Donations to the Library: 1830-1837
[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series, Volume 3 (1837)]
His Excellency Lord Aylmer, K. C. B. ― A Dissertation on the course and probable termination of the Niger. By Sir Rufune Dunkin. Adams' Astronomy and Globes. By Jones. An Orrery. By W. C. S. Jones.
John Adams, Esquire. — A translation of Volney's Lectures on History, delivered at the Normalier School in Paris. Third year of the French Republic. MS.
Albany Institute. — The second volume of its Transactions; Meteorological Observations and Transactions.
Annual Report of the Regents of the University of New York.
Thomas Amiot, Esq. — Via recta ad vitam longam. Bv Dr. Venner. London, 1650.
A Turkish Manuscript.
Anty. Anderson, Esq. — The Castles of the English and Scotch Borders. Part 1st.
The North Britain — 1-18 numbers.
J. Buchanan, Esq., Consul General, New York. Joseph Bouchette, Esq., ― Earl Stanhope's Address to the Medico Botanical Society of London, January, 1830 — two copies.
Joseph Bouchette, Esq., jun. — Gardiner's Tables of Logarethms, 4to.
Transactions of the Societv of Arts, &c. of London, 33d vol.
Capt. Bayfield, R. N. — The Nautical Magazine, 6 numbers.
Joseph Bouchette, Esq. Lt. Col. M. and Survey or Genl. of L. Canada ― A Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada — two vols., 4to, 1831.
Exercises Publiques de l'Ecole de Soreze, 1831.
Frk. Baddelev, Esq., R. E. — Hutton's Mathematical Discovery, 2 vols., 4to. London, 1815. Manual of Mineralogy and Geology. By E. Emmons, M. D.
H. Beaufoy, Esq. — Nautical Experiments. By Col. M. Beaufoy, 1st vol. 4to.
Charles Campbell, Esq — Lawrence Echard's History of England, 1705-6.
An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania.
Coasiderations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains, 1 vol., 12mo.
archd. Campbell, Esq., H. M. Notary ― An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, 1 vol., 8vo.
The Life of Michael Adrian de Ruyter, Admiral of Holland, 1677, 1 vol. 24mo.
Ritratta di Roma Moderna, 1645, 1 vol., 12mo.
Vita dell invittissimo e sacratissimo imperator Carlo V. in Venetia, 1576, 1 vol., 4to.
Archd. Campbell, Esq., H. M. Notary ― Les Œuvres de Virgile. Paris 1649 1 vol., fol.
Deche di Tito Livio Padovano délie Historié Romane in Venetia, 1575, 1 vol., fol.
Geschichte Gustav Adolphs, Koenigs von Schweden, 2 vols., 1776. Breslau.
Filiation et alliances des Grants de Normandie, 1 vol.. 8vo.
A Conference with an Anabaptist. London, 1695, 8vo.
An Exposition of the Church Catechism. Dublin, 1730, 8vo.
The Foreigner's Guide through the Cities of London and Westminster. London, 1752.
The Gazetteer's, or Newsman's Interpreter. London, 1731.
The treble Almanack. Dublin, 1816.
Formulae Oratoriœ in usum scholarum coneionatae. Londini, 1659.
Coles' English Dictionary. London, 1701.
Fairbairn's New French Grammar. Edinburgh, 1734
Rapport du Comité Special sur l'organization de la Milice. 28 Fév. 1829.
Rapport du Comité Spécial sur l'état actuel de l'Education dans la Province du Bas-Canada. 2 Février 1824.
Grammatica Gallica. 1664.
A French Grammar. By Berger. Whitehall, 1697-8.
The Popes' Nephews, from 1471 to 1667. London, 1673.
Vansittarts' Transactions in Bengal, 3 cols., 8vo. London, 1766.
A Dictionary of the French and English Tongues. London, 1611, fol.
Honble. A. W. Cochran. — Lettres et Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire Naturelle, civile et politique du Cap Breton, 1 vol., 8vo.
Description de la Louisane, 1 vol., 18mo.
The American Atlas, 1775, fol.
An Account of the public life of Sir George Prevost,n8vo.
Avanturiers Flibustiers, 3 vol., 8vo., 1744.
Mr. H. Cowan. — The Antiquities of York, illustrated in a series of 40 Engravings, .1 vol., 4to.
Mr. Rbt. Cleghorn, Montreal. ― A manuscript Diary of the Weather, kept at Blink Bonny Garden, Montreal, during the years 1829, 1830-31-32 and 33.
Miss Cary. — Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, avec les Mémoires de Littérature, 7 tomes
Capt. Dickson, M. B. — Thirty-three Plans of the Armies in the American Revolutionary War.
J. C. Fisher, Esq., L. L. D. — The present state of London, 1680. Gordon's Geographical Grammar. 1716.
T. Fargues, Esq., M. D. — A manuscript statement of the expenses attendant on the administration of the French American Colonies m 1758.
G. B. Faribault, Esq. — Catalogue of Works on America, 8vo.
G. B. Faribault, Esqr. the Author. ― Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur l'Histoire de l'Amérique, &c.
Col. Gleig, Mil. Seey. — Two Pamphlets on Suspension Railways and the Thames Tunnel.
Mr. A. Girod. — Histoire de Messire Bertrand de Guesclin, Connétable de France, 1618.
A Map of Prance, prepared at Paris, 1804, by order of the Minister of War.
James George, Esqr. — Five Letters on the Lumber Trade of Canada.
Captain Alexander's Transatlantic Sketches, 8vo.
A Memorial on the Lumber Trade. A few Remarks on Internal Communications in the Canadas. Pamphlet — 4 Copies.
Nath. Gould, Esquire. — On Locomotive Engines — Pamphlet.
Baron Mazere's Acts relating to Quebec — 4to, London.
Travels of several Jesuits in the Archipelago, India. China and America — 1713.
The Gypsies' Advocate — 8vo, London, 1831.
Secret Instructions of His Majesty George II. to General Wolfe, concerning the Expedition against Quebec, MS.
Transactions of the Society of Literature, Vol. II, part 2d—1834.
Statistical Tables of the United Kingdom and its
Dependencies — 2 volumes, folio.
R. H. Gairdner, Esqr. — A Fac-simile of the Death Warrant of Charles I.
Garrison Library of Quebec. — Catalogue.
Mr. R. Geggie …Golden Epistles — in Black Letter.
Application of Scripture Principles to Political Government — 8vo.
Right Honble. Sir Charles Grey. — Three Volumes of Reports of the British Association. Prout's Chemistry and Meteorology.
De la Beche's Manual of Geology.
Babbage on Machinery.
A. Gesner, Esqr. M. D. the Author. — Remarks of the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova
Mr. P. H. Gosse. — Observations on the Seasons in Newfoundland and this Country — and Meteorological Tables, kept at Carbonear in Conception Bay, on the East Coast of Newfoundland, in the vears 1833, 1834, and part of 1835 — MS.
J. Harris, Esqr. — A Meteorological Journal kept by him at Woodhouse, on Lake Erie, during 1831 — MS.
Dr. Hosack, New York. — A Memoir of Dewitt Clinton — brds 4to.
Transactions of the New York Literary and Philosophical Society — 1st Vol. 4to. Transactions of the American Medical and Philosocal Register — 8vo, 1st, 2d, 3rd and 4th Vols.
Hosack's Medical Essays, 1st 2d and 3d Vols.
An Inaugural Dis3ours3 delivered at the opening of Rutger's Medical College in the City of New York, 6th November 1826.
Wm. Henderson, Esqr. — Joannis Cameronis Scoto Britanni Theologi Opera, 1 Vol. folio —Geneva, 1658.
Revd. J. Holmes, the Author — Géographie Moderne — Programmes of the Quebec Settleminary — Quebec, 1833-4.
Mr. Wm. Hamilton. — A Mohawk Prayer Book.
Alfred Hawkins, Esqr. — A Plan of Quebec — engraved.
A. R. Hamel, Esqr. Advo. — Memoirs of the Rise and Progress of the Royal Navy—4to.
Messrs. Jackson and Alger — Remarks on the Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia — 1 Vol. 4to.
John Jones, Junr, Esqr. — Encyclopaedia Heraldiea — 37 Nos.
M. Adrien de Jussieu. — Analyse du Mémoire sur la Famille des Malpegheacés.
Instructions peur les Voyageurs et pour les Employés dans les Colonies.
De Floribus et Affinetatibus Balsaminearum.
Considération sur la Famille des Euphorbiacées.
De Euphorbeacearum Generibus Medicis Earundemque Viribus tentamen.
Principes de la Méthode naturelle des Végétaux.
M. Isidore Le Brun, Paris. — Tableau Statistique et Historique des deux Canadas.
J. Leggat, Esqr. — A Conical Projection of the Globe, with a description.
Prof Longfellow, Bowdoin College, the Author. — A Copias de Don Jorge Manrique, translated from the Spanish, with an introductory
Essay of the moral and devotional Poetry of Spain.
Outre Mer — a Filgrimage beyond Sea.
Mr. J. Lowndes. — Catalogue of the Books and Instruments belonging to the Mathematical Society of London. Syllabus of two Discourses delivered at the London University.
Entimological Magazine, — 1832
Westminster Review 1832.
Monthly Review, — 1832
Eighty-three Botanical Plates.
Teschemaeher on Exchanges.
The Act of Parliament Geo. IV. cap. 114, regulating the Vaults, Drains, &e. of the City of London.
Wm. Sheppard, Esqr. of Woodfield. — 1 The British American Register, 1 vol.
The Canadian Magazine, 20 Nos.
Twelve Pamphlets relating to Canada.
Ede's Complete view of the Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, 12mo.
Js. Miller's Synopsis of Mineralogy.
Harmon's Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America, 8vo.
Mr. Augustus Sewell. — The British American Register, 1st vol.
Duncan’s Translation of Caesar’s Commentaries, with a Discourse concerning the Roman Art of War, 2 vols. 8vo.
Dryden s Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer, 1 vol. 18mo.
Hints on Planting — a Pamphlet.
Jones' Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical instruments.
The Tragedy of King Lear, from the original MS. of Shakespeare, in the possession of S. Ireland.
Mr. Augustus Sewell, — De l'Influence de la forme des Gouvernemens sur les Nations, 8vo. — Brussels.
Report of the Commissioners for Exploring the Saguenay in 1829.
Silliman's Journal of Science, 2d No. of 6th vol.
Monody on Major André, 12mo. — 1821.
Copies of intercepted Letters to Napoleon, 8vo. 1814
Essais Historiques et Critiques sur la Marine de France — Paris 1814, 8vo.
Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. 8vo.
Bibliothèque Choisie de Littérature, 3 tomes.
Cobbet's America, 1 vol.
Demartments Theory of Field Fortifications — 30 Plates
HalidonHill, by Sir Walter Scott.
A Lecture on the Theorv of Moral Obligation, by the Revd. W. Mills.
Thoughts and Suggestions on the Education of the Peasantry of Ireland.
An Oration delivered bv S. L. Gouverneur, November 26, 1830, before the Citizens of New York, in Commemoration of the Revolution in France.
Blackwood's Metropolitan, and the Foreign Quarterly Review for 1834 — American reprint.
Robertson's Works, 2 vols. 8vo.
Toone's Chronological Historian, 2 vols.
Three Pamphlets on the State of the Province.
Ireland's Forgeries of Shakespeare.
Hardcastle on Bank Restrictions.
Report on Bank Restrictions.
Report on the St. Maurice Country.
Four Plates of Animalcules, Flowers, &c.
Revolutions de Constantinople, 1st and 2d vols.
Mr. J. Seaton.......Histoire des Etablissemens des Europeans dans les deux Indes — par Raynal, 6 vols. 8vo.
An Engraving of Trajan's Pillar at Rome.
Legislative Council……A Set of the Journals of the Legislative Council to 1834, inclusive, with the exception of those from 1792, to 1795 and 1818.
Thomas Lee, Esqr......Dictionnaire Flamand et François, par Frs. Halma, 2 vols. 4to — Amstr. 1729.
The Stream of Time, or Figurative Representation of Universal History.
Chs. Leyeil, Junr. Esqr. the Author. — Address to the Geological Society of London, 1806.
Joseph Morrin, Esqr. M. D. — A piece of Continental Paper Money, of the value of seven dollars — Philadelphia, 1775.
Communications relating to the Red River Settlement — printed by order of the House of Commons, 1 vol. folio.
J. S. McCord, Esquire, — Meteorological Table of Observations, &c. kept by him at Montreal.
Meteorological Register — kept by him.
The Mathematical Miscellany.
E. Montizambert, Esqr. — "Dispositions Innées de l'Ame et de l'Esprit." by Gall and Spurzheim, 1811, 8vo.
Dr. Mcrton……On Lactation — by Dr. Morton.
Lord Bishop of Montreal — The Liturgy of the Church of England, and select portions of Scripture, in English and Mohawk.
The Quebec Magazine, 3 Nos.
Medico Botanical Society of London l — Address of the Earl of Stanhope, Pres. 1836.
Address of the Earl of Stanhope, 1837.
John Neilson, Esqr……Report of the Commissioners appointed to visit the Penitentiaries of the United States.
Dr. Osborne, Dublin……Vol. V. of the Transactions of the Association of King's and Queen's College of Physicians Dublin.
Dr. Parant......Conchyliologie Systématique et Classification Methodique des Coquilles, 2 tomes, par Denvs de Montfort — Paris 1808, 8vo.
Honble. T. W. Primrose — Expedition from Canada, by Gen. Burgoyne, 4to,
Honble. Josiah Quincy—Transactions of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 4 vols.
American Medical Botany, six vols.
Quebec Library…… — Catalogue.
Royal Society of Edinburgh — Transactions, vol. 12, part the 2d, — vol. 13, part 1st and 2d.
David Roy, Esquire — Extraits des Registres du Gouvernment François,
Mémoires de M. D. La Rochefoucault.
Gaelic Testament, London, 1807.
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire et à l'anatomie des Mollusques, par M. C. Chevalier Cuvier.
Royal Society of Literature — Transactions, vol. 2d, and part I, of vol. 3d.
Royal Academy of Lisbon — History and Transactions of — 11 vols.
J. E. Ross, Esquire……History of Belfast in the State of Maine.
Dr. Rees……York Commercial Directory, 1834.
Prof. Sewell, Columbia College, Washington — An Address delivered before the Columbia Institute, Dec. 17, 1825.
An Eulogv on Dr. Godman, delivered 1st November, 1836.
Speech of Daniel Webster in the Senate, January 26, 1830.
An Inaugural Address delivered in the City of Washington. March 11, 1829, by S. Chapin, D.D. President of Columbia College.
Memoir of the Life, Character and Writings of Thomas Jefferson.
Memoir of the Life, Character and Writings of John Adams.
Mr. J. Seaton. — Histoire des Revolutions des Pays Bas, 1539 to 1584.
Hon. Chief Justice Sewell. — Transactions of the Plymouth Institution, 1st vol.
Narrative of the occurrences in the Indian Countries, connected with Lord Selkirk's settlements on the Red River, 1 vol. 8vo.
Umfraville's present state of Hudson's Bay, 1790, 1 vol. 8vo.
Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. London. — Transactions, 47th, 48th and 49th vols., 1st part, vol. 50, part 1st and part 2nd (for 1836.)
Andrew Stuart, Esq. — Dictionary of the Montagnais Language, in Manuscript, by P. Laure, 1726.
Andrew Stuart, Esq. — Grammatica Hurcnka. MS.
Dictionnaire Caraïbe, François — Auxère, 1663.
R. Symes, Esquire. — The Penny Magazine, 3 vols., 4to. On Gaols, Houses of Correction, &c. in England and Ireland, by Fry and Gurney, Nos. 1 to 11.
The eleventh annual Report of the Managers of the Frison Society. Boston.
W. S. Sewell, Esquire. — Colden's History cf the Five Nations, 8vo., 1750.
Société Géologique de France. — The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th vols., with the List of Members.
Fourteen numbers of Bulletins.
Honble. Wm. Smith. — Manuscript Journal of the House of Commons, for 1645, 8 volumes.
E. Smith, Esquire……War; a Heroic Poem.
Joseph Skev, Esq. M..D. D. J. G. H. — Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 36 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1816, 1819.
Société Géographique. — Two numbers of Proceedings.
L. A. Thomas, Esq. — Franchere's Voyage to the Northwest.
Henry Tavlor, Esq. — An attempt to form a system of the Creation of our Globe, &c, 12mo.
Mr. James Watt. — Tables of Meteorological Observations made by him on Cape Diamond, furnished regularly during the period of this Catalogue.
Jonathan Wurtele, Esq. — A narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by Lieut. Chappell, 1 vol., 8vo.
Toland’s History of the Celtic Religion and the Druids, 1 vol. 8vo.
Burney's Chronological History of the North Eastern Voyages of Discovery, 1 vol., 8vo.
A View of the United States of America, by Tench Coxe, 1794, 1 vol. 8 vo.
The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786, 1 vol., 8vo.
Tableau Historique des événemens survenu pendant le sac de Rome en 1527, par Jacopo Buonaparte, 1 vol., 8vo.
Burton's History of the House of Orange.
Charter and Statutes of Trinity College, Dublin.
The Tatler translated into the Low Dutch Language 4 vols., 18mo. Amsterdam, 1733, 1734, 1752.
John Wilkie, Esq. — The present state of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1716, 1 vol., 8vo.
Revd. Dr. Wilkie, A. M. — An Essay on Moral Sentiments, MS.
Four Numbers of the Canadian Magazine.
A Number of the Quebec Medical Journal.
A Copy of the Honble. Justice Fletcher's Paper on the different modes of reducing the apparent distances between the Mocn and the Sun, or a Star, in lunar observations, to the true distance, for the purpose of ascertaining the Longitude, Ms. Resources of the Canadas — by a Querist.
T. W. Willan, Esqr. — Walker’s History of the Independency — 2d part, written in the year that Charles I. was beheaded.
Captain Wright, R. E. — Four Reports on the nature and extent of the [1]
[1] NOTE. — Continuation missing in Original.
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