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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1866


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 5 (1867)]



THE Council has the honor to submit the following Report:—


It may be remembered that, in the last year's Report, the Council had to regret a serious falling off in the list of members, by the withdrawal of some from the Society, and the removal of no less than thirty others to Ottawa; but it is satisfactory now to report, that the hope then expressed has been more than realised, and that the Society at present shews a list, in numbers and standing, all that could be desired. The Treasurer's account shews 122 members who have paid dues up to 31st ultimo.


The stated meetings, and nearly as many extraordinary, have been regularly held and well attended, and papers, as subjoined, have been read ; and it will be observed, with pleasure, that Part IV. of the News Series of the Transactions contains papers of much interest and practical bearing on matters immediately connected with the Province—two of them being in French; and papers have been promised for the remainder of the Session.


The arrangement with Morrin College proved mutually advantageous, the Council trust it will be maintained till either of the parties shall have provided itself with a suitable building which it can call its own.


The Council having received a proposition from the Board of Directors of the Quebec Library Association, for the transfer of their Library to the Literary and Historical Society, for the nominal sum of $500; the object being to prevent the dispersion of a very valuable collection, they appointed a committee consisting of the President, Captain Ashe, Dr. Anderson, Rev. J. Douglas, C. G. Holt, and T. Fournier, Esqs., to meet the Board, ascertain the condition of the Library, and discuss details; and, on their report, an extraordinary general meeting was held, which unanimously sanctioned the purchase, and, in accordance with a resolution then passed, the transfer has been completed, and the Library handed over to Dr. Anderson, as the representative of the Literary and Historical Society, by the proper officers of the Quebec Library Association. The Council will have to make arrangements for the selection and removal to these rooms of such books as it will be found expedient to retain, and the rest will be sold either by private sale or public auction, as may be deemed most advantageous.


The Council take this opportunity of submitting to the consideration of the Society, whether the time has not now arrived when it has become necessary to appoint a paid sub-Librarian, who should attend in the Library, receive and deliver the books, and make proper entries.

The Treasurer's account of last year shewed an apparent balance in favor of the Society of $670.86. This balance, however ,was only apparent, as there remained unsettled accounts which the Council had to meet, amounting to the sum of $328.63. Notwithstanding this, and the very large outlay incurred in the purchase of the Library of the Quebec Library Association, the Treasurer's account for this year shews a very satisfactory balance, which, as the Council believes, can only be reduced by one half-year's rent past due Morrin College on November last, amounting to $60, and certain current expenses, which will not exceed $100 more.


There now stands to the credit of the Society the sum of $621.96, composed as follows:—


Historical Document Fund….$154.67

Life Members' Fund…………...54.65

General Fund……………….. 412.64



During the past year the Society has had to deplore the loss of one of its oldest and most distinguished members, George B. Faribault, Esquire. Mr Faribault was for many years President of the Society, and was widely known for his valuable contributions to Canadian History. The publication of the Memoirs of the Sieur de Ramsay, under the auspices of the Society, in 1861, was mainly due to him ; as was also the procuring from St. Malo of very valuable Correspondence and Documents. He died full of years and honor; and the Society has the gratification of possessing a striking portrait of him, which they trust will always grace the Library while the Society continues to exist.


They have also to lament the death of another former Member, M. F. X. Garneau, Esquire, the historian, who was prematurely cut off in the midst of his usefulness.


In conclusion, the Council have much pleasure in adopting the closing paragraph of last year's Report:—"So many new members have been elected, and so hearty a determination has been shown to work vigorously and maintain its character, that we have no fears lest failure and decline should succeed the prosperity of the last few years."









Janv. 17.—BY N. H. BOWEN, ESQ.—"On Music, as a branch of Education."


" 13.—BY L. BERTHELOTTE, ESQ.—"On Animal Magnetism."


Feby 7.—BY THE BISHOP OP QUEBEC.—"On Ancient English Poetry."


" 21.—BY J. W. COOK, ESQ.—"On Canadian History."


Marcr 7.—BY E. D. ASHE., ESQ.—"On Insurrection in Jamaica of to-day compared with that of 1852."


" 21.—BY HECTOE FABKE, ESQ.—"On Littérature Canadienne."


April 4.—BY F. AUSTIN, Esquire.—"On some of the Fishes of the St. Lawrence."


Novr 7.—BY E. D. ASHE, ESQ.—"On Solar Spots."


" 21.—BY Rev. Mr. SHERRING.—"On India."


Decr. 5.—BY Rev. E. HATCH.—"On the History of the Alphabet."


" 19.—BY Dr. ANDERSON.—"On Canadian History and Biography, and passages in the lives of a British Prince and a Canadian Seigneur.


" 26.—BY Capt. FAUCHER DE ST. MAURICE.—"On the Mission of the Man of Letters in Modern Society."



The Treasurer in account with the Quebec Literary and Historical Society





Jany. 1

To Balance from 1865, viz.




General Fund

$427 04



Historical Document Fund

 189 17



Life Member’s Fund

 54 65





$670 86

Nov. 16

To Government Grant


 750 00


To Subscriptions Received from Members


 601 00


To Interest on Balances


 12 07


To Sale of Historical Documents


 10 00








$2043 93





Jan. 1

To By Books, Periodicals and Binding

$239 46


Dec. 31

By Purchases of Quebec Library

 509 00





$739 46


By Specimens for Museum


 50 15


By Printing Transactions


 97 50


By Furniture, Shelves, &c, for Museum and Library.


 55 25


By Advertising


 54 30


By Insurance


 53 77


By Balance of Rent to Morrin College (expended in Books)


 150 07


By Gas, Fuel and Water


 45 78


By Collector’s Commission


 20 80


By Discount on Silver


 16 00


By Assistant Secretary


 40 50


By Petty expenses, Postages, and Express charges


 33 84


By Balance of Refreshments account (1865)


 11 65


By Printing Historical Documents


 44 50


By Balance in Quebec Provident and Savings’ Bank, viz :




Historical Document Fund

154 67



Life Members’ Fund

 54 65



General Fund

412 64





 621 96




$2012 93


Quebec, 31st December. 1866.


E. & O. E.


HENRY FEY, Treasurer.


We hereby certify that we have examined the Treasurer's foregoing account with the vouchers for 1866, and found the same correct. The whole balance, $621.96, is on deposit with the Quebec Provident and Savings' Bank.



Quebec, January, 1867.









Life Member.




Associate Members


Archbishop of Quebec.

Archer, Joseph, junior.

Alleyn H. C.

Austin, H. C.

Austin, F W G.

Anderson, W. J.

Ashe, E. D.


Blanchet, H.

Breakey, W.

Bennett, Benson.

Belleau, Jas. F.

Blanchet, J. B., M. D.

Budden, J. S.

Bossé, Hon. J. G.

BoswelJ, J K.

Baby, M. W.

Baillargé, L. G.

Bertolotto, .

Burroughs, J. H. R.

Baillargé, C.

Bedard, W.

Buchanan, A. 0.

Burroughs, E.

Bowen, N. H.

Campbell, Arch.

Caron, Adolph.

Clark, W. B.

Chinic, E.

Cauchon, Hon. Joseph.

Caron, L. B.

Casault, L. B.

Colston, J. G.

Couper, Wm.

Campbell, W. D.

Cary, G. T.

Chessar, Wm.


Dawson, S. J.

Drapeau, S.

Dunscomb, J. W.

Doucet, P. A.

Dunbar, J.

Dunn, W.

Delagrave, C.

Douglas, J. junior.


Ely. John A.


Fraser, Alex.

Fothergill, Rev. M. M.

Foote, T. J.

Fiset, L. J. C.

Fabre, Hector.

Fry, H.

Fournier, T.

Fraser, A.

Fitzgerald, C. . J.

Forsyth, J, B.

Faucher de St. Maurice.

Fry, E. C.

Fry. J. S.

            Gibb, James.

Gregory, J. U.

Geibb, James, junior.

Goldstone, George.

Gethings, H. R.

Gibsone, Geo, C.

Gourdeau, F.

Gilmour, John.

Glass, John.

Garneau, P.

Gleason, John.

Grant, T. H.


Hall, G. B.

Home, G. R.

Harrison, R. M.

Hamilton, Rev. Chas.

Hamilton, Robt.

Hearn, M. A.

Hunt, Weston.

Harrower, J. T.

Hart, Geo.

Horan, J.

Hossack, Jas.

Hossack, W.

Holt, C G.


Irvine, Geo.


Joseph, A.

Jackson, A. H.

Johnstone, Peter,

Jolicoeur, P. J.

Joly, H. G.


Larue, J. E.

Lemesurier, John.

Landry J. E., M. D.

LeSueur, P.

Legaré, M. D.

Langlois, C. B.

Laidlaw, Thos.

Lemieux, C. E.. M. D

Larue, G. H.

Langlois, J.

LeMoine, J. M.

LeMoine, Gaspard.

LeDroit. T.


Murray, D.

Murphy, O.

Maxham, A J.

Miller, M.

Mills. J. W.

Michon, E.

McAdams, W. J.

Maeauley, S. S.

Mountain, M. G.

McNaugton, P.

Moodie. Walter.

Montizambert, C. N.

Marsden, W., M. D.

MeNaugton, John.

McBlain, H.

McGreevy, Thos.

Montizambert, F., M. D.



Patton, Duncan.

Panet, Louis.

Parke, Jas., junior.

Paradis O. E.

Poston, W.

Peters, H. J.

Peebles, P.

Plamondon, A.


Quebec, J. W.


Reynar, Joseph.

Ross, H. D.

Ross, Thos.

Richardson, J. R., M. D.

Renaud, J. B.

Richardson, O. L., junior.

Renault, Aug.

Renault, A., M. D.

Ray, W. G.

Rowand, A., M. D.


Sewell, J. A., JVÏ D.

Shaw, P. A.

Simons, W.

Stevenson, J.

Sheppard, W. G.

Stevenson, M.

Shaw, Robt,

Scott, W. C.

Scott, H. S.

Sewell, J. A., junior, M.D.


Thomson, Andrew.

Turnbull, J. F.

Thomson, D. C.

Taylor, Femings.

Tessier, P. O., M. D.

Thibaudeau, Hon. T.

Tetu, L.

Tessier, C.

Tachereau, H. J.

Tessier, Hon. U. J.

Taschereau, H. E.

Tetu, C.


Vannovous, F. C

Vallée, Prudent.

Valleau. W. B.


Webster, A. D.

Wotherspoon, I T.

Wood, Geo.

Wheeler, Alfred.

Wicksteed, R. J.

Wilkinson, J. B.

Wilkie, C.

White, W.

Walker, W. A.

Wurtele. R. H

Wilkie, D.


Young. J. R.


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