Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1876[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 12 (1877)]
The Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec have the honour to report to the members of the Society that, since the last annual general meeting, there has been the following change in, and addition to, the members of the Society.
They have to announce with regret their loss by death of two members: J. G. Colston, Esq., B.A., LL. M., advocate; and Colonel B. C. A. Gugy, whose name cannot be mentioned without evoking associations with the Military and Political History of the Colony.
By resignation they have lost one member.
On the other hand, four Honorary Members, and three Corresponding Members—all men of distinguished merit— have been elected, and thirty-four new names have been added to the list of associate members.
The following papers have been read :
I. "On Presidential Elections," by Hon. W. C. Howells, Consul for the United States of America.
II. "On the Winter Navigation of the St. Lawrence," by E. Sewell, Esq.
Since the last annual general meeting, the Library has been increased by the addition of two hundred and one volumes of the higher current literature. The selection of the books have been made with care, and with due regard to the varied tastes of the members of the Society. The report of the Librarian, which will be read with interest, gives full particulars of the purchases and donations of books during the last year; in addition to which, several blanks in the files of the Quebec Gazette have been supplied by the purchase of volumes which were wanting. The Council hope soon to announce that they have succeeded in completing this valuable record.
For the convenience of members, an arrangement has recently been entered into with the Assistant Librarian, whereby his attendance at the rooms extends from ten A. M., till six P.M., daily, (Sundays and Holidays excepted,) and further, from seven P.JVL, till ten P.M., during the winter session. This service has entailed considerable expense upon the Society, but it is gratifying to learn that it has not been incurred in vain,—the rooms of the Society never were more frequently than they are now; nor has the usufulness of the Institution ever been more extended than it is at the present time.
The report of the Curator of the Museum will be found most satisfactory. The valuable specimens of the Fauna of the country are in a state of excellent preservation; and although few additions have been made to the department of Natural History, other departments have been enriched by numerous donations.
The Treasurer will have pleasure in submitting his report on the state of the funds of the Society, which, it will be at once perceived, are in a satisfactory state.
The rooms which you now occupy are, no doubt, in many respects convenient and commodious; and the relations of the Society with its landlord, the Morrin College, are of the most friendly and agreeable character; but the want of space for the additions which are made, from time to time, to the Library and Museum, is very evident; and has suggested the idea that a site, or city lot, might be acquired, upon which, at no distant day, a building, in all respects suitable and adapted to the wants of the Society, may be erected. The Council would therefore respectfully recommend that some action should be taken towards attaining that object, by affording an opportunity to members, or others, who feel interested in their undertaking, of contributing or making bequests to, what may be designated, "a Building Fund."
In conclusion, the Council beg leave to inform the Members of the Society that the printing of the new series of "The Transactions" is now far advanced, and that copies of the same will shortly be ready for distribution. They also propose to edit a selection of unpublished manuscripts and historical documents relating to the war of 1812, which will be issued before the next annual general meeting of the Society.
Literary and Historical Society
In rendering an account of his department for the past year, the Librarian would, in the first place, remark the continued appreciation of the Library by the members, as shewn by the large number of issues during the year, viz.: 6,470. This, which is more than double the circulation of any previous year, not only indicates a growing taste for edifying reading, but also shews that on the whole, the additions made to the library, lately, have been approved by the members. As in this institution, contrary to the custom of most other libraries, the Librarian has no special authority as such to select purchases; this remark may be made without risking any imputation of self-laudation. As a library of reference, the works on the shelves have been increasingly used, and as the books are not confined in cases or behind a counter as in most large libraries, many books are consulted and at once returned to the shelves, to the convenience of the members, and thus avoiding many entries in the issue book.
The additions by purchase during the past year have been 201 vols., which may be classed as follows: History, 32; Biography, 30; Poetry, 11; Modern Literature and Science, 62; Classical Translations, 18; Quebec Gazette, 16; and bound periodicals, 32. The file of the Quebec Gazette is yet incomplete, but it is hoped that the applications by advertisement and otherwise, for the volumes still required, may meet the eye of persons possessing them, and who may be induced to donate or sell to the Society.
The donations during the past year number 193. The donors have been J. J. Foote, to whom we are indebted for 21 volumes of the Morning Chronicle, Jas. Stevenson, J. M. LeMoine, H. S. Scott, R. H. Smith, L. P. Turcotte, G. Balwdin, Esqs., Prof. Jas. Douglas, the Governments of Quebec and Ontario, and many learned Societies of Great Britain and the United States of America. The need of sufficient room for the steadily increasing library is being felt, but by careful utilizing of the shelves at our disposal, we can manage for the present, but not very far in the future additional space must be found. The very efficient and able manner in which Mr. Macdonald performs his duties as Acting Librarian cannot be unobserved by the members of the Society, and is deserving of all praise. A new recommendation book has been placed on the table, and it is hoped that members of the Society will freely avail themselves of its columns for their own advantage, and thus afford the Council at the same time the benefit of their suggestions. The Librarian cannot close without remarking on the importance and value of a good library as an educator of the highest rank, silent in its operations, but most potent and durable in its effects, and trusts that the Society will in the future devote an increasing share of its funds in keeping up its efficiency and attractiveness by frequent additions of the standard works of current literature.
Donations to the Library
Catalogues of Exhibits—Centennial Exhibition. From Professor J. Douglas.
Catalogues and other books relating to Exhibits—Centennial Exhibition. From Hon. P. Garneau.
Financial Statement of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, P. Q.
The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Mic-Mac Language.
Sessional Papers 2-3, 1875, 1-2-3-4, 1876.
Statutes of Canada, Vols. I.-IL, 1876.
Journals of the House of Commons, Canada, vol. 10, 1876.
Journals of the Senate, Canada, Vol. 10, 1876.
Statuts de Québec, 39 Victoria, 1875.
Biographies— Sir G. E. Cartier; Hist, de LTsle D'Orléans, by the author, L. P. Turcotte.
Third Supplement to the Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of the Legislature, Province of Quebec.
Annuaire de L'Université Laval, 1876-77.
Mélanges D'Histoire et de littérature.
Palaeontology of the Province of Ontario.
Biographical sketch of Major-General Richard Montgomery, of the Continental Army.
Annuaire de L'Institut Canadien de Québec, 1876, No. 3.
Major-General Philip Schuyler and the Burgoyne Campaign, in the summer of 1777. By Gen. J. Watts de Peyster.
The Life of Count Rumford, presented by G. R. Baldwin, Esq., Quebec.
Quebec Past and Present. J. M. LeMoine, Advocate.
Dictionnaire et Grammaire de la Langue des Cris.
Report of the General Elections, 1875.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Province of Quebec, 1873-74, and part of 1875.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, May, 1875 to May, 1876.
Transactions of the Academy of Science, St. Louis, vol. 3.
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 3.
Cudmore's Constitutional History of the United States of America.
Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries, 1875.
Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress, 1874-75.
Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1875-76.
Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Halifax.
Royal Colonial Institute, Report of Proceedings, 1875-76.
Journal of the Royal United Society of Edinburgh, 1874-75.
Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Nat. Science, Vol. I., 1867 to 1876.
Proceedings of the Historical Society of Mass., 1875-76.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. 18.
Boletin de la Socidad Geografica de Madrid, 1876.
Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Province of Quebec.
Public Libraries of the United States. Their History.
Biographical sketch of Wm. Penn, Historical Society, Penn.
Heckewelder's Indian Nations, Hist. Society, Penn.
Hist, of the St. Albans' Raid. Annual Address, Vermont Historical Society.
Early Maps of Ohio and the West. C. C. Baldwin, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.
87th Regent's Report of the University of the State of New York.
New York State Museum of Nat. History.
Boundaries of the State of New York, from the State Library, Albany, New York.
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Worchester, October 21st, 1875.
21 Vols. Morning Chronicle of Quebec, 1847 to 1866. Donation from the Editor, J. J. Foote, Esq.
Buffalo Historical Society, Certificate of Incorporation, &c.
Several Pamphlets from the Smithsonian Institution.
Report of the City Engineer of Quebec on the proposed improvements of the River St. Charles.
Annuaire de Ville-Marie—Origine, Utilité et Progrès des Institutions Catholiques de Montréal.
Conférences de Notre-Dame de Québec— par l'Abbé Jean Holmes.
Invasion du Canada et Siège de Québec en 1775-6, par L. P. Turcotte.
Free Trade and the European Treaties of Commerce from the Cobden Club.
Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the year ended 20th June, 1875.
Annuaire de Ville-Marie, supplément à l'édition de 1864.
Catalogue of Authors, McGill College Library.
Canada as a Military Power— from the author.
Census of Canada, 1870-1, 4 vols., from the Minister of Agriculture.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History.
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 25th.
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vols. 1-11.
Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, Vol. 4, 1843.
Journal of the Royal United Service Institution.
Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. 4.
Report of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England on St. John Baptist's day, 1875.
Literary and Historical Society
There are but few additions to the ornithological department by purchase for the year just expired. A list of the donations is herewith subjoined.
Though the present Museum is comparatively recent in creation, it having succeeded to the two collections in past years destroyed by fire, it has now attained dimensions such as to require a new locale whenever the larger specimens of our Fauna- -such as elk, deer, bears, wolves—are acquired. It . may be comprised under the following heads :—
1st. The Birds of Canada and a few foreign species.
2nd. An extensive collection of birds' eggs—Canadian.
3rd. The smaller Animals of Canada.
4th. A valuable selection of Canadian and United States medals.
5th. The Fishes in the Canadian waters. (This department is very incomplete.)
6th. A collection of Indian trophies, dresses, utensils, arms, &c.
7th. A collection of the Woods of Canada and some foreign Woods.
8th. A collection of Minerals, Ores, &c,
9th. A collection of archaelogical and other relics.
Each branch will soon require a separate room. I may add that the want of space has been the main obstacle this year to the acquisition of new specimens. The Museum has attained such dimensions that, in my opinion, the time is come when its contents ought to be carefully catalogued and a list published with our annual Transactions.
In order not to be taken unawares, as has once occurred, the Curator respectfully recommends that a certain sum be set aside each year, as it has been done for some time, so that the taxidermist of the Society may be enabled to purchase, for the purpose of exchanges with other institutions having a museum, some of the most common Canadian birds, shot round Quebec, which he will make up in skins and lay aside. It will yet be in the recollection of many members that, in 1867, an eminent French naturalist, connected with some of the Public Museums of France, actually sent to our rooms a large collection of European birds in skins, to exchange with us for Canadian specimens. Unfortunately we were not then prepared as we are now, and the two-thirds of this invaluable collection had to go to Montreal and New York to be exchanged, our Society retaining but a limited number. Several dozen of such duplicates, costing us from fifty cents to one dollar, according to size, are now available for purposes of exchange.
Several rare medals, commemorative of Canadian and American events — through the agency of an associate member, C. Tessier, Esq., of numismatic tastes—have been acquired for us, this autumn, at the sales in New York of an amateur's cabinet of medals; so that, between purchases and gifts, our numismatic are beginning to make a fair display.
Our Society, by the purchase of an exquisitely illustrated and elaborately compiled work, "THE BIRDS OP NORTH AMERICA," at the price of .$60, and by subscribing to several
publications connected with natural history, has shown the deep interest its members attach to a pursuit in itself so beautiful and so ennobling in its aim as the study of nature.
Each day brings practical proof of the usefulness of our natural history collection. Not only does it attract the attention of many travellers of note, anxious to know something about our Fauna, but it has become a place of resort —a species of consulting library, where every Quebec school-boy, budding sportsman or naturalist resorts to, in order to identify a bird, a fish, an animal, an insect captured in his daily rambles.
Respectfully submitted.
Literary and Historical Society
Rev. H. D. Powis:—Two specimens of Herpetology.
Prof. A. N. Macquarrie.—Copper Coin of 1781.
H. N. Jones, Esq.— Copy of the "Times," 1805.
Prof. J. Douglas:—Massachusetts Spy, (newspaper), 1776.
A. Wheeler, Esq.:—Specimen of Ichthyology.
R. S. M. Bouchette, Advocate:—-Twenty specimens or fac similes of Confederate paper currency in circulation in the early part of the late war, United States.
W. A. Holwell, Esq.:
-Fruit of the Monkey Tamarind.
-Section of Lace-bark-tree.
-Two pieces of Chewstick, Powder of Chewstick, (in bottle.)
-Basket and Strainer made from the Wild Cucumber ; Circassian, Beans; Job's Tears.
Also a descriptive Catalogue of the exhibits sent from the Island of Jamaica, to the Centennial Exhibition, 1876.
Literary and Historical Society
Vice-Presidents: LT.-COL. T. B. STRANGE, R.A., H. S. SCOTT, R. S. M. BOTJCHETTE, Advocate., DR. BOSWELL.
Treasurer: WM. HOSSACK.
Librarian: R. MCLEOD.
Recording Secretary: C TESSIER, Notary Public.
Corresponding Secretary: WM. CLINT.
Council Secretary: ALEX. ROBERTSON, Advocate
Curator of the Museum: J. M. LEMOINE, Advocate, Ex-President.
Curator of Apparatus: F. C. WURTELE.
Additional Members of Council: REV. H. D. POWIS, J. WHITEHEAD, J. F. BELLEAU., COMMANDER ASHE, R.N., F.R.S., Ex-President.
Literary and Historical Society
General LEFROY, R.A., F.R.S.
N. GOULD, Esq.
Professor STERRY HUNT, F.R.S.
E. A. MEREDITH, LL.D., ex-President of the Society.
J. D. HARINGTON, Esq., Dep.-Receiver General.
R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, Esq., Advocate.
J. W. BLIGH, M.D., &c.
SYDNEY ROBJOHNS, Esq., F.R. Hist. Soc.
Professor JAMES DOUGLAS, M.A., ex-President of the
Society. WM. KIRBY, Esq., author of "Le Chien d'Or." JOHN READE, Esq., author of "The Prophecy of Merlin," and other poems.
Literary and Historical Society
Akins, Dr. Thos. B., Halifax, N.S.
Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.
Ben avides, H. E. Don Antonio, President of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.
Baird, Spencer F., Smithsinian Institute, Washington .
Ben wick, James, New York.
Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.
Brackenbury, Col. H., R.A., England.
Bois, Abbé, L. E., Maskinongé.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon.
Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O.
Cherriman, J. B., M. A.
Chapleau, J. A., M. P. P., Honble. Solicitor-General, Quebec.
Cortambert, A., Membre de la Société de Géographie de Paris, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
D'Abbadie, Antoine, Membre de l'Institut de France, Paris.
De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.
De Salas, Don Janvier, Member of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid, &c.
D'Urban, W. S. M.
De Peyster, Gen. J. W., New York.
Danser au, Arthur, Homme de Lettres, Montreal.
Donaldson, L., St. John, N.B.
Dunn, Oscar, Homme de Lettres, Quebec.
Fortin, P., M.P., Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Quebec.
Filippi, Woldémar, le comte, Paris.
Graham, Lt.-Col., U. S. A., Chicago.
Gérin, E., M.P.P., Homme de Lettres, Trois-Rivières.
Grazillier, L'Abbé, Saintes, France.
Henderson, W., Frampton.
Heap, Ralps, London, G. B.
Kingston, G. T., Professor, University College, Toronto.
Latour-Huguet, Montreal.
Lefebvre de Beliefeuille, E., Montreal.
Le Gardeur de Tilly, Hyppolite, le comte, Chantreau-près Sainte, France.
Marchand, F. G., M. P. P., Homme de Lettres, St. Jean.
Noble, Captain, R.A., F.R.S.
Provencher, N., Colonel, Manitoba.
Roche, A. R., Toronto.
Roget, Peter Mark, London.
Saban, Don Pedro, Secretary General of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid.
Sechelles de Desmazières, St. Malo, France.
Sewell, Rev. Henry, Eng.
Sinding, Paul C, Professor, Copenhagen.
Shea, J. G., New York.
Suite, Benjamin, Homme de Lettres, Ottawa.
Smallwood, Dr., Montreal Observatory.
Taylor, F.
Tilly, H. L. G., Ottawa.
Wynne, Thomas H., Richmond, Va.
Literary and Historical Society
Associate Members.
Adam, J.
Ahern, M. J., M.D.
Anderson, M. W.
Andrews, T.
Atkinson, H.
Anderson, H.
Alleyn, R.
Ashe, Capt., R. N.
Baillargé, L. J.
Baldwin, G. R,
Beckett, T.
Belleau, J. F.
Bennett, Benson.
Bennett, S. Sloan,
Benson, W. P.
Bignell, W.
Billingsley, F.
Bishop, E. A.
Bland, Rev. H. F.
Bossé, II. C.
Bohme, H. J.
Boswell, J. K.
Boswell, Dr.
Bouchette, R. S. M.
Bradley, R. J.
Breakey, G.
Breakey, W.
Brodie, W.
Bruce, R.
Brown, J.
Bridges, Capt. R.N.
Budden, J. S.
Burke, E. C.
Burns, J. G.
Burroughs, L., M.D.
Burroughs, Chas.
Burstall, J.
Campbell, A.
Campbell, W. D.
Carbray, F.
Caron, A. P.
Carter, W. H.
Carrel, J.
Casgrain, P. B.
Cassels, J., M.D.
Champion, C. P.
Chapman, W.
Charlebois, J. A.
Chauveau, Hon. P.
Cahill, J.
Chinic, Eugène.
Clark, Rev. W. B.
Clancy, J. Clint, Wm.
Cholditch, J.
Chouinard, H. J.
Connolly, J.
Cook, W.
Crawford, W.
Colfer, G. W.
Cox, T. F.
Calvin, H.
Clarke, S.
Davidson, H.
Davidson, N.
Davidson, R.
Dawson, J. T.
Dechene, M.
Delagrave, C.
Dean, C. P.
Dion, J. B.
Dinning, H.
Dorion, L. E.
Doucet, P. A.
Dunbar, J.
Duggan, W. E.
Duggan, E. J.
Duval, E. H.
Dunn, L. H.
Dunn, S. H.
Drum, J.
Dunscomb, J. W. J. 0.
DeWolf, J.
Epps, B. R.
Evetts, W. F.
Evans, L.
Fabre, Honble. H.
Faucher de St. Maurice. A.H.E
Fisher, W. L.
Fletcher, E. T.
Foote, J. J.
Foote, S. B.
Fothergill, Rev. M. M.
Forrest, W. H.
Fraser, A.
Fraser, Hon. J.
Frew, A.
Fry, H.
Fry, J. S.
Franklin, B. A.
Garneau, Hon. P.
Geggie, J.
Geggie, D. H.
Gethings, C.
Gibb, J.
Gibson, W. C.
Glass, J.
Globensky, B.
Grant, T. H.
Grant, R.
Gregor, T.
Griffin, G. H.
Griffith, W.
Hale, J.
Hall, G.
Hamilton, Rev. C.
Hamilton, Rev. G.
Hamilton, R.
Hemming, H.
Henry, J. W.
Henry, Chas.
Harrower, J. T.
Hewitt, J.
Heigham, Capt. H.
Hoare, E. A.
Holt, C. G.
Holt, J. H.
Holt, S. H.
Horan, J.
Hossack, W.
Hossack, J.
Hossack, J. F.
Housman, Rev. G. V.
Hunt, W.
Huot, L. H.
Holloway, E.
Holloway, F.
Irvine, Hon. G.
Jackson, A., M.D.
Johnstone, P.
Joly, H. G., M. P.
Jones, E.
Jones, T.
Jones, J. L.
Joseph, A.
Joseph, M.
Jewell, D.
Laird, J. W.
Lampson, F.
Langlois, J., M. P.
Langlois, C. B.
Lamontagne, E.
Langelier, C.
Languedoc, W. C.
Laurie, J.
Lawler, Jas.
Leggatt, H. P.
Ledroit, T.
LeMoine, J. M.
LeMoine, Gasp.
Lesage, S.
Lesueur, P.
Lindsay, C.
Louis, D.
Lindsay, C. P.
Lloyd, J. C.
McCallum, C. R.
McCaghey, J.
McEwan, P.
Machin, H.
Mackedie, D. E.
McGreevy, Hon. T.
Maclaren, W. M.
McLeod, R.
Macleod, D. R.
McLimont, W.
McLimont, R.
McGie, D. J.
McGie, R.
McGinnes, H.
McLean, Stewart.
McLean, J.
McNaughton, J.
McNaughton, P.
McNider, J.
McNider, W.
MlcPherson, W.
Marsh, W. A.
Maxham, A.
Maxham, A. J.
Miles, H. H., L. L. D.
Mitchell, Rev. R.
Milne, T.
Montpetit, A. N.
Montizambert, A.
Montizambert, Ed.
Montizambert, E. L.
Montizambert, F., M.D.
Morgan, J.
Morgan, F.
Moodie, W.
Mountain, M. G.
Motz, J.
Murphy, O.
Murphy, P. G
Mackay, J.
McHugh, L. H.
Nesbit, E.
Neilson, J.
Neilson, H., M. E.
Nichol, A.
Oliver, J. M.
Oliver, J. E.
Oliver, T. H., B. A.
O'Meara, D. D.
Patton, W.
Patton, H. J.
Patterson, P.
Peebles, P.
Peters, H. J.
Peters, S.
Peverly, C.
Pemberton, G. T.
Pemberton, E. H.
Pentland, C. A.
Pope, Col. J.
Pope, A.
Pope, E.
Poston, J. T.
Poston, W.
Powis, Rev. H. D.
Powis, H. W.
Provost, O.
Power, W.
Porteous, J.
Price, E. J.
Poulin, P.
Quebec, J. W., Lord Bishop.
Rattray, D.
Rawson, Rev. C. W.
Real de, Count
Primio. Reid, J.
Renaud, J. B.
Renfrew, G. R.
Rhodes, Col. W.
Rickon, F. J.
Roach, J.
Robinson, P.
Robertson, A.
Ross, W. G.
Ross, J. G.
Rowand, A., M. D.
Roy, F. E., M. D.
Roy, D.
Russell, R. H., M.D.
Scott, H. S.
Scott, E.
Scott, J.
Scott, T.
Schwartz, W. A., Consul.
Sewell, C, M.D.
Sewell, L.
Seymour, Gen. G.
Sharpies, W.
Shanks, D.
Shaw, W.
Shaw, P. A.
Sheppard, H. C.
Sheppard, W. G.
Simons, W.
Smith, D.
Smith, C. F.
Smith, H. S.
Smith, R. H.
Stanley, W., Jr.
Stewart, J. F.
Stewart, Hon. A.
Stavely, H.
Stevenson, AI.
Stevenson, James.
Strang, J.
Strange, Lt.-Col. R. A.
Sutton, Ed. O,
Tardivel, J. P.
Temple, C. V. M.
Temple, E. B.
Tessier, P. O.
Tessier, C.
Têtu, L.
Tims, T. D.
Thibaudeau, Hon. I.
Thomson. A.
Thomson, D. C.
Thomsn.o J. C.
Thomson, H.
Thomson, F. C. B.
Thompson, J. S.
Thorpe, R. L,
Turcotte, L. P.
Turner, R.
Turnbull, Col. J. F.
Vallée, A., M.D.
Veasey, G.
Veldon, J. J.
Vernier, J.
Von Iffland, Rev. A. A.
Walcot, H. J.
Walsh, M. F.
Wakeham, W., M.D.
Waugh, T. C.
Webster, H. C.
Webster, G. M.
Welch, H. W.
White, W.
Whitehead, J.
White, J.
Williams, R. C.
Woodley, J.
Withall, W.
Wright, Rev. P.
Wurtele, R. H.
Wurtele, F. C.
Wurtele, W. G.
Wurtele, C. F.
Young, J. R.
Young, R. St, B.
Privileged Members
Governors, Professors, and Students of Morrin College.
Life-Members of the late Quebec Library Association, viz.:
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version.
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