Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1877[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 13 (1879)]
A very large meeting assembled on the 9th instant, in the rooms of the Literary and Historical Society, on the occasion of the presentation of the annual reports for the past year and the election of office-bearers for the ensuing year.
The meeting was called to order at ten o'clock, the President, Mr. Stevenson, in the chair, who read the report of the Council for the past year as follows :—
The Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec have the honour to report to the members of the Society that, since the last annual general meeting, there has been the following change in and addition to the members of the Society.
They have to announce with regret their loss by death of one honorary member, Dr. J. W. Bligh, and two associate members, Mr. W. Crawford and Mr. Isaac Drum.
On the other hand, three honorary members—men of distinguished merit—have been unanimously elected, and thirty-six new names have been added to the list of associate members.
The following papers have been read:—
I. On the currency and trade of Canada after the conquest, by James Stevenson, Esq., President.
II. Presidential elections in the United States of America and the manner of conducting them, by Hon. W. C. Howells.
III. Annual address of the President.
IV. On the history of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, by L. P. Turcotte, Esq.
The report of the Librarian will be read with interest, as well as that of the Curator, under whose direction a complete catalogue of the objects in the Museum has been prepared for publication, and will soon be ready for distribution.
The Treasurer will have pleasure in submitting his report on the state of the funds of the Society. A smaller balance than usual appears at its credit, which is accounted for by the expenditures incurred in publishing and in purchasing books of acknowledged merit, and in enlarging the space for the accommodation of the library.
In conformity with the wishes of the Society, Past-President J. M. LeMoine, Esq., and Vice-President Lt.-Colonel Strange, R.A., attended a literary convention at Ottawa,organized under the auspices of L'Institut Canadien of that city, for the purpose, among others, of devising practical means for the preservation and publication of Canadian Archives. At that convention an interesting paper was read by one of our associate members, L. P. Turcotte, Esq., on the Archives of Canada, in which special allusion was made to the mission of this Society, and to the manner in which it had realized the intentions of its founder. On the return of the delegates a lucid report of the whole proceedings was submitted to a general monthly meeting of members.
Animated by our traditions to do our distinctive work in the land, this Society assumes a definite attitude towards every movement which has for its object the procuring and preservation of historical documents. In the absence of a public Record Office, such as other nations possess for the custody of official papers, journals and historical documents, irreparable losses have been suffered by Canada. It is therefore the opinion of the Council that this Society should unite with other societies of kindred purpose, in memorializing the Federal Government upon the subject, and in respectfully suggesting that the Archives of Canada should be gathered together into one public Record Office, under the supervision and control of a competent Archivist.
During the recess the transactions of the sessions of 1876-77, together with a volume of historical documents relating to the war of 1812 have been published and are now ready for distribution. Since the publication of the latter, several interesting private memoirs of officers who were prominent actors in the war, have been sent to the Society, some as donations, some for perusal — with the privilege of copying—and there is every reason to hope that others in the possession of families, whose ancestors were under arms at the time, will also be submitted to the Society. The retiring Council therefore take the liberty of recommending their successors in office to pursue the work already begun, viz: the publication of inedited historial documents and literary remains relating to the war of 1812, every event of which is interesting to us as Canadians.
It would be difficult to overstate the advantage which this Institution offers to a community immersed in business during the short summer, but with a large share of leisure at its disposal for intellectual improvement during the long winter season. While the Society adheres to the main object of its mission, it has not been unmindful of the liberal support which it has received during the whole course of its existence from the mercantile classes of Quebec. In view of this, the library has been furnished with valuable works on Political Economy, Merchant Shipping, International Law, and other costly productions, which few can afford to purchase, but which many feel bound to read.
In the last report the retiring Council recommended that some action should be taken towards acquiring a site upon which, at no distant day, a building in all respects suitable and adapted to the wants of the Society might be erected. This Council, in conformity with their recommendation have made application to the Government of the Province of Quebec for a portion of that piece of ground upon which the old building known as the "Jesuit Barracks" once stood, and they trust that their application will be favorably received.
Quebec, 9th January, 1878.
The report of the Librarian, Mr. R. McLeod, was read.
In surrendering his trust, the librarian has the honor to submit the following annual report :—
The number of volumes issued during the past year was over 5,000, which though not quite equal to the preceding year, indicates a circulation far in excess of some former years.
The attendance of members at the rooms for the consultation of works, or the perusal of serial publications has greatly increased. The additions by purchase and exchange have numbered over 180 volumes. The works added have been mostly of a high standard, in conformity with the fixed views of the Council on the subject of selection.
The donations to the library have been very liberal, numbering over 150 volumes, among other donors we are indebted to His Worship the Mayor, O. Murphy, Esq., the Honble. W. C. Ho wells, American Consul; Honbles. P. Garneau and P. Fortin, to General Sir John Henry Lefroy and General De Peyster, honorary members of the Society, and to Messrs. Jas. Reid, E. L. Montizambert, J. J. Foote, L. P. Turcotte, H. S. Scott, E. B. Lindsay and others of our city, besides many gentlemen and learned societies at a distance.
Additional space having been provided by the extension of the gallery, there is at present sufficient room for our increasing library, but it is essential that the volumes and shelves should be numbered, in order that books may be readily traced when required. A detailed list of donations during the past year is appended to this report.
Major Gen. Philip Schuyler and the Burgoyne campaign in the Summer of 1777. Presented by Gen. Watts De Peyster.
New Annual Register, 1781.
Annual Register, 1765, 1773, 77, 79, 1783, 87. Presented by Jas. Reid, Esq.
Belknap papers, 2 volumes. Presented by the Hist. Society of Mass.
Pamphlets relating to American History. Presented by Dr. Samuel Green, Boston.
Speeches of Josiah Quincy, Journal of a tour to Niagara Falls, Memoir of Hon. W. Appleton.
Journal of the Proceeding of the U. S. Centennial Commission at Philadelphia.
Third and Fourth Annual Reports of the Board of Health of the City of Boston, 1875, 76.
Report of the Mass. State Commissioner.—Centennial Exhibition, 1876.
The Necrology of Harvard College, 1869, 1872. Presented by Dr. Samuel A. Green, Boston.
Hist, of St. Paul and Ramsay Co., Minnesotta. Presented by J. Fletcher Williams, Esq.
Russia, Turkey and England, by Richard Cobden, reprinted from the Cobden Club.
Biographical notes concerning Gen. Richard Montgomery with hitherto unpublished letters.
Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture on the products, &c., of Ontario, exhibited at the exhibition (centennial,) —D. C. Mackedie, Esq.
Pamphlets relating to Rhode Island, from the Historical Society of Rhode Island.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Nat.Hist. vol. 18, Part 4, April, July, 1876.
Canada Year-book, 1869, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77. Presented by E. L. Montizambert, Esq.
The Turk in Europe, Freeman, Map of the Seat War. Presented by H. S. Scott, Esq.
The Bermuda Pocket Almanac.
Bermuda Letters from Mrs. A. Eanies—H. S. Scott, Esq.
Proceedings of Foreign Societies—Per Smithsonian Institute.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Geological Survey of Canada—reports of progress (English and French.)
Sessional Papers of the Parliament of Ontario, Journals and Appendix.
Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, vol. 8, 1876, 77.
Imperial Federation—R. C. Just, Esq.
First Regiment of Militia.
Our Reserve Forces by Capt. Raikes, G. A., England.
Leicester Square—Report of the Minister of Education, Japan. Presented by Owen Murphy, Esq., Mayor of Quebec.
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society.
Pennsylvania Magazine of Hist, and Biography.
Souvenirs of Pan. Presented by E. B. Lindsay, Esq.
Memorials of the Bermudas, vol. I—by General Sir John Henry Lefroy, F. R. S., &c. Annuaire de L'Institut Canadien de Québec, 1877, No. 4.
Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, vol. 14, Parts 3 and 4, 1875-6, 1876-7. Opérations, Essais et Rapport du Comité des Fruits de la Société D'Agriculture, Montreal, 75-76.
Statuts de Québec, 1876.
Mélanges d'Histoire et de Littérature.
Sir G. Et. Cartier, Baronet. Le Canada en Europe, par Benjamin Suite.
Truth, weekly English newspaper—H. S. Scott, Esq.
Annals of the Army of Cumberland.
Shelby and his men, Life of Jefferson Davis.
Hist, of the First New Jersey Calvary.
Life with the Forty-ninth Mass. Volunteers.
Prison Life in Richmond.
Memorial of Col. Kitching, presented in exchange for publications of Historial Society. Princton College, New Jersey—J. S. Pierson, Esq.
Journal of Capt. Trent, 1752, Early Hist, of Cleveland.
Tracts of Hist. Socty. Cleveland, 1 to 36. Proceedings of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences 1845 to 1859.
The Straits of Belleisle—Hon. P. Fortin. Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Prov. of Quebec, 1875, 76.
Report of the Canadian Commissioner at the International Exhibition, 1876.
Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity.
Petit Faune Entomologique du Canada. Presented by J. J. Foote, Esq.
Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
U. S. Geological Survey Reports, 11 vols. Presented by Hon. W. C. Howells.
34th and 35th Annual Reports of the Board of Education. New York, 1875, 76.
Journal of the Board of Education.
Dedication of the New York Normal College Edifice, Oct. 29th, 1873.
Report of Committee on Compulsory Education, New York.
Fourth Supplement to the Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of the Legislature, Prov. Que. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, May to Nov., 1877.
Les Archives du Canada—L. P. Turcotte, Esq.
General Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Prov. Quebec, 1876—Hon. P. Garneau. Buletin de la Real Académie de la Historia, Madrid, Spain.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 19, Part. 2, March, May, 1877. Maps of the North Sea Lands delineated upon a Chart in the 14th Century by Antonio Zeno; also, a map of the North Sea and Lands as known in 1877. Presented by G. Arnold, Esq., of Boston.
Mr. J. M. LeMoine, Curator of the Museum, read the following report :—
The undersigned, in retiring from office, begs to report as follows for the information of the members :—
1st. The collection of animals, fishes, birds, eggs, &c, belonging to the Society, are in a good state of preservation.
2nd. No important additions have been made to any of the branches of zoology comprised in our collection.
3rd. Though the occasion has presented itself of enriching our Museum by some valuable specimens of Moose, Cariboo, Red Deer and Bears, the absence of a locale, prevented any such idea being entertained.
4th. In conformity with a recommendation adopted in last year's report, a long felt want has been at last supplied. The animals, fishes, birds, eggs, medals, woods, &c, have been catalogued with their Latin and English names, under the direction of the Curator. This indispensable requisite, which had been urged for the last sixteen years, naturally entailed considerable labor, the manuscript is now in the hands of the printers, and the catalogue itself will be ready for distribution at an early date.
5th. Students of Natural History will, it is hoped, find their task facilitated, by having access to the synoptical Chart of Canadian ornithology with the Latin, English and French names given, recently prepared by the undersigned, with a view of popularizing this beautiful science: an early copy of which Chart, he is happy in presenting to the society this day.
6th. In closing his tenure of office, the undersigned will again take the liberty to impress on the society, the expediency of completing its Museum, in its several departments, without omitting the collection of Canadian ores and minerals, and a herbarium of the Canadian Flora.
Respectfully submitted,
Curator of Museum.
Quebec, 9th January, 1878.
The receipt of the Quarter-Master of American Army, encamped before Quebec, in Dec, 1775, for two tierces of rum and two barrels of fish, certified by Brigadier Genl. Arnold. resented by the President, Jas. Steven¬son, Esq.
Tooth of a Walrus—E. Fales, Esq.
The autographs of Lord Brougham and the Right Honble. Geo. Canning. Presented by J. J. Foote, Esq.
Two paper quinze sous of 1837, dated at St. Luce, from W. Moody, Esq.
A piece of marble from the coffin of Robert the Bruce, two commissions bearing the autographs of George III, and of Sir R. Abercrombie, respectively; also, a coin of Pius IX, (silver,) two new German coins, and two specimens of Italian paper money. Presented by H. S. Scott, Esq.
Nine coins, English, Spanish and Italian, from J. J. Hatherly, Esq'.
A Wellington token—Porf. McQuarrie.
Peruvian coin. Presented by Geo. Morgan, Esq.
Two Spanish coins, 1775-1784.
Peruvian coin, commercial token, by E. Fales, Esq.
English cutlass picked up in 1849, near the General Hospital, by P. Lee, Esq.
Collection of Pebbles, by E. L. Montizambert, Esq. $50, Confederate Note, by C. A. Duclos, Esq.
Presented by Lt.-Colonel Pope, the autographs of the undersigned persons :—
1. Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
2. H. R. H. Prince George, Duke of Cambridge.
3. Earl de Grey and Ripon.
4. Lord Panmure.
5. The Right Honble. Sidney Herbert.
One dollar bill of the Farmers' Bank of Rustico, by J.Pringle, Esq.
From A. Joseph, Esq., Trente sous, a note, current in Lower Canada, 1837.
A donation from Esdale C. Florance, Esq., of Philadelphia, U. S.
Two New Zeeland War Clubs. Presented by Dr. Marsden.
Autograph memoir of Sir Etienne Taché, relating to the battle of Châteauguay, and the attack on Plattsburg.
Presented by Lt.-Colonel Coffin, Ottawa.
The meeting then proceeded to ballot for officers and additional members of Council for the ensuing year, Mr. F. C. Wurtele and Colonel Pope being appointed scrutineers, with the following result:—
President, James Stevenson.
Vice-Presidents, H. S. Scott, Lt.-Colonel Strange, R.A. R.S.M. Bouchette, Advocate, and Dr. W. Boswell.
Treasurer, W. Hossack.
Librarian, Roderick McLeod.
Recording Secretary, L. P. Turcotte.
Corresponding Secretary, W. Clint.
Council Secretary, A. Robertson, Advocate.
Curator of Museum, J. M. LeMoine, Advocate, Past-President.
Curator of Apparatus, F. C. Wurtele.
Additional Members of Council, Rev. H. D. Powis, J. Whitehead, Capt. Ashe, R.N., F.R.S., Past-President, and J. F. Belleau.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec.
The Honorable Luc LETELLIER de Saint Just, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec.
Hon. George Bancroft,D.C.L. &c.
Prof. Daniel Wilson, LL.D.
Admiral Bayfield.
Major-General Sir J. H. Le-froy, R.A., C.B., F.R.S.
N. Gould, Esq.
Henry Goadby, M.D.
Professor Sterry Hunt,LL.D. F.R.S.
General Paddeley.
Charles Lanman, Esq.
John Miller Grant, Esq.
John Langton, M.A., Past-President of the Society.
E. A. Meredith, LL.D., Past-President of the Society.
J. D. Harrington, Esq., Dep. Receiver General.
E. F. Fletcher, Esq.
R. S. M. Bouchette,Esq.,Advocate.
Francis Parkman, LL.D.,&c.
Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A. Scot.
Thomas Sopwith, Esq., M.A. F.R.S., F.G.S.
Sydney Robjohns, Esq., F.R. Hist. Soc.
Professor James Douglas, M.A., Past-President of
the Society. Wm. Kirby, Esq., author of "Le Chien d'Or".
John Reade, Esq., author of "The Prophecy of Merlin" and other poems.
Hon. W. C. Howells, Consul for the United States of America.
Akins, Dr. Thos. B., Halifax, N. S.
Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.
Benavides, H. E. Don Antonio, President of the Royal Acad, of History, Madrid.
Baird, Spencer F., Smithsonian Inst., Washington.
Benwick, James, New York.
Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.
Brackenbury, Col., H. R.A., England.
Bois,Abbé, L.E., Maskinongé
Chauveau, Hon. P. J. 0.
Cherriman, J. B., M.A.
Chapleau,J.A., M.P.P., Hon.
Cortambert,A., Membre de la Société de Géographie de Paris, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon. C. B.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l'Inst. de France, Paris.
De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.
DeSalas, Don Javier, Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, &c.
D'Urban, W. S. M.
De Peyster, Gen. J. W., New York.
Dansereau, Arthur, Homme de Lettres, Montreal.
Donaldson,L., St.John, N.B.
Dunn, Oscar, Homme de Lettres, Quebec.
Fortin, P., M.P., Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands Quebec.
Filippi, Woldémar, le Comte, Paris
Graham, Lt.-Col. U. S. A., Chicago.
Gérin,E., M.P.P., Homme de Lettres, Trois-Rivières.
Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, France.
Henderson, W., Frampton.
Heap, Ralph, London, G.B.
Kingston, G. T., Professor,
University College, Toronto.
Latour-Huguet, Montreal.
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.
Le Gardeur de Tilly, Hyppo-lite, le comte, Chantreau près-Sainte, France.
Marchand, F. G., M.P.P., Homme de Lett. St-Jean.
Noble, Captain R.A., F.R.S.
Provencher, N., Colonel, Manitoba.
Roget, Peter Mark, London.
Saban, Don Pedro, Secretary General of the Royal Aca¬demy of History, Madrid.
Sechelles de Desmazières, St. Malo, France.
Sewell, Rev. Ed.
Sinding, Paul C, Professor, Copenhagen.
Shea, J.G., New York.
Suite, Benjamin, Homme de Lettres, Ottawa.
Taylor, F.
Tilly, H.L.G., Ottawa.
Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va.
Adam, J.
Ahern, M.J., M.D.
Andrews, T.
Atkinson, H.
Anderson, H.
Alleyn, R.
Ashe, Capt. R.N., F.R.S.
Baillairgé, L. J.
Baldwin, G. R.
Bertolotto L.
Beckett, T.
Belleau, J. F.
Bennett, Benson.
Bennett, S. Sloan.
Bignell, W.
Billingsley, F.
Bishop, E. A.
Bohme, H. J.
Boswell, J. K.
Boswell, Dr. W.
Bouchette, R.S.M., Advocate.
Bradley, R. J.
Breakey, G.
Brodie, W.
Brown, J.
Budden, J. S.
Budden, Heber.
Burke, E. C.
Burns, J. G.
Burroughs, L., M.D.
Burroughs, Chas.
Burst all, J. Boyce, J.
Campbell, A.
Campbell, W. D.
Carbray, F.
Carter, Capt. W. H.
Casgrain, P. B.
Cassels, J., M.D.
Champion, C. P.
Charlebois, J. A.
Cahill, J.
Chinic, Eugène.
Clark, Rev. W. B.
Clancy, J. Clint, Wm.
Cholditch, J.
Chouinard, H. J.
Connolly, J.
Cook, W.
Crawford, W.
Colfer, Major J. W.
Davidson, H.
Davidson, N.
Davidson, R.
Dawson, J. T.
Dechene, M.
Dean, C. P.
Dion, J. B.
Dinning, H.
Dorion, L. E.
Doucet, P. A.
Dunbar, J.
Duggan, W. E.
Duggan, E. J.
Duval, E. H.
Dalian, E. J.
Dunn, L. H.
Dunn, S. H.
Dunscomb, J. W.
DeWolf, J. Dale, W.
Epps, B. R.
Evetts, F. W.
Evans, L.
Fabre, Honble, H.
Fisher, W. L.
Fletcher, E. T.
Foote, J. J.
Foote, S. B.
Fothergill, Rev. M. M.
Forrest, W. H.
Fraser, A.
Fraser, Hon. J.
Frew, A.
Fry, H.
Fry, J. S.
Garneau, Hon. P.
Geggie, J.
Geggie, D. H.
Gethings, C.
Gibb, J. L.
Gibson, W. C.
Glass, H.
Glover, Ths. (Life member)
George, Dr. St.
Grant, T. H.
Grant, R.
Gregor, T. A.
Griffin, G. H.
Griffith, W. A.
Hale, J. Hall, G.
Hamilton, Rev. C.
Hamilton, Rev. G.
Hamilton, R.
Hemming, H.
Henry, J. W.
Henry, Chas.
Harrower, J. T.
Hewitt, J.
Heighman, Capt. H.
Hinton, L. B.
Hoare, E. A.
Holt, C. G.
Holt, J. H.
Holt, S. H.
Horan, J.
Hunter, J.
Hossack, W.
Hossack, J.
Hossack, J. F.
Housman, Rev. G. V.
Hunt, W. Huot, L. H.
Holloway, F.
Hooker, Rev. Leroy.
Irvine, Hon. G.
Jackson, A., M.D.
Johnstone, P.
Joly, H. J., M.P.
Jones, E.
Jones, J. L.
Joseph, A.
Joseph, M.
Jewell, D.
Laird, J. U.
Lampson, F.
Langlis, J., M.P.
Langlois, C. B.
Lamontagne, Lt.-Col. E.
Langslier, C.
Lnguedoc, W. C.
Laurie, F
Lawler, Jas.
Leggett, H. P.
Ledroit, T.
LeMoine, J. M.
LeMoine, Gasp.
Lesage, S.
LeSueur, P.
Light, A. L.,C.E.
Lindsay, C.
Louis, D.
Lindsay, C. P.
Lloyd, J. G.
McCallum, C.R.
McCaghey, J.
McEwen, P.
Machin, H.
Mackedie, D.E.
McGreevy, Hon. T., M.P.
Maclaren, W. M.
McLeod, R.
McLeod, D. R.
Mackenzie, Chas.
McLimont, W.
McGie, D. J.
McGie, R.
McGinnes, H.
McLean, J.
McNaughton, J.
McNaughton, P.
McNider, J.
McPherson, W.
Marsh, W. A.
Maxham, A.
Maxham, A. J.
Miles, H. H., LL.D.
Montizambert, A.
Montizambert, Lt-Col. Ed.
Montizambert, E. L.
Montizambert, F., M.D.
Morgan, J.
Morgan, F.
Moodie, W.
Mountain, M. G.
Motz, J.
Moir, Gavin.
Murphy, O.
Murphy, S.
Murphy, P .C.
Moffat, W.
Montpetit, A. N.
McHugh, L. H.
Nesbit, E.
Neilson, H., M.E.
Neilson, J. R.
Nichol, A.
Oliver, J. E.
Oliver, T. H., B.A.
O'Meara, D. D.
Patton, W.
Patton, H. J.
Patterson, P.
Peebles, P.
Peters, H. J.
Peters, S.
Pemberton, G. T.
Pemberton, E. H.
Pentland, C. A.
Pilkington, W. C. E.
Pope, Col. J.
Pope, A.
Pope, E.
Poston, J. T.
Poston, W.
Powis, Rev. H. D.
Powis, H. W.
Provost, 0.
Power, W.
Porteous, J.
Price, E. J.
Poulin, P.
Quebec, J.W.,Lord Bishop
Rattray1, D.
Rawson, Rev. C. W.
Real de, Count Primio.
Reid, J.
Renaud, J. B.
Redmond, J.
Rickon, F. J.
Renfrew, G. R.
Rhodes, Col. W.
Roach, J.
Robinson, P.
Robertson, A.
Ross, W. G.
Ross, J. G.
Rowand, A., M.D.
Roy, F. E., M.D.
Roy, D.
Russell, R. H., M.D.
Scott, H. S.
Scott, E.
Scott, T. M.
Schwartz, W. A., Consul.
Sewell, C. M.D.
Sewell, L.
Sharpies, W.
Shaw, W.
Shaw, C. H.
Shaw, P. A.
Sheppard, H. C.
Sheppard, W. G.
Simons, W.
Smith, D.
Smith, C. F.
Smith, H. S.
Smith, R. H.
Stanley, W. jr.
Stuart, Hon.A.
Stewart, McLean.
Stavely, H.
Stevenson, M.
Stevenson, James.
Strang, J.
Strang-, Lt. Col, R.A.
Sutton, Ed. 0.
Tardivel, J. P.
Temple, C. V. M.
Temple, E. B.
Tessier, P. O.
Tessier, Jules.
Tessier, C.
Têtu, L.
Tims, F. D.
Thibaudeau, Hon. I.
Thomson, A.
Thomson, D. C.
Thomson, J. C.
Thomson, H.
Thomson, F. C. B.
Turcotte, L. P.
Turner, R.
Turnbull, Col. J. F.
Veasey, G.
Veldon, J. J.
Vernier, J.
Von Inland, Rev. A. A.
Walcot, H. J.
Walsh, M. F.
Wakeham, W., M.D.
Waugh, T. C.
Webster, H. C.
Webster, G. M.
Welch, H. W.
White, W.
Whitehead, J.
Whitehead, J. Louis
White, J.
Woodley, J.
Withall, W.
Watters, A.
Watson, J.
Wurtele, R. H.
Wurtele, F. C.
Wurtle, W. G.
Wurtele, C. F.
Young, J. R.
Young, R. St. B.
Life Members of the late Quebec Library Association, viz:—
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version.
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