Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1872[1]
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 10 (1873)]
THE Report of the Council of the progress of the Society during the past year must be virtually a stereotype of those lately preceding—a report of uninterrupted and increasing prosperity. The Stated Meetings were regular and well attended, and have furnished five valuable papers to the "Transactions."
In their last year's Report, the Council stated the completion and publication of the long-contemplated Catalogue of the Library. Prom causes roost unexpected, chiefly connected with the ill-health of the Librarian, Mr. Faucher, which prevented him from attending to his duties, and subsequently led to his resignation of office, the hopes of the Council were not realized ; but the President, who undertook, at the request of the Council, to act as Librarian, reports that he had completed the index and placed it in the hands of the printer,—that a few pages of it had been printed, and that there was every reason to believe the printing would be completed in a few weeks.
Owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding as to the authorship of an important document which the Society had proposed to publish, and which has not yet been settled, the Historical-Document Committee has not this year added to the list of the historical publications ; but the Council takes this opportunity of stating that neither within the past two years nor at any other period of which it is aware, has any document been printed unless in accordance with the regulations, and which has not been creditable to the Council and the Society. Large and valuable additions, both by purchase and donation, have been made to the Library; and while the Council has attended to the maintenance of the chief object of the Society, it has felt justified in introducing such works as the Waverley Novels, which may justly be viewed as British classics.
The Museum has been enriched by several valuable donations, forming the foundation of an interesting collection in connection with early Indian affairs.
The ordinary dull season of the summer was this year enlivened by the unexpected visit to Quebec of the Governor-General, Lord Dufferin. The Council availed itself of the opportunity to present him with an address, which was most courteously received and replied to. Encouraged by the reply, and knowing his lordship's high taste in literature, the Council took the liberty of inviting him to address the Society, as had been the practice of its first patron, Lord Dalhousie. His Excellency thought proper to decline, but in such terms as to lead the Society to hope that, knowing the earnest wish of the Society, he may at some future period gratify its hopes.
The Council has not lost its interest in the establishment of a Public Record Office, and, in order to further this object, requested the President to permit the publication of a paper which be had prepared, and which, in compliance with that request, has been published in the "Transactions." The Council is not aware of any action having as yet been taken by the Dominion Government.
After striking from the list the names of certain persons who had resigned, and those who, from non-compliance with the regulations, have ceased to be members of the Society, there still remain 256 in full privilege, and entitled to vote at this day's election.
As will be seen by the Treasurer's account, the revenue for the past year amounted to $2,450.16, and the expenditure to $1,695.05, leaving a balance to credit of $755.
Mr. George Mathison, who for several years past had so efficiently discharged the several duties entrusted to him, having been compelled, much to the regret of the Society, to resign his office, the Society had the good fortune to secure the services of Mr. Judd, who, by his careful attention and obliging disposition, has proved no unworthy successor to Mr. Mathison.
The Council, with regret, record the deaths, during the past year, of the Rev. Mr. Plees, Mr. Duncan Patton, Mr. Noel Hill Bowen, and Dr. George Goldstone, who, though not taking any prominent part in its affairs, will yet be much missed by the Society.
The Council must point out to the Society and their successors in office that the evils adverted to by the Acting Librarian, in his last year's report, as to the improper detention of books in defiance of the regulations, have only been remedied to a limited extent, and require some more summary and efficient mode of reaching the offenders than that at present existing.
In conclusion, the Council reports that the good understanding between Morrin College and the Society continues unimpaired—the Council believes to their mutual advantage.
Quebec, 8th January, 1873. President.
DURING the past year, comparatively few additions have been made to the collection of animals and birds composing the Museum of the Society.
The experience of the past having shewn the advantage of possessing duplicates of bird-skins for purposes of exchange, arrangements have been made with the taxidermist of the Laval University to prepare for the Society such specimens as might be sent to him. A New-York naturalist, visiting Quebec during the summer, obtained from our Museum some few specimens, for which our Society were to receive, in exchange, European birds : they have not, however, yet arrived.
Efforts ought to be made during the ensuing year to add to the department of Oology and Entomology ; and also to procure, so soon as accommodation will permit, the large denizens of our forests. This, again, forces on our attention the insufficiency of space to store such large specimens as moose, caribou, deer, bears, &c. By the addition of foreign woods, contributed by Dr. H. H. Miles, one of our Associate-Members, this interesting and useful branch is beginning to assume considerable dimensions. The undersigned cannot too strongly urge on the Society the expediency of completing our collection of woods of commerce, on a scale similar in magnitude to that which attracts so much attention in the Laval University, so as to exhibit each species in the bark, rough, polished, and veneered.
Our collection of-medals is rapidly increasing, by gift as well as by-purchase.
The undersigned draws attention to the geological and mineralogical portion of the Museum. The wealth of our forests—its woods—is not yet suitably displayed; nor is our mineral wealth.
In concluding, the undersigned has pleasure in noticing the cordial co-operation of the new custodian, Mr. Judd, in carrying out the arrangements which, as Curator, the undersigned thought proper to inaugurate.
Curator of Museum.
Quebec, 10th January, 1873.
From Alfred Sandham, Esquire, Montreal, through J. M. LeMoine, Esquire :
1.Bronze Medal—Kebeca Liberata, 1690.
2. " " Prs. Che., de Levis, Duc de D'Ampville, 1646.
3. " " Montreal Y. M. C. Association.
From M. Lee, Quebec:—A Button of Quebec Militia, 1775. From Col. Strange:—A Tusk of the African Boar.
From Jos. Jones Atcheson, Esq., Baie des Chaleurs, through J. M. LeMoine, Esq. :—Petrefactions from Baie des Chaleurs.
From Maxime Dumont, through Dr. W. J. Anderson:—An Indian Arrow-Head.
From David Craig, St. Foy :—A Blue-Jay's Nest.
From Master Lockwood :—A piece of Ore ; one 10-centime, French Republic, 1871.
From Dr. W. J. Anderson :—A Lake Superior Calumet.
From David Craig, St. Foy :— An old Bayonet.
By Dr. W. J. Anderson, from Dr. Johnstone, Pictou :—Dress of Aneiteum Islander—bag, sling, necklace, quiver, poisoned arrows, javelins.
By L'Abbé R. Casgrain, A.M. : —Le Journal des Jésuites
By the Massachusetts Historical Society :—Historical Collections, vols.1, 9, 10
By ditto:—Proceedings of the Society lor 1869-1870
By L. Bertolotto :—The " Scientific American" for 1871
By Capt. Faucher de St. Maurice: —Series of Jacotot's Works
By ditto:—Statuts de La Province de Québec, 1871
By Dr. Bernard Gilpin :—Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science
By the Provincial Government:—Statutes of Quebec, English and French.
By C. Mathison: — Files of " Montreal Witness"
By Mr. Bell :—Science of the Weather
By the New York State Library:—Manual for the Legislature of the State of New York
By ditto:—New York State Library Index
By the Dominion Government :—Journals of the House of Commons.
By ditto :—Sessional Papers for 1872
By ditto :—Statuts du Canada, 1871-72.
By Dr. Anderson :—The Tourist's Guide
By J. M. LeMoine :—L'Album du Tourist
Through the Smithsonian Institute:—Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for 1872
Through ditto:—Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow for 1872
Through ditto:—Proceedings of the Essex Institute
Through Captain Faucher de Sti Maurice the following works were also
received :
By M. Antoine d'Abbadie, Membre de l'Institut de France, Corresponding Member of the Society
Instructions pour les Voyages de l'Exploration
Droit Bilen
L'Abyssinie et le Roi Théodore
Monnaies des Rois d'Ethiopie
Sur le Tonnerre en Ethiopie
Catalogue des Manuscrits Ethiopiens
By M. Edwin Tross, of Paris, Corresponding Member of the Society
Carta de Cristobal Colon, (tirage limité)
Biographie de Colomb, (tiré à très peu d'exemplaires)
Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissionabert. (tirage limité)
Bibliographie et Cartographie de la Nouvelle France, (tirage limité).
By Faucher de St. Maurice :—Biographie de l'Abbé Laverdière
WM. JUDD, Assistant Librarian
Goshawk 14
Cooper's Hawk 15
Red-shouldered Marsh Hawk 25
Osprey or Fish Hawk 44
Short-eared Owl 52
Hawk Owl 62
Black-billed Cuckoo 70
Belted King-Fisher 117
Pewee Flycatcher 135
Traill's Flycatcher 140
Green-crested Flycatcher 143
Hermit Thrush 149
Wilson's Thrush 151
Golden-crowned Thrush 186
Yellow Warbler 203
Redstart 217
Barn Swallow 225
White billed Swallow 227
Purple Martin 231
Red-eyed Flycatcher 240
Cat Bird 254
Long-billed Marsh Wren268
Red-billed Nuthatch 279
American Goldfinch 313
Snow Bunting 325
Bay-winged Bunting 337
White crowned Sparrow 345
White-throated Sparrow 349
Red winged Starling 351
Tree Sparrow 357
Field Sparrow 358
Chipping Sparrow 359
Song Sparrow 363
Fox colored Sparrow 374
Indigo Bird 387
Cow Bunting 400
Meadow Lark 406
Crow Blackbird 421
American Raven 423
Magpie 432
Carolina Dove 451
Spruce Partridge 460
Prairie Hen 464
Ruffed Grouse 465
Quail 471
Snowy Heron 485
Killdeer Plover 504
Wilson's Plover 506
Semi palmated Plover 507
Piping Plover 508
Red-necked Phalarope 521
Willet 537
Golden Plover
Clapper Rail 553
Canada Goose 567
Sprig-tail—Pin tail 578
Gadwall 584
Harliquin Duck 596
Sheldrake 611
Red-breasted Merganser 612
Marsh Tern 681
Sooty Tern 688
Arctic Tern 690
Foster's Tern 691
Least Tern 694
Noddy Tern 696
Red-necked Diver
Razor-billed Auk 711
Puffin 714 Murre 726
Brunswick's Guillemot 730
Com Guillemot—Var
The following Eggs of American Birds were added in October, 1873, by purchase from
A Lechevalier, of Montreal :
Pigeon Hawk 7
Sparrow Hawk 13
Sharp shinned Hawk 17
Barn Owl 47
Long-eared Owl 51
Short-eared Owl 52
American Cuckoo 69
Hairy Woodpecker 74
Lewis's Woodpecker 96
Golden-winged Woodpecker 97
Whip poor Will 112
Niaht Hawk 114
Belted King-Fisher 117
King Bird 124
Great Crested Flycatcher 130
Pewee 135
Least Flycatcher142
Wood Thrash 148
Wilson's Thrush151
Bohin—Migratory Thrush 155
Stone-Chat 157
Bine Bird 158
Scarlet Tanagtr 220
Louisiana Tauagen 223
Ciff Swallow 226
Bank Swallow 229
Cedar Bird 233
White rumped Shrike 238
Warbliug Flycatcher 215
White eyed Vireo 248
Yellow-throated Flycatcher252
Mocking Bird 253
Brown Thrush261
House Wren270
White hilled Nuthatch277
Purple Finch 305
Savannah Sparrow 332
Yellow winged Sparrow 838
Sharp-tailed Finch 341
Sea-side Finch 342
Lark Finch 344
Black Snow Bird 354
Swamp Sparrow 369
Biack-Throated Bunting 378
Rose Breasted Grosbeak 380
Louisiana Cardinal 390
Ground Robin— Towhee 391
Bob-o-link 399
Bed-winged Blackbird 401
Yellow-beaded Blackbird 404
Orchard Oriole 414
Baltimore Oriole 415
Boat-tailed Grakle 420
American Raven 423
Magpie 432
Yellow-billed Magpie 433
Blue Jay 434
Wild Pigeon 448
Ground Dove 453
Sharp tailed Grouse 463
American or White Crane 478
Sand-hill Crane 479
Reddish Egret 483
Louisiana Heron 484
California Egret 486
Great Blue Herin 487
Lea-t Bitiern 491
Bit tern— Stake Driver 492
Given Heron 493
Night Heron 495
Ovster catcher 512
American Avoset 517
Black-necked Still 518
English Snipe 523
Spotted Sandpiper 543
Field Plower 545
Marsh Hen 552
Virginia Rail 554
Common Coot 559
Florida Gallinule 560
Black Duck 577
Blue winged Teal 581
Shoveller 583
Wood Duck 587
Greater Blackhead 588
South Southerly 597
Eider Duck 606
King Duck 608
Red-breasted Merganser 612
Hooded Merganser 613
Brown Pelican 616
Solan Goose—G an net 619
Common Cormorant 620
Florida Cormorant 624
Leach's Petrel 642
Great Black-tacked Gull 660
Herring Gull 661
Western Gull 662
Ring-billed Gull 664
Laughing Gull 667
Caspian Tern 682
Royal Tern 683
Cabot's Tern 685
Roseate Tern692
Noddy Tern 696
Black Skimmer 697
Carolina Grebe 709
Arctic Puffin 751
Black Guillemot 726
Foolish Guillemot 729
Murre 730
Associate Members.
Ahern, M.J., M.D.
Andrews, F. H.
Ashe, E. D., Comdr., F.R.S.
Adam, J.
Anderson, W.
Baby, M. W.
Baillairgé, Chas.
Baullairgé, L.J.
Becket, P.
Belleau, J.F.
Bennett, Benson.
Benson, W.P.
Bertolotto, L.
Billingsley, F.
Blanchet, Hon. J. G., M. P.
Blanchet, H.
Boswell, J.K.
Boswell, W, M. D.
Bossé, J. G.
Bouchette, Jos.
Bowles, J.
Bradley, R. J.
Breaky, G.
Browne, W.P.
Bruce, R.
Budden, J. S.
Burroughs, J. H. R.
Breaky, W. .
Burns, J. G.
Burstall, J.
Campbell, Arch.
Campbell, G.
Campbell, W.D.
Casgrain, P.B.
Casgrain, R, l’Abbé, A.M.
Cartwright, J.
Cassels, Robt
Caron, A. P.
Charlebois, J. A.
Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., M.P.
Chinic, Hon. Eugène.
Clark, Rev.. W. B.
Colston, J. G., B.A., L.L.M-
Cook, W.
Clint, W.
Crawford, J.
Carrel, J.
Chapman, A. G.
Colfer, G. W.
Chouinard, H. J.
Carter, W. C, Capt.
Dawson, J. T.
Davies, W. A.
Dechène, M.
Delagrave, C.
Delaney, P.
Donaldson, L.
Dinning, H.
Douglas, Jas., Jr
Douglas, Dr. James.
Doucet, P. A.
Dorion, L. E.
Dunbar, J.
Drum, S. W.
Duval, G.
Davidson, H
Duohesnay, E. J.
Duggan, W. E.
Duggan, E. J.
Epps, B. R.
Elliott, Rev. J.
Elliott, Joseph.
Fabre, Hector.
Falkenberg, F. A.
Falkenberg, F.
Faucher de st. Maurice, N. H. E.
Foote, J. J.
Fraser, A.
Fraser, A.
Fraser, Hon. J.
Fry, H.
Fry, J. S.
Foote, S. B.
Fuchs, C. IT. A.
Fothergill, Rev. M. M.
Geggie, D. H.
Geggie, J.
Gibb, Jas.
Gibsone, J. F.
Gibsone, W. C.
Gilmour, Jno.
Garneau, P.
Glass, H.
Glass, Jno.
Globensky, B.
Goodwin, J. W.
Grant, T. H.
Gregory, J. U.
Hall, G. B.
Hall, G.
Hemming, H.
Heap, R.
Henry, J. W
Hart, Geo.
Holt, C. G.
Horan, J.
Hossack, J.
Hossack, W.
Hamilton, R.
Hamilton, Rev. Chas.
Hossack, J F.
Housman, Rev. G. V.
Hunt, W.
Hunter, T
Holwell, W. A.
Huot, E.
Irvine, Hon. Geo., M.P.
Jackson, A. H.
Johnsen, C. J.
Johnstone, P.
Joly, H. G., M. P.
Joseph, A.
Jeffery, W. H.
Jones, E.
Lampson, F.
Langlois, Jean, M.P.
Langlois, C. B.
Lamontagne, E.
Laird, J. U.
Ledroit, T.
LeMoine, Gasp.
LeMoine, J. M.
Lesage, S.
LeSueur, P.
Lindsay, C.
Laurie, J.W. C.
Lindsay, C. P.
MacEwen, P.
Mackedie, D. C.
Maclaren, W. M.
Macleod, D. R.
Marsden, W., M. A., M. D.
Maxham, A. J.
McCord, T, Hon. Justice.
McCallum, W.C.
McGreevy, Hon. T., M. P.
McHugh, L. H.
McKay, J.
McLeod, R.
McNaughton, Jno.
McNaughton, P.
Miles, H. H., LL.D.
Montizambert, C. N.
Montpetit A.N.
Moodie, W.
Morgan, F.
Middleton, R.
Mountain, M. G.
Murphy, O.
Motz, J.
Mitchell, Rev. R.
McLimont, R.
Montizambert, F., M.D.
Morrin, L. A.
Montizambert, E. L.
Neilson, Jno
Neilson, R., M.D., Surgeon,
Dominion Artillary.
Nesbit, E.
Oliver, J. M.
O’Meara, D. D.
O, Neal, J.
Oliver, J.E.
Patton, W.
Paradis, O. E.
Parkin, E. B.
Peebles, P.
Peters, H. J.
Peters, S.
Pope, E.
Pope, A.
Poston, C.
Poston, T. I.
Poston, W.
Powis, Rev. H. D.
Powis, H. W.
Price, E. J.
Pemberton, G
Patton, J.
Provost, O.
Parker, A.
Quebec, J. W., Lord Bishop.
Rattray, D.
Rawson, Rev. C. W.
Renaud, J. B.
Renfrew, G. R.
Rhodes, Col. W.
Robertson, A.
Russell, R. H., M. D. E
Ross, Rowand, A., M.D.W. G.
Roach, J.
Ross, J.G.
Richardson, J. H.
Richardson, O. L., jr.
Richardson, W. C.
Rickens, J.C.
Riddell, Lieut., 60th Rifles
Russell, W. E.
Russell, Robertson, H.W.
Robertson, R. D.
Roy, D.
Sealey, J.
Sewell, H. R.
Sewell, L.
Shaw, P. A.
Shanly, W.
Sheppard, H. C.
Sheppard, W.G
Simons, W.
Smith, C. F.
Smith, H. S.
Smith, R. H.
Stanley, W., jr.
Stevenson, J.
Stevenson, M.
Scott, H. S.
Stewart, J. F.
Stewart, Hon. A,, Judge.
Stewart, C. G.
Scott, E.
Strange, T. B., Lt.-Col
Simons, J.
Seymour, S., Genl.
Taché, E. E.
Temple, C.
Tessier, Cyrile, N.P.
Tessier, P. 0.
Têtu, L.
Thibaudeau, Hon. I.
Thomson, Andrew.
Thomson, D. C.
Thomson, J. C.
Thompson, G.
Turnbull, J.F.
Turcotte, L.P.
Turcotte, L.
Thom, W. L.
Veasey, G.
Veldon, J. J.
Von Iffland, Rev. A. A
Welch, H. W.
Walker, W. A.
Walker, J. B.
Walsh, M. F.
White, W.
White, G. R.
Whitehead, Jos.
Wilkie, C.
Wurtele, R. H.
Warman, J. W.
Wurtele, F. C.
Wurtele, W. G.
Wright, W. G.
Wakeham, George, jr.
Young, J. R.
Privileged Members
Governors, Professors, and Students of Morrin College.
Life-Members of the late Quebec Library Association, viz :
B. C. A. GUGY.
Patron. His Excellency the Hon. Sir NARCISSE F. BELLEAU, Lieut.-Governor
Honorary Members
J. W. BLIGH, M.D,, &c.
Corresponding Members
Abbadie, A., Paris.
Akins, Dr. Thos. B., Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London.
Baird, Spencer F., Smithsonian In¬stitute, Washington.
Benwick, James, New York.
Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.
Brackenbury, Col. H., R.A., Eng.
Bois, Abbé, L. E., Maskinongé.
Boucher de Boucherville, Hon., Speaker, L.C., Q.
Campbell, Major, St. Hilaire.
Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., Quebec.
Cherriman, Professor, Toronto Uni¬versity.
Chapleau, J. A., M.P.P., Montreal.
Cortambert, A.
De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.
D' Urban, W. S. M.
De Peyster, Gen. J. W., New York.
Dansereau, A.
Donaldson, L., St. John, N.B.
Fortin, P., M.P.
Fitisqui, Le Comte.
Gibb, Sir D., Bart.
Graham, Lt.-Col., U.S.A., Chicago.
Gérin, E,, Ottawa.
Grazillie, L'Abbé.
Henderson, W., Frampton. .
Hamilton, P. S., Halifax.
Heap, Ralph, London, G. B.
Kingston, G. T., Professor, Upper Canada College, Toronto.
Latour, Huguet, Montreal.
Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E,, Mon¬treal.
Marchand, F. G.
Noble, Captain, R.A., F.R.S., Wool¬wich.
Provancher, N., M.P.P., Manitoba.
Russell, J. P., M.D.E., Toronto.
Roche, A. R., Toronto.
Roget, Peter Mark, London.
Sechelles, C, Desmazieres de St. Malo, France.
Sewell, Rev. Henry, England.
Sinding, Paul C, Professor, Copen¬hagen.
Shea, J. G.
Sulte, B., Ottawa.
Smaliwood, Dr., Mont'l Observat'y.
Taylor, F.
Tross, E., Paris.
Tilley, H. L. G., Ottawa.
Wynne, Thos. H., Richmond, Va.
E. D. ASHE, COM. E.N, President,
S. LESAGE, Vice-President
W. BOSWELL, M.D, Vice-President
R. CASSELS, Vice-President
W. HOSSACK, Treasurer.
JAS. DOUGLAS, JR, Librarian,
CYRILLE TESSIER, Recording Secretary.
W. CLINT., Corresponding Secretary.
A. ROBERTSON, Council Secretary.
J. M. LEMOINE, Curator of the Museum,
GEORGE R. RENFREW, Curator of Apparatus..
Additional Members
N.B.—The "Manuscripts" and "Transactions" of the Society may be obtained on application to the Librarian at the Library.
[1] Treasurer’s report removed from online version
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