Donations to the Museum: 1830-1837
Author unknown
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series 3, Vol. 3 (1837)]
Wm. Kelly, Esqr. M.D. Royal Navy — Several Botanical specimens, from the Shores and
Islands of the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Mr. Robert Richardson — A Specimen of Coral.
Honble Mr. Justice Taschereau — Four Specimens of Slate, from the Parish of St. Claire.
J. Jones, Junr. Esquire — A Specimen of Kidney Iron Ore, from England.
James Ross, Esquire — A Highland Antique.
Mr. William Forrester— Eight specimens of Spanish Marble.
Two of Stalagmite and one of Stalactite from St. Michael's Cave, Gibraltar.
A specimen of Lead Ore, from Mines of AlmeiraSpain.
Mr. John Beard — A specimen of the Marble of which the Plymouth Breakwater in
Mr. J. B. Bélanger — Iron Ore from Murray Bay.
Capt. Baddeley, R. E — Twenty-three Geological specimens, and two Tusks of the Walrus,
from the Magdalen Islands.
Joseph Skey, Esqr. M. D. D. I. G. H — A specimen of Carbonate of Barytes, from Shropshire— England
Wm. Kelly, Esqr. M.D.— A Skin of a species of Puffin, from Mingan.
M. Augustus Sewell, — A specimen of Scharl and Agate.
A Snake preserved in Spirits.
Colonel Bouchette — A sample of Manilla Hemp.
J. McConnell, Esq., Gaspe. — A Model of a Machine for Extracting the Stumps of Trees.
The Head of the Zygœnse, or Hammerheaded Shark.
Prof. C. U. Shepard, New Heaven — Fifteen specimens of Minerals, from American
Mr. James Seaton — Thirteen Coins and Medals.
Mr. Urquhart — Two Minerals from Niagara.
A curious Relic, said to have been picked up on the field of Cullodon.
His Excellency Lord Aylmer. — Four specimens of Minerals, and a bottle of Petroleum, from
W. H. Bayfield, Esq, Captain, R. N. — Twenty-eight specimens of Rocks and Minerals from the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, between Pointe des Monts and Mingan.
W. H. Bayfield, Esq., Captain, R. N. — Forty-three specimens of Limestone with organic
remains, from the Mingan and Esquimaux Islands.
Capt. Bonnycastle, R. E. — Twenty-eight specimens of Rocks and Minerals, from Gaspé.
Captain Baddeley, R. E. — An Ostrich's Egg.
Capt. Bayfield, R. N. — Fifty-three specimens of Rocks and Minerals, from the coast of
Labrador, between Mingan and Cape Whittle.
A nondescript Fish caught in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Mr. J. Seaton. — Nineteen silver and other Coins.
A specimen of Cyanite from the junction of two mountain streams in Glen Briarchan, Perthshire.
Mr. Wm. Young — A mineral from the Township of Inverness.
Capt. Cameron, R. A. — Two specimens of Breccia from Gibraltar.
Mr. A. Hawkins — Six silver Coins.
Dr. Kelly, R. N. — A specimen of Fish, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence species not ascertained.
George Ryland, Esq.— A Moose Skin.
Colonel Bouchette — A model of a Silk Loom and three Coins.
Mr. A. Sewell — Three silver and fifty-six copper Coins.
Capt. Alderson, R. E. — A model of a fossil Elephant's Tusk found in Yorkshire.
Robert Symes, Esq.— A stuffed specimen of the Great Northern Diver.
Mr. S. Cutler, Milleroches— Specimen of black Marble manufactured at Milleroches.
Mr. R. McDonald — Eight Geological Specimens.
Two Maps and three Pamphlets on the Instruction of the Blind.
Dr. Skey, D. I. G. H. — Twenty-eight Geological Specimens.
Baron De Behr — Specimen of Rock and Sand containing garnets from Mangelard Point,
about a mile below the Rivière Noire, upon the left bank of the St. Lawrence.
Mr. C. C. Sheppard. — A Falco Pennsylvanicus; (slate coloured Hawk.)
Mr. John Cameron. — A silver Coin of Louis XIV.
A. Campbell — Several Chinese Coins.
Mrs. Sheppard Woodfield — Two specimens of Anodon Arelatus from the Island of Orleans.
R. F. Maitland, Esq.— A collection of organic remains, from Yorkshire.
Mr. James Seaton — Limestone from Missisqui Bay, and a Brazilian Coin.
Master Charles Holt. — Two specimens of Centipedes.
J. McConnell, Esquire. — Mineral Water, from Gaspé.
Mr. George Arnold. — Sea Hedgehog. Orbis echinata. Flying Fish. Exocsetus exiliens.
M. C. Sewell, Esquire. — Common Fox. Vulpes vulgaris.
John Fife, Esquire. — Imitation Cambric, made from the pine apple plant, from Manilla.
William Sheppard. — Foundation Plate of Woodfield.
Mr. S. Sewell. — A Coin of James II., 1689.
Mr. Montague Sewell. — A new Coin of George IV.
H, D. Sewell, Esq., A. M. — Travertine, from Niagara.
Mr. Ardo. — A Russian silver Coin (Poltina.)
Jonathan Wurtele, Esq.— A silver Medal struck In the reign of Queen Ann, in commemoration of the burning of the French and Spanish Fleets in Vigo Bav, on the 12th October, 1702.
A silver Coin of Charles II., 1679.
Jonathan Wurtele, Esq.— A Roman Coin, A. D. 1809, under the sovereignty of Napoleon.
A Spanish and two Chinese Coins.
Mr. William Smith— A stuffed Guinea pig.
Mr. F. H. Andrews — A large collection of Minerals and Shells.
Chs. Campbell, Esq— The Skin of a Moose, from Township of Halifax.
Master J. J. Russel — A silver Coin of George II.
R. H. Gairdner, Esq — A Hortus siccus of 400 Plants, from Scotland.
Mr. James Lowndes — Six- Skins of Birds.
Mrs. Montizambert. — A Danish silver Coin, and one of William III.
Mr. Aug. Sewell— A Medal struck to commemorate the victory obtained by Sir John Jervis
over the Spaniards in February, 1797.
Twenty-seven silver and other Coins of various nations.
George Arnold, Esq.— Portions of a Shark.
Portions of Pompey's Pillar and of Cleopatra's Needle.
A Medal commemorative of the Battle of Queenston Heights, and the death of General Brock.
Medal of Colonel Kerk, probably struck during his command in Ireland.
Four Coins of different nations.
Alphonso Wells, Esq.— Two specimens of Limestone, from Dudswell; and an American
Note for one Dollar, 1780.
Mrs. A. Campbell — A Pheasant, from China.
Mrs. Sheppard, Woodfield. — Spongia arborescens. Gulf of St.Lawrence. Flabellaria opuntia. St. Vincents.
Chs. Campbell, Esq.— The Skeleton of a Moose Deer.
Mr. Fielders — A specimen for the Cabinet of Numismatics.
D. Daly, Esq.— A Medal and a silver Coin of Charles II.
Mr. J. Fountain— A French Coin, A. D.1618. Motto— Gallise securitas; reverse-Supremae Francise Cancellariae.
R. Symes, Esq — A silver Coin.Motto— Concordia res purvse crescunt.
G. Douglas, Esq., M.D.— A piece of Cloth, the envelope of a Mummy.
Stuffed specimen of the Stormy Petrel.
Mr. King — A Coin, A. D. 1691, and another.
Mr. Angus Munro — Danish silver Coin, found in a sandbank in the Highlands of Scotland,
upwards of a century ago; and a Russian Coin.
Hammond Gowen, Esq.— Thirty-five specimens of English Minerals, chiefly metallic.
Honble. H. Heney — A Roman Coin.
Three silver and eight copper Coins.
Mr. Oakshot — A silver and three other Coins.
R. Symes, Esquire — A silver Coin of George I., 1720.
F. A. Bowen, Esq., R.N.— Specimen of the Foolish Guillemot, with Eggs.
Ditto-Black Guillemot, with Eggs.
Forty-four Eggs of various species of Sea-fowl.
H. D. Sewell, Esq., A.M.— Two specimens of Ampelis Americana.
J. H. Edwards, Esq.— Specimen of Scolopax minor.
Mr. Fr. Derome — Ditto Falco Columbarius.
George Ryland, Esq.— Nest and Eggs of Redeyed Fly Catcher.
Nests and Young of Ampelis Americana.
A jumping Mouse. Mereones Labradorius.
Ven. Archdeacon Mountain. — A Napkin, once the property of Oliver Cromwell, and bearing
his coat of arms.
R. Symes, Esq — A Half-Crown of George II., and a ditto of William III.
Coin of William and Mary.
Chs. Gethings, Esq.— Sixteen silver Coins, and twenty-six copper Coins of different nations.
Dr. James Douglas. — A Barred Owl. Strix nebulosa.
Montague C. Sewell, Esquire. — A Night Heron. Ardea aycticorax.
A Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius.
A sharp shinned Hawk. Falco velox.
Maxfield Sheppard — A slate coloured Hawk. Falco Pennsylvanieus.
R. S. M. Bouchette, Esq.— A Redtaded Hawk. Falco borealis.
Mr. J. Holgate, Jun — Two silver Coins.
H. D. Sewell, Esq., A.M.— H. Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius.
Dr. Nisbett, R. N., H. M. S. President. — Ten Geological Specimens.
Master Henry Russell — A silver and coppor Coin.
Master Antle Panet.— Two Loon's Eggs.
Mr. McVie — A British Starling. Sturnus vulgaris.
Lieut. Randolf, R. A. — A Great Marbled Godwit. Limosa fedoa.
Miss Ann Catton — A specimen of Steatite.
Augustus Sewell, Esqr. — Specimen cf Hairy Woodpecker.
Yellow Bellied Woodpecker.
Loggerhead Shrike.
Mr. G. C. E. Colthurst. — A Ring I lover— Charadrius Hiaticula.
Mr. Derome — Three Yellow Birds— Fringilla Tristis.
George Ryland, Esqr.— Falco Pennsylvanieus.
A. C. Freer, Esquire. — Asphaltum, from Pitch Lake, Trinidad.
Mr. P. Lefraneois — A Numismatic specimen.
Cspt. Clarke, 66th Regt.— A Silver Coin of Queen Elizabeth.
R. Symes, Esqr. — A Crown piece of Charles II. and eleven other Coins.
Mr. W. Smith, Asst. Secy.— Four Chinese Drawings on Rice Faper.
Mrs. Montizambert — Burmese Idol— their God Buddha.
Revd. Mr. McAulay — Four Silver Coins.
Mr. A. Hart. — A Stuffed Ptaimegan, or Rock Grouse.
Tetrao Rupestris (lagopus)— shot at Three Rivers.
Master Maxfield Sheppard— Male Emberiza Oryzivcra.
Sylvia Virens.
H. D. Sewell, Esqr. A. M. — Two specimens of Muscicapa Olivacea and Sylvia Marilandica.
Erestus Smith, Esqr. Hartfcrd, Conn. — Specimen of Fossil Limestone — from Drayton,Ohio.
Stewart Scott, Esqr. — Specimen of Orpiment.
Ditto of Quartz Crystal with Pyrites.
Dr. Hoimes. — Specimen of Bytonite, a new Mineral from Bytown, U. C.
H. Le Mesurier, Esqr. — A Hawksbill Turtle.
R. S. M. Bouchette, Esqr. — Four specimens of Calcarious Spar.
Captain Le Preton. — Eleven Urinary Calculi.
Chs. Campbell, Esqr. — Specimen of Fibre, the growth of Mexico, used there for the Manufacture of cordage— supposed to be the produce of a plant of the genus Yucca
Mr. John Barry. — Three specimens of Fossil Limestone, from Heath-point, Anticosti— three Coins, and a piece of Whalebone of the natural shape.
Aug. Bowen, Esqr. R. N. — Twenty-eight Geological specimens.
Sixteen specimens of Shells, from the Gulf.
A variety of Shells from the River St. Lawrence above Quebec.
Mr. F. Wyse — An Oak Snuffbox, the wood of which is known to be about 700 years old.
Lieut. Orlebar, R. N.— A Scorpion and a Centipede.
Martin Sheppard, Esqr.— Six specimens of Coal from the Beach of Malbay, Gaspé— a variety of Anthracite. Several specimens of Galena, found at Indian Cove,
Gaspé Bay.
Dr. Wm. Rees — A pair of Antlers of Cervus Virginianus.
Mr. J. C. Nixon — An Ancient Bronze Implement, either of War or Labor, and supposed to be Celtic— discovered by a boy in Ireland.
Mr. Jas. Seaton — A specimen of Asbestus, from the Eastern Townships.
J. Burton, Esquire — A Turkish Para— two Silver and Copper Coins.
Mr. Hawkins, Surveyor — Five Fossil Corallines, from the Blue Mountains near Lake Huron.
Madame Roy — Ten folios of Fuci.
Mr. George Craig — An American Coin, 1787.
Mr. J. Lowndes — A collection of British Insects
Wm. Sheppard, Woodfield. — Eighteen spesimens of Birds.
Mrs. Sheppard, Woodfield — A Fossil Trilobite, Trenton Falls.
Honble. A. W. Cochran— A Silver Coin of George I.
Capt. Baddeley, R. E. — Eleven spesimens of his Diamond Rack Cement.
Fifteen Fossils and specimens of Bytown Carboniferous Limestone.
Mrs. Montizambert — Spondylus Americanus.
Capt. Bayfield, R. N. — Thirty-eight Geological specimens, illustrative of the formation of the Straits of Belle-isle.
H. D. Sewell, Esqr. M. A. — Ten Geological specimens illustrative of the Iron-sand formation, of Hastings, Kent, England.
Mr. C. Ardouin — A Copper Coin of the Emperor Charles V. A. D.1545.
Mr.Geggie — Sixteen recent Shells.
Mr. Charles Sheppard — Hawk Owl— Strix Hudsonia. Ermine. Mustela (Putorius) Erminea.
Mr Peter Delcour — Twelve Coins
Lt. Col. Antrobus — Silicified Wood, from the West Indies.
George Ryland, Esqr.— A Silver Coin of Elizabeth, and two others— An Indian Arrow head, from the Woods behind Beauport.
Mr. W. Hossack — Eighteen Coins.
Master Fisher — Galena on Quartz.
A. Anderson, Esquire— Penny Piece of Queen Anne.
Mr. Eugene Sintzenich — Five Silver Coins of William IV.
George Duberger Esqr.— Several Indian Antiquities.
Dr. George Douglas — Iron Ore— Lake Champlain.Galena, Gouverneur, near Ogdensburgh. Ditto, Rossie, ditto.
Lt. Maxwell, 79th Regt.— An Indian Mantle made of Reeds.
Andrew Stuart, Esqr. — A Sculptured Head of an Indian Chief, from Lorette.
Mrs. Craig — A stuffed Bullfrog.
G. Joly, Esquire — Twenty-nine Medals, issued 1818, from la Gallerie Métallique.
Mr. Millar. — Galena, from Ogdensburgh.
Ore from which Sulphate of Iron, and Sulphur have been manufactured at Ogdensburgh.
R. H. Gairdner, Esqr. — A pair of Hooded Mergansers.
H. D. Sewell, M. A. — An Indian (Stone) Axe, and part of a Calumet, found at Scott's Bridge, near Quebec.
Dr. Charles Poole — A Gannet Goose.
A. C. Freer, Esquire— Two fine specimens of Galena, from Rossie Mines, near Ogdensburgh.
Maxfield Sheppard, Woodfield — A Haw-k— a Canada Jay, and a Swallow.
S. E. Wright, Esqr., Cork — A box containing 76 specimens of recent Shells, and 196 specimens of Minerals and Fossil Remains. A very rich and valuable donation.
Capt. Bayfield, R. N. — A Mass consisting of woody fibres, cemented by Bitumenous matter; shewing the manner in whicha Coal formation may be supposed to originate. From the Caledonia Springs.
W. H. A. Davies — An Esquimaux Eye Shade.
Mr. C. C. Sheppard — A three-toed Woodpecker.
Maxfield Sheppard — A Shore Lark.
Mr. T. Holdsworth — A Gannet.
R. Symes, Esquire— A Missionary Cushion, used at Lorette.
Capt. Bayfield, R. N. — Sixty Geological specimens from Bay of Chaleur.
Mr. Sheriff — Specimen of Serpentine— Bytown.
Master Armine Mountain— Two ancient Coins.
Master Jacob Mountain — Specimens from a Mulberry Tree, planted by Milton, in Christ College Garden, Cambridge.
Mr. Sleeper — Several specimens from the Eastern Townships.
Mr. Geggie — Petrified Moss, from the Banks of the Whitadder, Berwickshire.
Com. Gen. Routh — Specimens of Coal and Lead from Ogdensburgh.
Kenneth Cameron, Esqr. D. A.C. G. — A Crown Piece of Charles 11. 1664, by Mr. Seaton.
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