 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Tous droits reserves
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